Hey everyone! I decided not to be like the rest of you guys who do NOT update your blog (boring tau tiap2 hari takde mende baru nak baca kat blog korang2!).
There are so many things happening in my life, but I just couldn't seem to find the time/energy/mood to type it out. So, I will try to recap stuffs in short little paragraphs.
a) Overdosing on St John
Can you believe that I went to that place twice within a week? Giler ke? And I'm not a big fan of the whole sun, sand and the sea thingy. Bukan apa... takut gelap. Some people may look good tanned and all, but I'm not one of those lucky souls. And I hate going around with patches of skin peeling off my body. But having said all that, I have to admit that I had tremendous fun during both trips. I went there unwilling both times but I had so much fun. I decided to swim.. since I know I'd hate watching the rest having fun in the water, I was persuaded to play rumah dayak (which was a blast!), I happily played charade and had a wonderful time at Mind's Cafe.
b) Mixed feelings about being at the new workplace
Yang ni susah nak cakap. I hate being the new girl, of course. Having to start all over again can be a little sucky, but I guess its like starting on a totally new slate. I really miss my friends. I sat in the meeting wishing they were there with me and we could do the usual passing of notes/ criticising she-whom-we-shall-not-name's dress sense/giggle2/ngumpat2 dan perkara-perkara yang sewaktu dengannya. I hate coming into the office and not being able to say hi to everyone and getting hugs that usually lift my spirits up early in the morning. I looked around and I realises that these people will be my new 'family'. It felt just like when I had to move house after I got married. Sedih sey.. But like they say, CHange is the only constant. And I think it's definitely bettert that I moved out of my comfort zone. I was beginning to get very bitter at the old place. I was beginning to mentally resist everything that was implemented, which I know, is not healthy.
c) Getting back to work is NOT easy.
Duh! After many months of membesarkan bontot, what do you expect right? At the end of every meeting for the past too days, I got terrible headaches. Dah lama tak exercise the brains kot. Hehe... Plus the fact that Ryan has been waking up like every 2 hours for the past few nights! ARGHHH!! Why now?! Stress aku!! Nasib baik aku sayang kau! Kalau tak......
I really do not know how I'd cope with the lack of sleep and having to be perky in class. We'll see how. I will update you after a week or so at work.
d) House hunting
We went to our first house viewing today. The house was nice and all, but the price a bit too steep.. I just can't wait to get my own house and give Ryan his own room! And I think Shahreil's room here is going to burst soon with the ever increasing number of stuffs we've bought! AND most importantly, I can finally start cooking. I actually missed cooking and baking. Masak kat rumah sendiri ngan kat rumah orang lain wooo! And I better start cooking again before I forget how to cook!
e) Ryan is getting cuter by the day.
I especially love it when he smiles. It makes all the shittiness I feel go away. And it makes the sleepless nights feel worth it. I can't wait for him to be able to give me a hug and a kiss. Heheheh.. And sometimes when I look at him, I still can't believe he is MY son. I have a son? Me? Hahahah...
f) Impulsive decisions
Well, another relative of mine making another impulsive decision that I personally believe to be totally ridiculous. Downright stoopid! And what's worse, people that I feel should be responsible in advising the said person, aren't doing anything either. Bodoh! Ni suma orang-orang yang tak pandai matematik! Tak pikir panjang. Nanti, masa depan dah hancur lebur salahkan orang lain ah padahal diri sendiri tak tau nak pikir and tak nak dengar nasihat orang. Tapi..kalau si luncai dah nak terjun lengan labunya..apa boleh buat kan? Biarkan....
Ohhh k... dah banyak mende ni.
Menyenyeh jer si Yati. Tidur pun baik!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Blues are approaching..
December holiday is ending soon and it never fails to give me the blues.
Especially bad this year as I had been enjoying myself (if i don't think about the post natal blues) for more than 3 months.
Add the fact that Im moving to a totally new place, leaving my comfort zone.. really daunting!
I wish I can angkut ALL my friends along ... Khadijah, Su, Asz, Fadhli.. *sigh*
And I dread the fact that I will now officially be a working mum. I personally feel that it is not the best way to bring up a kid.. but ordinary folks like me have no choice huh? I am so going to miss being with Ryan. ARGHHHH!! I wish I can just stay at home and look after him! But, at the same time, I can't deny the fact that I do miss working too. (crazy!) But true..
Especially bad this year as I had been enjoying myself (if i don't think about the post natal blues) for more than 3 months.
Add the fact that Im moving to a totally new place, leaving my comfort zone.. really daunting!
I wish I can angkut ALL my friends along ... Khadijah, Su, Asz, Fadhli.. *sigh*
And I dread the fact that I will now officially be a working mum. I personally feel that it is not the best way to bring up a kid.. but ordinary folks like me have no choice huh? I am so going to miss being with Ryan. ARGHHHH!! I wish I can just stay at home and look after him! But, at the same time, I can't deny the fact that I do miss working too. (crazy!) But true..
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A happy birthday?
I can't believe I went to see the doctor TWICE within one hour. First, was for myself.. who had been coughing non-stop the night before. It was so terrible and I noticed my phelgm (?) had little teeny weeny dots of blood in them.
When I reached home, I realised that Ryan's body was rather hot too. Initially I thought that I was just being paranoid. But I decided to take his temperature and it was 38 degree plus plus. Alamak! Demam! Tangan dah ngegel ni... I decided to bathe him and when I took his temperature again it was a high 37 degree... Off to the doc! I wasnt going to take any chances with my precious little boy! And to make things worse, he was actually moaning all the way to the doc. I've never seen him like that before. Honestly, I was so scared! Especially since people kept saying how fever in an infant, especially a boy, is dangerous.
So, the day was spent sponging him. I was so worried about Ryan that I totally forgot that I was sick too. Luckily, Shahreil took over when he came back from work so that I can finally give in to my drowsiness and sleep. Not for long though cos Ryan started crying. NON STOP! That was really scary! I didnt know what he wanted, whether he was in pain, or how to help him.. it was so frustrating...
In the end, I asked Shahreil to call ayah to ask for advise. Ayah told us to baca a particular surah 11 times and blow at Ryan's forehead. After doing it a couple of time without any success, I called ayah and begged him to come over. Well, no begging needed actually, since he'd do anything for his grandson.
Alhamdulillah... Ryan is ok now. ANd I'm glad I survived his first fever. +phew+
I am doing ok as a mother, so far. I hope.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Minyak Kelapa Dara

So, here it is!
People have been asking me about the intimate cream and its functions.
Saya nak explain tak pandai sangat, so I cilok this from Ikin's multiply:
Now, for the FEMININE SET. (highly recommended to be used by Married Women)
It consist of the Feminine Wash & the Intimate Cream (and that's why I say for Married women). Both the wash and cream is made from VCO and Manjakani. Well, by now, you should know the benefits of VCO right? Anti-virus & anti bakteria. So, the wash helps to kill any bakteria. Jadi tkderlah yeast, gatal-gatal, keputihan or bau. Bagus jugak utk yg sakit puan mcm STDs etc. Yg manjakani ni lak, selain drpd kasi bau yg sedap (both bau mcm sabun baby!!!! i likeeeee!), dier ada tightening effect. Faham-faham sajalah maksudku.
Untuk wash, gunakan 2-3 titik je. Boleh digunakan hari2. utk cream, recommended to sapu di luar dan sedikittttt di dalam, 5-10 mins sebelum intercourse. Menurut lady boss, cream ni syiokknyer lbh pada wanita sebenarnya.
It consist of the Feminine Wash & the Intimate Cream (and that's why I say for Married women). Both the wash and cream is made from VCO and Manjakani. Well, by now, you should know the benefits of VCO right? Anti-virus & anti bakteria. So, the wash helps to kill any bakteria. Jadi tkderlah yeast, gatal-gatal, keputihan or bau. Bagus jugak utk yg sakit puan mcm STDs etc. Yg manjakani ni lak, selain drpd kasi bau yg sedap (both bau mcm sabun baby!!!! i likeeeee!), dier ada tightening effect. Faham-faham sajalah maksudku.
Untuk wash, gunakan 2-3 titik je. Boleh digunakan hari2. utk cream, recommended to sapu di luar dan sedikittttt di dalam, 5-10 mins sebelum intercourse. Menurut lady boss, cream ni syiokknyer lbh pada wanita sebenarnya.
Dengar khabar the intimate cream is the rage at my mummy's workplace.. Teeeheee..
Basically, theres so many other products lah. Complete beauty care, slimming lotion (this one I can't wait!), the sabuns (which I love. When are the new stocks coming in?!!!). Nak citer panjang2, malas lah... If you want to know more, termasuk price listing and all... saya rasa go to her multiply straight lah! Senang citer!
Friday, December 05, 2008
Virgin Coconut Oil
Feminine Wash & Intimate Cream
I read Ikin's multiply today and I saw this review by one of her customers:
Hi all, this is the review I got from our fellow Multiplyer on the VCO Loquid. FYI, the VCO was delivered to her on Nov 1.
Her Review -
"Hi Sis, I have try VCO and its work..i have lose 4 kg and my pants da start longgar. I also have recommend to my frens. Thanks Ikin for recommended me the VCO. "
At that point of time, I felt like banging my head against the wall. Why?
Well...IF i had been taking the said VCO diligently myself, I MIGHT have been the one losing the 4kg! Damn!
Ok, you guys might be wondering what the heck is a VCO?
VCO stands for Virgin Coconut Oil. After giving birth to Ryan, Ikin kindly gave me a bottle of Cenderawasih Secret's VCO. She did list down the benefits and all, which, truth be told sounded a little too good to be true. I mean, all these health benefits can be found in that little bottle she gave me? I did consume the VCO or Minyak Kelapa Dara diligently for the first week.. but after that... hehehhe.. Those who know me well will know that I lose interest in stuffs very fast. Just ask my siblings! I will go Jom! Main makcik2! to Ahhhh! Dahlah..aku malas nak main lagi! or Nak main cikgu2... Ahhh.. Dah ah! AKu nak stop! or Jom! Buat kuih suji sekarang! to Ahhh!! DAh ah! Korang sambung, aku dah penat! hehehehe
So, the point is...I took it diligently for one week and after that..kadang-kadang makan, kadang2 tak. (Mati aku kena pelangkung dengan Ikin!! Lariiiiiiiiiii...!!!) SO, padanlah muka aku bila baca review customer Ikin tu.. Budak tu sebulan ajer dah habiskan 2 botol. AKu ni satu botol makan 4 bulan pon tak habis lagik! Hahahah! And I did some readings online about the benefits of VCO, memang bagus benda tu..
Here's the link: http://www.thevirgincoconutoil.com/
SO! Ikin! AKu akan beli 2 botol darpada engkau bila dapat gaji next week.. And I PROMISE I will eat it diligently!
But before ko start marah2 aku, I did use your VCO Feminine set ok! And that product rocks too!!! Kat atas tu pic Feminine Set. VCO nyer pic I takde lagik, wait till I have, then I upload lah ye.
Peeps, anyone yang interested about these products can ask me lah ye..
Monday, December 01, 2008
Spring Cleaning
I can't believe that I actually completed cleaning my bursting wardrobe. Like, finally!
Woah! I really do have lots of clothes and some still have tags on it. But I always end up wearing the same ones... heheh..
It's not an easy task.
I don't remember taking this long to reorganize my wardrobe before.
What to do... I had to stop every 10 mins to layan the Tengku Mahkota Ryan. Not that I mind though. Going back to work last month just made me realise how precious my time with the boy is. It felt horrible, those 3 weeks of going to work and leaving him at home. I felt that I missed out a lot. I made a promise to myself that I'd just enjoy chilling out with him. But I do need the weekly alone time with hubby though, in case ibu/Ikin read this and decide not to babysit Ryan anymore! Heheheh..
I'm so tired.
And I still need to do my Values Education lesson plan! *sigh*
Good night, peeps!
Woah! I really do have lots of clothes and some still have tags on it. But I always end up wearing the same ones... heheh..
It's not an easy task.
I don't remember taking this long to reorganize my wardrobe before.
What to do... I had to stop every 10 mins to layan the Tengku Mahkota Ryan. Not that I mind though. Going back to work last month just made me realise how precious my time with the boy is. It felt horrible, those 3 weeks of going to work and leaving him at home. I felt that I missed out a lot. I made a promise to myself that I'd just enjoy chilling out with him. But I do need the weekly alone time with hubby though, in case ibu/Ikin read this and decide not to babysit Ryan anymore! Heheheh..
I'm so tired.
And I still need to do my Values Education lesson plan! *sigh*
Good night, peeps!
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