I am in school.
I just realise that I spent longer and longer hours in school now.
Partly it's because of work.
But I believe a large part of it, is due to the fact that home does not provide me with any kind of solace anymore.
There used to be a time where I couldn't wait for the 2.30 bell. I'd quickly pack my stuffs and rush home. Home meant a good cold drink, a nicely prepared meal, a good well-deserved rest infront of the tv, a nice warm shower and maybe a short nap.
Home = Solace from the hectic life @ work
How things have changed.
I seek solace AT the workplace.
I drag my feet home.
Cos home means, worry whether there's food on the table, whether toilet is scrubbed, whether room is tidy... basically more work, more worries and more stress.
True, no maid means more money for the family.
But sometimes I ask myself, WHAT family?
Everyone is irritated at everyoe else that FAMILY cease to exist harmoniously.
I dont even feel like talking to anyone at home.
Hell.. I dont even feel like coming home.
Not that I want to shirk responsibility.
I just wish that responsibilities are shouldered equally.
Well, did try that before.
But some people simply do not understand the meaning of shared responsibility.
Or their idea of a shared responsibility is totally different from mine.
In the end, i gave up.
Why let people walk all over me?
But of course, those people are still blind why Im doing what im doing right now.
I dont give a damn.
I have enough spending power to have my lunch/dinner outside.
I have enough money to stay out as much as possible, as many nights as I feel like it.
Come to me when you start working and know the real meaning of EXHAUSTION and STRESS.
Go get your eyesight checked. You are just blinded by some kind of misplaced loyalty. If Im the type to make a big HOOHAA everytime I do a bit of work, I would have been a HOD by now. Im not the kind of person who trumpet all the things I do. You only know there's food on the bloody table. But do you the the time, money, effort I put in, preparing the food? Of course not, cos by the time you wake up, its midday. And I've already finished cooking, you blind moron!
I've let it out.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
My crazy, fun-filled week started on Thursday afternoon when I accompanied babe to Parkway.
3 missions: a) Last minute search for a student's costume (for the 2T1 concert)
b) Last minute search for OUR own retro costume (for the concert as well)
c) To bash up a jerk working at Parkway (for this, we brought Mr Fuzz along)
Well.....let me tell you something.
I hate last minute shopping. Pressure!!
We got the costume and leggings for the fashion show.
We didnt get any for ourselves. Mr Fuzz managed to buy this nice Topman tee. And he looked superbly good in that striped brown shirt he tried. Pheeewwiiiitt...
And nope.. we didnt get to bash that ball-less jerk up cos he wasnt there (Mr Fuzz didnt have the opportunity to make use of those muscles he was flexing all the way to Parkway)
Friday was hectic.
Had a visit by the baby mouse in our staff room.
Bloody hell.. it was right in front of my face! I nearly had a coronary.
Once the bell rang at 12.30.. we wasted no time in rushing out of the school.
(hey... this is like only the 2nd time this year we didnt have our weekly meeting!)
We went to get our retro outfit at Plaza Sing.
And get this... me and babe decided to buy the same baju for the concert. Wait! Correction.
She decided and I tagged along cos her excitement was so contagious...
Then we decided we HAVE to get these shoes from NOVO...so off we went to Marina Square.
And we finally convinced Fuzz to get the brown shirt that he looked oh-so-delicious in.
Then.. we thought, why not get our hair done... 60's/70s style.. ?
Rushed off to a salon at Compass.
Babe looked so cute with those curls on top of her head.. and I got a not-so-high beehive.. hehhe...
In the end.. we looked like some flight attendants of some defunct airlines.
Concert was so-so..
But it was fun anyways...
Took lots and lots and lots of pics.
I love my new-found friends.
They make my workplace so much more bearable.
This has been the fun-ness term in my whole 3 and half years in Punggol.
I am so going to miss Fuzz and Ida once they leave the school.
Well.. the night didnt end there.
Its 18th May, for goodness sake!
My darling fetched me from school.
He looked so dashing in that very expensive shirt we bought for... ermm.. Zaki's wedding??
Made our way to Pasir Ris Park which was very appropriate for such an occasion cos that place holds a special special memory.
We had a nice dinner by the beach.
Spaghetti cooked by my favouritest chef.. Shahreil Bakri.
It looked like it was going to rain, so headed back to the car.
Thats when the presents were given.
I love the presents!
So sweeeeeeeeeettttttttt...
For our first MONTH anniversary, which was like nearly 8 years back...
Shahreil brought me to Marina, with a guitar on his back.
We had a simple celebration. I gave him a jar of cookies I baked myself. And he sang me a song that he had composed.
It was a simple simple song with the sweetest lyrics ever.
He still sings me the song from time to time.
Fast forward ... 8 years later.
He gave me a CD.
In it, the very same song.
But this time round, it was a properly recorded one.. with drums.. guitar...back-up singers???
Hahahhaha.. GOSH!!
He went to such lengths for me!
He actually got Boy and 20 Dischanger to do it for him.
The music's so great and Shahreil's voice is lovely.. as always.
It reminded me of how long we've been together.
We were just simple teenagers back then.
With no money in our pockets.
Naive. Carefree.
So much have changed. We've grown up. He has seen me grow. I have seen him grow.
We have changed.
We are not so simple anymore.
We argue from time to time.
He irritates me. I irritate him.
He makes me cry. I frustates him.
But our love is still the same.
Sometimes we are so busy leading our own lives.
Dealing with our own unhappiness, problems.. whatever misery grown-ups feel...
That we forget about the simplest things.
Like the love we have for each other.
And the song reminded me of how simple it actually, really, truly is.. I love him.
And how much he loves me.
I cried buckets.
And Shahreil had a great time snapping pics of me crying. (bukan nak tolong kesatkan airmata )
And please do not post those pics of me teary-eyed and hingus meleleh2.
Sunday, was my turn to pamper him as I couldnt do it on Sat.
And I will let Shahreil tell you guys about that.
I do hope he enjoyed the day I planned for us.
I am so tired.. but happy.
Thank you to my dear dudes and dudettes for the crazy shopping spree.
Thank you to Mar who went to help Shahreil buy me the LaSenza lingerie.
Thank you to Boy and 20 Dischanger for taking the time to do the song.
And to the most important person in my life..
Thank you for loving me.
Happy 8th Year Anniversary.
3 missions: a) Last minute search for a student's costume (for the 2T1 concert)
b) Last minute search for OUR own retro costume (for the concert as well)
c) To bash up a jerk working at Parkway (for this, we brought Mr Fuzz along)
Well.....let me tell you something.
I hate last minute shopping. Pressure!!
We got the costume and leggings for the fashion show.
We didnt get any for ourselves. Mr Fuzz managed to buy this nice Topman tee. And he looked superbly good in that striped brown shirt he tried. Pheeewwiiiitt...
And nope.. we didnt get to bash that ball-less jerk up cos he wasnt there (Mr Fuzz didnt have the opportunity to make use of those muscles he was flexing all the way to Parkway)
Friday was hectic.
Had a visit by the baby mouse in our staff room.
Bloody hell.. it was right in front of my face! I nearly had a coronary.
Once the bell rang at 12.30.. we wasted no time in rushing out of the school.
(hey... this is like only the 2nd time this year we didnt have our weekly meeting!)
We went to get our retro outfit at Plaza Sing.
And get this... me and babe decided to buy the same baju for the concert. Wait! Correction.
She decided and I tagged along cos her excitement was so contagious...
Then we decided we HAVE to get these shoes from NOVO...so off we went to Marina Square.
And we finally convinced Fuzz to get the brown shirt that he looked oh-so-delicious in.
Then.. we thought, why not get our hair done... 60's/70s style.. ?
Rushed off to a salon at Compass.
Babe looked so cute with those curls on top of her head.. and I got a not-so-high beehive.. hehhe...
In the end.. we looked like some flight attendants of some defunct airlines.
Concert was so-so..
But it was fun anyways...
Took lots and lots and lots of pics.
I love my new-found friends.
They make my workplace so much more bearable.
This has been the fun-ness term in my whole 3 and half years in Punggol.
I am so going to miss Fuzz and Ida once they leave the school.
Well.. the night didnt end there.
Its 18th May, for goodness sake!
My darling fetched me from school.
He looked so dashing in that very expensive shirt we bought for... ermm.. Zaki's wedding??
Made our way to Pasir Ris Park which was very appropriate for such an occasion cos that place holds a special special memory.
We had a nice dinner by the beach.
Spaghetti cooked by my favouritest chef.. Shahreil Bakri.
It looked like it was going to rain, so headed back to the car.
Thats when the presents were given.
I love the presents!
So sweeeeeeeeeettttttttt...
For our first MONTH anniversary, which was like nearly 8 years back...
Shahreil brought me to Marina, with a guitar on his back.
We had a simple celebration. I gave him a jar of cookies I baked myself. And he sang me a song that he had composed.
It was a simple simple song with the sweetest lyrics ever.
He still sings me the song from time to time.
Fast forward ... 8 years later.
He gave me a CD.
In it, the very same song.
But this time round, it was a properly recorded one.. with drums.. guitar...back-up singers???
Hahahhaha.. GOSH!!
He went to such lengths for me!
He actually got Boy and 20 Dischanger to do it for him.
The music's so great and Shahreil's voice is lovely.. as always.
It reminded me of how long we've been together.
We were just simple teenagers back then.
With no money in our pockets.
Naive. Carefree.
So much have changed. We've grown up. He has seen me grow. I have seen him grow.
We have changed.
We are not so simple anymore.
We argue from time to time.
He irritates me. I irritate him.
He makes me cry. I frustates him.
But our love is still the same.
Sometimes we are so busy leading our own lives.
Dealing with our own unhappiness, problems.. whatever misery grown-ups feel...
That we forget about the simplest things.
Like the love we have for each other.
And the song reminded me of how simple it actually, really, truly is.. I love him.
And how much he loves me.
I cried buckets.
And Shahreil had a great time snapping pics of me crying. (bukan nak tolong kesatkan airmata )
And please do not post those pics of me teary-eyed and hingus meleleh2.
Sunday, was my turn to pamper him as I couldnt do it on Sat.
And I will let Shahreil tell you guys about that.
I do hope he enjoyed the day I planned for us.
I am so tired.. but happy.
Thank you to my dear dudes and dudettes for the crazy shopping spree.
Thank you to Mar who went to help Shahreil buy me the LaSenza lingerie.
Thank you to Boy and 20 Dischanger for taking the time to do the song.
And to the most important person in my life..
Thank you for loving me.
Happy 8th Year Anniversary.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I had a wonderful wonderful time slacking @ home yesterday.
Thanks to my dear dr choong? cheong? cheung?
Damn. After more than 10 years I still do not know how to spell his name.
It was wonderful because, I really needed the rest.
My body. My brain. My sanity.
And the fact that mum was on leave. Daddy too. And Tiot slept over.
Wow! Superb!
So, while everyone else was slogging at work.. we were at home, chit chatting happily.
Melingkar mcm ular sawa.
Watched dvds.
Munched on tidbits.
It felt like a holiday.
Too bad we couldnt psycho Tiot to take mc as well, so off she went to work @ 8pm.
Im super excited about tomorrow.
I'm always excited about 18 May.
Because 18 May means lots of love, fun and most importantly PREZZIES!! I love prezzies!!!
Thanks to my dear dr choong? cheong? cheung?
Damn. After more than 10 years I still do not know how to spell his name.
It was wonderful because, I really needed the rest.
My body. My brain. My sanity.
And the fact that mum was on leave. Daddy too. And Tiot slept over.
Wow! Superb!
So, while everyone else was slogging at work.. we were at home, chit chatting happily.
Melingkar mcm ular sawa.
Watched dvds.
Munched on tidbits.
It felt like a holiday.
Too bad we couldnt psycho Tiot to take mc as well, so off she went to work @ 8pm.
Im super excited about tomorrow.
I'm always excited about 18 May.
Because 18 May means lots of love, fun and most importantly PREZZIES!! I love prezzies!!!
Friday, May 11, 2007

On this very date, 8 years ago.. I had a date with this guy that I've never met before.
Ala ala blind date ler..
We were supposed to meet infront of Guardian Pharmacy @ Bugis MRT.
I told him I'll be wearing a grey top and he said he will be wearing a brown t-shirt with the word INDEPENDECE written infront.
Sounds easy enough huh?
Well.. the problem is..
Both of us have problems with our eyesight.
Im rabun, and he is colourblind.
So for 10 minutes or so..we were standing metres away from each other, but I simply couldnt see the word INDEPENDENCE on his tshirt.. and he thought that my grey top was BLUE!!
Idiots! Heheh...
But other than that...
the date was totally awesome.
The best first date I've ever been on.
I still remember how suprised I was to see that he has such sweet dimples.
I still remember how good he smells (thanks to Hugo Boss)
I still remember how he gave me that 'flower'.. heheh..
I still remember how much I wanted him to hold my hands when we walked around Junction 8 looking for a public phone.
I still remember how we shared that piece of bread.
I still remember how he looked like, sitting infront of me @ LJS.
I still remember how it felt like falling in love with him at the end of our first date.
And I thank Allah for blessing me with such a wonderful man.
Happy 8th First Date Anniversary.
Ala ala blind date ler..
We were supposed to meet infront of Guardian Pharmacy @ Bugis MRT.
I told him I'll be wearing a grey top and he said he will be wearing a brown t-shirt with the word INDEPENDECE written infront.
Sounds easy enough huh?
Well.. the problem is..
Both of us have problems with our eyesight.
Im rabun, and he is colourblind.
So for 10 minutes or so..we were standing metres away from each other, but I simply couldnt see the word INDEPENDENCE on his tshirt.. and he thought that my grey top was BLUE!!
Idiots! Heheh...
But other than that...
the date was totally awesome.
The best first date I've ever been on.
I still remember how suprised I was to see that he has such sweet dimples.
I still remember how good he smells (thanks to Hugo Boss)
I still remember how he gave me that 'flower'.. heheh..
I still remember how much I wanted him to hold my hands when we walked around Junction 8 looking for a public phone.
I still remember how we shared that piece of bread.
I still remember how he looked like, sitting infront of me @ LJS.
I still remember how it felt like falling in love with him at the end of our first date.
And I thank Allah for blessing me with such a wonderful man.
Happy 8th First Date Anniversary.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Ive got lots of benda yang nak distorykan.
Almaklumlah, dah lama tak berblog..
So, where do I begin..?
Ermm.. Kita start ngan Saturday ah eh..
Well, Saturday didnt start out that nice.
I was about to start my usual bingitness with Shahreil.
Heheh.. Asik nak bingit jer tau Yati.
But suprisingly, the day was kind of nice.
Shahreil+his parents+Bik As+hubby went to Comel Molek.
(yup! finally! I was beginning to think that we wld have no pelamin..)
Then, the fetched me and off we went to Kg Glam.
6 of us in the car.. Macam ikan sardin.
Mummy-in-law bought me this nice purply kain lace.
Best kan..every time go Kg Glam dapat kain.. Heheh..
When I was growing up, I kept thinking all mother-in-laws are abusive and witch-like.
Terlalu banyak tgk citer Ibu Mertuaku agaknya.
So, I feel really really lucky that mine is so not like that.
I also used to think that getting married means losing my family.. Yelah, kan dah nak kena pindah and all that..
But lately, it occured to me that Im actually getting another mum, another dad, an elder brother and sister(which me, being the eldest, ALWAYS wanted), abg sedaras, kakak sedaras (I only have abang Khairil). Best kan????
The point is, I feel blessed.
Hanging out at Habib was fun. As usual.
I will never admit this to Shahreil cos Im supposed to hate that stupid place.
Sunday was karaoke day.
Me, Shahreil, Siddiq n Shahrul.
The most kekek part was when we sang Isabella. The one with Amy, Saleem, Jamal n Zamani.
I was Zamani, of course.
The only bummer was I nearly suffocated from all the smoke in the room.
Nothing against smokers..tapi please be considerate ler..
Not everyone like smelling like a chimney at the end of the day ok.
Then off we went to East Coast for dinner.
Im quite disappointed I couldnt get my kerang.
Im still mengidam-ing kerang right now. hint hint
Yesterday was another fun day with my darling babe.
For updates on what happened, bacalah blog dia eh.
First time I tried foot reflexology.
It sucks not being able to scream, laugh out load, moan etc etc.
It was nice.
But it cant beat the massages given by Shahreil.
Dahlah free.. its full of kasih sayang.. Heheh..
Thats all folks.
Hope this will be a good week for me. And for all of you too.
Almaklumlah, dah lama tak berblog..
So, where do I begin..?
Ermm.. Kita start ngan Saturday ah eh..
Well, Saturday didnt start out that nice.
I was about to start my usual bingitness with Shahreil.
Heheh.. Asik nak bingit jer tau Yati.
But suprisingly, the day was kind of nice.
Shahreil+his parents+Bik As+hubby went to Comel Molek.
(yup! finally! I was beginning to think that we wld have no pelamin..)
Then, the fetched me and off we went to Kg Glam.
6 of us in the car.. Macam ikan sardin.
Mummy-in-law bought me this nice purply kain lace.
Best kan..every time go Kg Glam dapat kain.. Heheh..
When I was growing up, I kept thinking all mother-in-laws are abusive and witch-like.
Terlalu banyak tgk citer Ibu Mertuaku agaknya.
So, I feel really really lucky that mine is so not like that.
I also used to think that getting married means losing my family.. Yelah, kan dah nak kena pindah and all that..
But lately, it occured to me that Im actually getting another mum, another dad, an elder brother and sister(which me, being the eldest, ALWAYS wanted), abg sedaras, kakak sedaras (I only have abang Khairil). Best kan????
The point is, I feel blessed.
Hanging out at Habib was fun. As usual.
I will never admit this to Shahreil cos Im supposed to hate that stupid place.
Sunday was karaoke day.
Me, Shahreil, Siddiq n Shahrul.
The most kekek part was when we sang Isabella. The one with Amy, Saleem, Jamal n Zamani.
I was Zamani, of course.
The only bummer was I nearly suffocated from all the smoke in the room.
Nothing against smokers..tapi please be considerate ler..
Not everyone like smelling like a chimney at the end of the day ok.
Then off we went to East Coast for dinner.
Im quite disappointed I couldnt get my kerang.
Im still mengidam-ing kerang right now. hint hint
Yesterday was another fun day with my darling babe.
For updates on what happened, bacalah blog dia eh.
First time I tried foot reflexology.
It sucks not being able to scream, laugh out load, moan etc etc.
It was nice.
But it cant beat the massages given by Shahreil.
Dahlah free.. its full of kasih sayang.. Heheh..
Thats all folks.
Hope this will be a good week for me. And for all of you too.
Friday, May 04, 2007
It is Friday. AGAIN.
But I can't say that I'm totally happy that its Friday today.
The reason being, I am still stuck in school!!!
Save me! Save me!
Most of my friends are going home already.. but poor me has a meeting @ 3pm.
Kesian tak? Kesian kan...
I have trouble sleeping lately.
I wonder why.
Its terrible cos I end up feeling lethargic everyday.
And I can see the dark circles starting to form under my eyes.
I will be looking like a panda real soon if this goes on.
But I can't say that I'm totally happy that its Friday today.
The reason being, I am still stuck in school!!!
Save me! Save me!
Most of my friends are going home already.. but poor me has a meeting @ 3pm.
Kesian tak? Kesian kan...
I have trouble sleeping lately.
I wonder why.
Its terrible cos I end up feeling lethargic everyday.
And I can see the dark circles starting to form under my eyes.
I will be looking like a panda real soon if this goes on.
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