It is true.
Girls definitely have more fun.
Today, I spent 2 hours trying bridal gowns after bridal gowns.
It was so much fun, I tell you.
I totally felt like a fairytale princess.
If only I had glass slippers and a horse-drawn carriage...
I would have been Cinderella.
But I cant say that Shahreil had as much fun as me.
The only thing he did was to help me zip/lace up the gowns.
He was, "Sorry ah miss, but she doesn't like this gown.." or "You have any other colour or not?" or "Yang, I can't zip this up! Suck it in!"
I felt guilty for having so much fun, when he didn't.
But..too bad lah huh..
This is sort of a compensation for all the pain and sufferings we have to endure during our periods.
And I'm loving it!!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Another step closer..
A flurry of activities today.
Started out early in the morning, where I had to drag myself out of bed.
6.45am on a Saturday? What a dread.
But it's definitely worth it.
Shahreil and I are now married!
Ok, not really.
But, we have finally registered at ROMM.
Kind of nerve-wrecking actually.
All these marriage thingy have been rather scary.
Cos I really do not know what to expect. (Gua belum penah kawin beb!)
I was scared during the Kursus Rumahtangga.
And I was scared just now.
But, it was so simple. I was in the room for less than 3 minutes!
Ish...buat penat jer gelabah2.
The five of us then made our way to Simpang Bedok to have our prata.
Daddy met his kampung friend who has a stall there.
And he gave us bowls after bowls of food. FREE!
Shahreil and I are now married!
Ok, not really.
But, we have finally registered at ROMM.
Kind of nerve-wrecking actually.
All these marriage thingy have been rather scary.
Cos I really do not know what to expect. (Gua belum penah kawin beb!)
I was scared during the Kursus Rumahtangga.
And I was scared just now.
But, it was so simple. I was in the room for less than 3 minutes!
Ish...buat penat jer gelabah2.
The five of us then made our way to Simpang Bedok to have our prata.
Daddy met his kampung friend who has a stall there.
And he gave us bowls after bowls of food. FREE!
Then, the ladies went to JB to make the kad jemputan.
Pening kepala aku jadinya!
But luckily, I have Ikin (as usual) settle it all.
She has kindly offered to sponsor my wedding invites.
Terima kasih daun keladi.
After Maghrib, I made my way to Woodlands.
Shahreil fetched me and we went to rumah Bik As.
Chicken rice party! Who has ever heard of such a party??
Cute kan?
We left early cos we had a midnite movie date with the rest of the guys.
Me, Anang, Shahrul, Siddiq and Adil squeezed into 1 car.
I was kind of nervous cos it was driven by Adil who just got his license like 2 days back.
Tapi maintain cool jer ah. Heheheh.. Not bad thou! Terrer gak bakal adik sedara ipar aku ni bawak kereta.
Simpsons was ok.
Let me confess. I'm not a fan of The Simpsons.
Shahreil put me through a Simpsons test before he booked the tix.
Which, I flunked badly.
But, it was funny I guess.
And Homer reminds me of Shahreil.
Gosh! I can just imagine Shahreil to be like that once we are married!
So full of crap! Ingat dia kiut ah tu.. Rilek sua!
Oooppss.... I shouldn't talk bad about my husband..
Sorry eh... Saya mintak maaf..
Its 3 am. Im sleepy.
Good night, folks!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Kesian, kena duduk meja lain. (Family besau sangat)
A Happy 55th for The Most Huggable Daddy!
A simple affair today, cos the birthday boy did not want the usual dinners at restaurants.He wanted satay at East Coast.
Hope dah tak mengidam lagi eh..
And let me give the same speech he gives us everytime its OUR birthdays...
"Umur tu dah semakin meningkat. Perangai pun nak kena ubah.. Jangan jahat2.."
Heheheh.. Happy Birthday Daddy!
sally sendiri
My latest obsession. Peterpan's Sally Sendiri. Last I heard this was in 2006, during Peterpan's mingle dingle with the fans at Chijmes. Fell in love with it instantly.
To my dearest miss wedding planner, Ikin.
Why don't you get Ariel for my bachelorette party? Amcam cakap? Best kan?? Or at the very least, grab any Ariel-lookalikes? Or any mat kotais? Wak kedewaks?? Boleh ahhhh? Bolehh???
I am sure Shahreil won't mind. Alah...Ariel.. Shahreil.. apa beza? Takde bezanya...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The renovation has started.
For those of you who are clueless, let me explain.
My parents decided to renovate all three toilets in the house.
Reason given: The toilets in dire need for a renovation.
Actual reason: Nak sambut menantu.
Which is kind of silly actually, cos Shahreil has been using our toilets for the past 8 years!
Well, suka hati dorang lah eh...
I will benefit from it also. Walaupun cuma untuk beberapa bulan sahaja.
So, now the upper floor is in a mess.
We can only use the toilet in the kitchen, which is sucky cos I've never ever in my 11 years there, ever bathed in it! The only times I've been in that toilet, are when I need to fill the pails with water to mop/water plants.
I survived (THIS MORNING, at least!) imagining that I'm bathing in Buru. (the toilets there are so much worse but I never seem to mind)
SO, yup.... 2 weeks of torture.
Shahreil no longer need to complain that I take so long to bathe.
For those of you who are clueless, let me explain.
My parents decided to renovate all three toilets in the house.
Reason given: The toilets in dire need for a renovation.
Actual reason: Nak sambut menantu.
Which is kind of silly actually, cos Shahreil has been using our toilets for the past 8 years!
Well, suka hati dorang lah eh...
I will benefit from it also. Walaupun cuma untuk beberapa bulan sahaja.
So, now the upper floor is in a mess.
We can only use the toilet in the kitchen, which is sucky cos I've never ever in my 11 years there, ever bathed in it! The only times I've been in that toilet, are when I need to fill the pails with water to mop/water plants.
I survived (THIS MORNING, at least!) imagining that I'm bathing in Buru. (the toilets there are so much worse but I never seem to mind)
SO, yup.... 2 weeks of torture.
Shahreil no longer need to complain that I take so long to bathe.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
What better way to celebrate the end of my pms, than with a bit of shopping spree?
Me and the anang made our way to town on a lazy Sunday afternoon, and the crazy shopping started!
I think he is obsessed with shoes. Asyik-asyik beli kasut.
I bet he has more shoes than me.
And he has this irritating habit of going to other shops to look at the same shoe he has just bought, for reasons still unknown to me.
Tapi hari ini... Nurhayati sudah pun mengalahkan Shahreil Bakri.
I bought TWO shoes!
And I bought my M.A.C stuffs (compact, eyeliner and blusher), something2 from Goldheart, Taboo and Magicball from Toys R Us... I think I blew more than $300 within 2 hours.
Once again, Yati is poorer but happier.
Me and the anang made our way to town on a lazy Sunday afternoon, and the crazy shopping started!
I think he is obsessed with shoes. Asyik-asyik beli kasut.
I bet he has more shoes than me.
And he has this irritating habit of going to other shops to look at the same shoe he has just bought, for reasons still unknown to me.
Tapi hari ini... Nurhayati sudah pun mengalahkan Shahreil Bakri.
I bought TWO shoes!
And I bought my M.A.C stuffs (compact, eyeliner and blusher), something2 from Goldheart, Taboo and Magicball from Toys R Us... I think I blew more than $300 within 2 hours.
Once again, Yati is poorer but happier.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007

No classes AT ALL, for the kids are either at camp or having mock exam or e-learning..
Only tonnes of marking to complete.
Other than that, it was superbly peaceful.
It was raining heavily, and we babes of SR2 (Dijah, Su, Ida, Dana and me), craved jemput-jemput and teh tarik.
Couldn't do anything about the jemput-jemput, but as for the teh tarik...
Well... Dana actually made teh tarik for us!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Something's bugging me.
But I can't seem to be able to pinpoint the exact cause.
It gets worse whenever I have nothing to do. Like now.
How easy it is to blame it on hormones.
But I'm sure it's not.
I think I'm getting cold feet.
When I think about the wedding, I'm excited.
When I think about the marriage, I'm scared.
Terrified, really.
And everyone around me seems to think I'm in one of my merepek-no-need-to-layan mode when I say I'm scared.
But I freakingly terrified!
I think I'm about to burst into tears again.
Maybe it's the hormones after all.
But I can't seem to be able to pinpoint the exact cause.
It gets worse whenever I have nothing to do. Like now.
How easy it is to blame it on hormones.
But I'm sure it's not.
I think I'm getting cold feet.
When I think about the wedding, I'm excited.
When I think about the marriage, I'm scared.
Terrified, really.
And everyone around me seems to think I'm in one of my merepek-no-need-to-layan mode when I say I'm scared.
But I freakingly terrified!
I think I'm about to burst into tears again.
Maybe it's the hormones after all.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
The weekend looked kind of bleak initially.
I was totally cranky on Thursday night, which was kind of weird as hours before that, I was happily laughing and gossiping with my dearest sis n cousins.
Me and Ikin decided to treat our darling Aishah, Yani and Nadia at Fish and Co.
There were 2 waiters who caught our eyes.
One we called Baby for he was gorgeous but a bit too fragile looking.
The other was appropriately called Papa Jahat, cos he looked like one.
I prefer the Papa Jahat, of course.
Fragile looking guys, no matter how yummy, do not make my knees go weak.
That explains my obsession with Wak Kangs and Mat Kotais.
Back to my crankiness, well, I guess its the hormones talking.
Shahreil was clever enough to stay away from me for the weekend.
Wedding Video job konon!
Mesti bedek tau.... heheh..
This morning was ok, me and Ikin went to Geylang.
Jalan sana, jalan sini.
Then we ate at Bali Thai at TM.
She went to meet her friends, I went home.
Napped. The crankiness sets in again.
Especially when I looked around my room and saw the mess that it was in.
And especially when I was woken up by people chatting loudly around me.
Gosh! SO many rooms in the house, and they chose to talk in mine!
I decided to make myself feel better.
By cleaning my room.
1.5 hours of throwing things and dusting n wiping n moping.
Now, my room looks good, smells of lavender.. and I feel better.
Switched on the PC.
Went to youtube and searched for songs.
First up- 80s-90s Dangdut songs.
That was so fun! I got to watch songs which I used to sing to when I was in pri/sec school!
The rest crept into my room when they heard me singing at the top of my lungs. hahahah..
They were excited as well and titles after titles were suddenly remembered!
The weirdest was Cukur Dulu Kumismu.
Then I searched for Feminin, Res2, Elite, Nico, A2Z!
Happy memories.
I was so happy back then.
Life was so simple.
I was totally cranky on Thursday night, which was kind of weird as hours before that, I was happily laughing and gossiping with my dearest sis n cousins.
Me and Ikin decided to treat our darling Aishah, Yani and Nadia at Fish and Co.
There were 2 waiters who caught our eyes.
One we called Baby for he was gorgeous but a bit too fragile looking.
The other was appropriately called Papa Jahat, cos he looked like one.
I prefer the Papa Jahat, of course.
Fragile looking guys, no matter how yummy, do not make my knees go weak.
That explains my obsession with Wak Kangs and Mat Kotais.
Back to my crankiness, well, I guess its the hormones talking.
Shahreil was clever enough to stay away from me for the weekend.
Wedding Video job konon!
Mesti bedek tau.... heheh..
This morning was ok, me and Ikin went to Geylang.
Jalan sana, jalan sini.
Then we ate at Bali Thai at TM.
She went to meet her friends, I went home.
Napped. The crankiness sets in again.
Especially when I looked around my room and saw the mess that it was in.
And especially when I was woken up by people chatting loudly around me.
Gosh! SO many rooms in the house, and they chose to talk in mine!
I decided to make myself feel better.
By cleaning my room.
1.5 hours of throwing things and dusting n wiping n moping.
Now, my room looks good, smells of lavender.. and I feel better.
Switched on the PC.
Went to youtube and searched for songs.
First up- 80s-90s Dangdut songs.
That was so fun! I got to watch songs which I used to sing to when I was in pri/sec school!
The rest crept into my room when they heard me singing at the top of my lungs. hahahah..
They were excited as well and titles after titles were suddenly remembered!
The weirdest was Cukur Dulu Kumismu.
Then I searched for Feminin, Res2, Elite, Nico, A2Z!
Happy memories.
I was so happy back then.
Life was so simple.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Dearest Abang,
Wow! My baby brother is not such a baby anymore, huh?
12 years old???
One more year before you are considered a teenager.
My baby brother, a teenager????!
Do you know I had a hard time searching for your present just now?
Suddenly, getting you a birthday present isn't as easy as it used to be.
It's no longer, Let's go to Toys R Us and grab anything off the shelf and I'm sure you'll be esctatic over whatever present I get you.
Please don't grow up so fast, Abang.
I still want to kiss you as and when I please.
I still want you to call me sayang without feeling embarrassed.
I still want to squeeze your butt when you walk past me.
I still want to mess up your hair when u sit in front of me.
I still want to lie down beside you and watch cartoon on Kids Central.
I still want to look out the window and talk about what bike you want to buy when you grow up.
I still want you to be my baby brother.
Happy 12th Birthday, dearest Abang.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Monday's over!
I always feel much better on a Monday night.
The day wasn't that bad.
Lessons were a breeze.
And suprise suprise.. Anang was on MC today.
Notti eh! Too bad for NUS, good news for me.
Walked round and round Marina Square, me whining about my tired feet.
Anang was sweet enough to be understanding about that.
He even offered to massage them.
BUT! We came up with a better idea!
We went to both OGAWA and OSIM to try their feet massage!
Before you guys start saying, eh eh.. teruknya budak berdua ni..
Let me assure you, we really are thinking about getting one ok.
So, we asked all the serious questions.. It's a bonus that our feet got pampered at the same time.
Anyways, I love my Anang.
Puke, if you want.
I don't care.
I love him lots and lots and lots.
The thing is, he irritates the hell out of me.
But the more irritating he is, the more adorable I find him.
Let me tell you a secret...
I always eksen bingit when he bite/geram-geram/cubit me...
But the truth is, I love it.
I don't need sweet nothings.
The cubits are enough to make me feel loved.
Here's the pics of our debut into the hip hop world.
And Patrick..can I have the videos please!
I always feel much better on a Monday night.
The day wasn't that bad.
Lessons were a breeze.
And suprise suprise.. Anang was on MC today.
Notti eh! Too bad for NUS, good news for me.
Walked round and round Marina Square, me whining about my tired feet.
Anang was sweet enough to be understanding about that.
He even offered to massage them.
BUT! We came up with a better idea!
We went to both OGAWA and OSIM to try their feet massage!
Before you guys start saying, eh eh.. teruknya budak berdua ni..
Let me assure you, we really are thinking about getting one ok.
So, we asked all the serious questions.. It's a bonus that our feet got pampered at the same time.
Anyways, I love my Anang.
Puke, if you want.
I don't care.
I love him lots and lots and lots.
The thing is, he irritates the hell out of me.
But the more irritating he is, the more adorable I find him.
Let me tell you a secret...
I always eksen bingit when he bite/geram-geram/cubit me...
But the truth is, I love it.
I don't need sweet nothings.
The cubits are enough to make me feel loved.
Here's the pics of our debut into the hip hop world.
And Patrick..can I have the videos please!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I can blog from home!
Thanks to Mahathir who found the runaway modem.
Thanks to dearest who fiddled with this and that to make it work again.
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
I am a cranky biatch right now.
Shahreil would roll his eyes and say "All the time, actually.."
But really, I am a cranky bitch every Sunday.
It's what I call the Sunday blues..
Yes.. my Sunday blues so much worse that my Monday blues.
People at home avoid me as much as they can on Sundays, especially after 5pm.
Before that, I am still quite bearable... but after 5, the bitch mode is on full swing.
When will this end?
Maybe when I finally get to be a tai tai, with no lesson plans to complete and exam papers to set during the weekends.
That will be the day..
Till then, let me continue being my bitter self.
Thanks to Mahathir who found the runaway modem.
Thanks to dearest who fiddled with this and that to make it work again.
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
I am a cranky biatch right now.
Shahreil would roll his eyes and say "All the time, actually.."
But really, I am a cranky bitch every Sunday.
It's what I call the Sunday blues..
Yes.. my Sunday blues so much worse that my Monday blues.
People at home avoid me as much as they can on Sundays, especially after 5pm.
Before that, I am still quite bearable... but after 5, the bitch mode is on full swing.
When will this end?
Maybe when I finally get to be a tai tai, with no lesson plans to complete and exam papers to set during the weekends.
That will be the day..
Till then, let me continue being my bitter self.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
What a busy but super duper fun week!
The whole of last week was spent dancing dancing dancing.
My body is still aching from all the hopping and butt slapping.
And I thought to myself, why am I even doing all these???
Come Friday, I had thousands of butterflies in me stomach!
When was the last time I performed onstage?? WAYYYyyyyy back in JC.
And performing for your students seemed far worse than performing for your peers.
And HIP HOP??? Hahahha... Aku ni minah ronggeng beb.
But all the hard work was well worth it.
I had my Britney Spears moment. Pics will be uploaded later eh. Video too...
Once I have my hand on those things.
Finally bought the bed (or, according to Anang, part of the baby making machine)
Love what we bought.
Cant wait to use it.
Monday was spent shopping with my dear babe.
I felt like a tai tai, shopping on a weekday.
Belanja tak ingat dunia.
But we needed the retail therapy.
I ended up poorer but happier.
The whole of last week was spent dancing dancing dancing.
My body is still aching from all the hopping and butt slapping.
And I thought to myself, why am I even doing all these???
Come Friday, I had thousands of butterflies in me stomach!
When was the last time I performed onstage?? WAYYYyyyyy back in JC.
And performing for your students seemed far worse than performing for your peers.
And HIP HOP??? Hahahha... Aku ni minah ronggeng beb.
But all the hard work was well worth it.
I had my Britney Spears moment. Pics will be uploaded later eh. Video too...
Once I have my hand on those things.
Finally bought the bed (or, according to Anang, part of the baby making machine)
Love what we bought.
Cant wait to use it.
Monday was spent shopping with my dear babe.
I felt like a tai tai, shopping on a weekday.
Belanja tak ingat dunia.
But we needed the retail therapy.
I ended up poorer but happier.
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