Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A year older
Morning everyone!
Here I am blogging in school so early in the morning. I'm actually eagerly waiting for the time to go back home. Counting the seconds, yes I am! What a bummer, spending my 21st birthday in camp. Nak nangis boleh? Apakan daya, tugas itu kan satu tanggungjawab dan amanah yang perlu kita laksanakan sebaik mungkin. Cedebah!
Why am I so perky this morning, since I barely slept last night? Biasalah Yati, takot hantoooooo.. Kwang kwang kwang... Padahal takde apa2 tau. Momok tgk pun agaknyer ketawa, dalam hati dia,"Apa aja minah ni, siapa nak gi kacau engkau. Selubung sana, selubung sini..." Sambil dia mengilai sendiri dalam hati. (kalau mengilai kuat, gerenti aku panjat gate and cabot balik rumah)
Itulah kisahnya, harijadi yang dihabiskan di tempat kerja. Terima kasih bagi yang ingat dan sms/kol/msg di Facebook. Sayang jugak korang ngan aku ye.
Kelmarin bila ibu tgk lilin atas the bday kek, dia terperanjat sendiri... Huh?! Kau dah 29 tahun?!!! Hahahhaha... Tak cayakan? Tok Ne(my granny) lagik kekek, 2 plus plus years ago, she thought I'm in my teens.
Tok Ne: Kesian Yati...muda-muda lagik dah nak kena kahwin.
CIk Niah: Mak! Umur dia dah berapa, apa pulak kesian?
Tok Ne: Brape umur dia?
Cik Niah: 26, mak!
Tok Ne: Laaaa...mak ingat baru 16 tahun.
Aku senyum kambing jer kat situ.
Dah tua rupanyer aku ni eh. 29! Mak oii.. Baru hari tu aku belek magazine, ada pompan ni, umur dia 27 tahun, aku Then baru teringat.. ALAMAK! Aku lagi tua daripada dia lah! Muahahhahaha...
Sebenarnya sejak 2 tiga tahun lepas, ada jugak terasa tua sikit. Kalau dulu, I didn't grow much emotionally, mentally (or physically!) ever since I was 18..sekrang dah terasa lah sikit. Bila dah kahwin, rasa sikit, bila pregnant rasa sikit, bila dah jadik mummy, rasa banyak wooooo. Marriage and mother begitu mendewasakan.
It feels good that at this age, things are quite settled for me.
A wonderful, handsome, macho, Johnny Depp look-alike for a husband. (ikin mesti muntah skrg)
A healthy, happy, cheeky baby.
A career that keeps me feeling young, energized, satisfied and full of self-worth.
A small, cute little red car.
A small, cute little house.
Wei...aku dah tulis panjang2, masih 8.10am. Bila nak kul 9 ni!
Here I am blogging in school so early in the morning. I'm actually eagerly waiting for the time to go back home. Counting the seconds, yes I am! What a bummer, spending my 21st birthday in camp. Nak nangis boleh? Apakan daya, tugas itu kan satu tanggungjawab dan amanah yang perlu kita laksanakan sebaik mungkin. Cedebah!
Why am I so perky this morning, since I barely slept last night? Biasalah Yati, takot hantoooooo.. Kwang kwang kwang... Padahal takde apa2 tau. Momok tgk pun agaknyer ketawa, dalam hati dia,"Apa aja minah ni, siapa nak gi kacau engkau. Selubung sana, selubung sini..." Sambil dia mengilai sendiri dalam hati. (kalau mengilai kuat, gerenti aku panjat gate and cabot balik rumah)
Itulah kisahnya, harijadi yang dihabiskan di tempat kerja. Terima kasih bagi yang ingat dan sms/kol/msg di Facebook. Sayang jugak korang ngan aku ye.
Kelmarin bila ibu tgk lilin atas the bday kek, dia terperanjat sendiri... Huh?! Kau dah 29 tahun?!!! Hahahhaha... Tak cayakan? Tok Ne(my granny) lagik kekek, 2 plus plus years ago, she thought I'm in my teens.
Tok Ne: Kesian Yati...muda-muda lagik dah nak kena kahwin.
CIk Niah: Mak! Umur dia dah berapa, apa pulak kesian?
Tok Ne: Brape umur dia?
Cik Niah: 26, mak!
Tok Ne: Laaaa...mak ingat baru 16 tahun.
Aku senyum kambing jer kat situ.
Dah tua rupanyer aku ni eh. 29! Mak oii.. Baru hari tu aku belek magazine, ada pompan ni, umur dia 27 tahun, aku Then baru teringat.. ALAMAK! Aku lagi tua daripada dia lah! Muahahhahaha...
Sebenarnya sejak 2 tiga tahun lepas, ada jugak terasa tua sikit. Kalau dulu, I didn't grow much emotionally, mentally (or physically!) ever since I was 18..sekrang dah terasa lah sikit. Bila dah kahwin, rasa sikit, bila pregnant rasa sikit, bila dah jadik mummy, rasa banyak wooooo. Marriage and mother begitu mendewasakan.
It feels good that at this age, things are quite settled for me.
A wonderful, handsome, macho, Johnny Depp look-alike for a husband. (ikin mesti muntah skrg)
A healthy, happy, cheeky baby.
A career that keeps me feeling young, energized, satisfied and full of self-worth.
A small, cute little red car.
A small, cute little house.
Wei...aku dah tulis panjang2, masih 8.10am. Bila nak kul 9 ni!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Sejak dua tiga minggu ni, saya teramat-amatlah mengidam nak makan tempoyak. Macam terasa-rasa keenakan tempoyak ni di hujung lidah. Kalau dihitung-hitung, dah setahun lebih tak makan tempoyak. Patutlah sampai meliur sekarang ni!
Mula-mula pening jugak lah kepala dok pikiak mana aku nak cari tempoyak. Bukannya ada jual kat supermarket. Kat pasar Geylang pun tak tentu lagi. Selalunya ibu yang buat sendiri kot. Nak suruh ibu buatkan..alahai.. manjalah pulak. Lainlah kalau aku tengah pregnant cucu dia yang nombor dua kan? Mintak aja.. nak bulan? Nak bintang? Suma gerenti dia buatkan.
Pikir punya pikir... haaa... apa susah! Sekarang kan zaman canggih, zaman internet, zaman berteknologi tinggi. Google aja! HAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa.... jangan tak tau, resipi kampung macam ni pun dah make its way to the net you know!
Rupanya senang by two...
Isi durian, cuci and tapis semalaman..
Campur dengan gula and garam sikit.
Kunyit, biar dia lebih kuning lagik..
And tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Aku tau ler, bila korang tgk gambar kat atas tu korang pikir... Eeeeeeeeee....amende ni?! Kalau omputih kata, don't judge a book by it's cover.. ni kira macam.. don't judge a lauk by it's rupa.
Lagipun, belum lagik habis resipi aku ni.. Dah tinggalkan semalaman, masukkan mende ni dalam bekas untuk 4-7 hari. Kata orang, makin lama makin ooommpph! Cuma kena selalu bukak bekas tu, kalau tak dia 'meletup' pasal ada banyak gas ke apa ke.. AND simpan kat tempat kering yang ber-room temperature.
Lepas tu, apa lagik. Bedallah!
Tempoyak ni boleh buat macam-macam lauk. Google jerlah kat internet. Tapi so far... aku selalu makan tempoyak udang... Rupa dia macam ni...
Lebih kurang macam kuah lemak cili padi. Tapi kick dia ada up lah sikit. Kalau makan tempoyak udang ni, macam tak ingat donia, tak ingat weighing scale. Jadi, kalau time-time terasa nak ber-diet, baik tak yah masak langsung mende ni sebab kalau dah makan, ber- round round aku tambah.
Apalagik..besok aku nak belilah durian yang dah nak dekat-dekat expire. Biar cepat sikit tempoyak aku siap.
Mula-mula pening jugak lah kepala dok pikiak mana aku nak cari tempoyak. Bukannya ada jual kat supermarket. Kat pasar Geylang pun tak tentu lagi. Selalunya ibu yang buat sendiri kot. Nak suruh ibu buatkan..alahai.. manjalah pulak. Lainlah kalau aku tengah pregnant cucu dia yang nombor dua kan? Mintak aja.. nak bulan? Nak bintang? Suma gerenti dia buatkan.
Pikir punya pikir... haaa... apa susah! Sekarang kan zaman canggih, zaman internet, zaman berteknologi tinggi. Google aja! HAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa.... jangan tak tau, resipi kampung macam ni pun dah make its way to the net you know!
Rupanya senang by two...
Isi durian, cuci and tapis semalaman..
Campur dengan gula and garam sikit.
Kunyit, biar dia lebih kuning lagik..
And tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Lagipun, belum lagik habis resipi aku ni.. Dah tinggalkan semalaman, masukkan mende ni dalam bekas untuk 4-7 hari. Kata orang, makin lama makin ooommpph! Cuma kena selalu bukak bekas tu, kalau tak dia 'meletup' pasal ada banyak gas ke apa ke.. AND simpan kat tempat kering yang ber-room temperature.
Lepas tu, apa lagik. Bedallah!
Tempoyak ni boleh buat macam-macam lauk. Google jerlah kat internet. Tapi so far... aku selalu makan tempoyak udang... Rupa dia macam ni...

Apalagik..besok aku nak belilah durian yang dah nak dekat-dekat expire. Biar cepat sikit tempoyak aku siap.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Kind souls
The past week or so has been busy a busy period due to the new house.
So many things, so little time.
Not that we are in a hurry to move, but it'd be good if we can settle everything before the new term starts.
Thankfully, we have family and friends who are ever willing to help us in many different ways.
Shahrul, for instance, who came over to help with the wiring.

And my siblings who travelled all the way from the east to help me scrub the tiles.
Not easy, you know. The travelling time itself would have zapped my energy away!
So many things, so little time.
Not that we are in a hurry to move, but it'd be good if we can settle everything before the new term starts.
Thankfully, we have family and friends who are ever willing to help us in many different ways.
Shahrul, for instance, who came over to help with the wiring.
And my siblings who travelled all the way from the east to help me scrub the tiles.
Not easy, you know. The travelling time itself would have zapped my energy away!
Thanks, folks!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Holidays here..finally! Expect to see the less cranky Nurhayati. ;-P
Though I must say that it's gonna be a busy busy busy period for me.
Marking will take 2 weeks off my hols, and right after camp. Which effectively means that I have only 1 week of REAL lepak period. Oppss! Don't forget the work review session just now. And the whole day ML Seminar on Thurs...AND the Sahibba (Scrabble, if you do not know) Competion this Saturday. the Maths. See how 'long' is my June vacation. BUT! No complains. It beats being in the other sectors and NOT have a holiday at all.
Hey! The Jelebu house is about to be complete. Shahreil and I are not sure when we'll finally get to move in since there is still soooooooo many things to do. Painting, for instance. It seems ridiculous paying thousand plus dollars to a professional painter. But time doesnt seem to be on our side. I dunno. .
I am having so much fun being with my darling tonet. (The daddy doesnt like me calling him that) He's getting so clever by the day that it's amazing. He knows when we say lights, fan, clock/tick tock, pillow, button. Amazing kan? So big, so fast. Wow! Before I know it, he'll be having kids of his own.. Oh kay.. That's a bit tooooooo far!
That's all. Will continue blabbering tomorro!
Happy holidays! (to me, at least)
Though I must say that it's gonna be a busy busy busy period for me.
Marking will take 2 weeks off my hols, and right after camp. Which effectively means that I have only 1 week of REAL lepak period. Oppss! Don't forget the work review session just now. And the whole day ML Seminar on Thurs...AND the Sahibba (Scrabble, if you do not know) Competion this Saturday. the Maths. See how 'long' is my June vacation. BUT! No complains. It beats being in the other sectors and NOT have a holiday at all.
Hey! The Jelebu house is about to be complete. Shahreil and I are not sure when we'll finally get to move in since there is still soooooooo many things to do. Painting, for instance. It seems ridiculous paying thousand plus dollars to a professional painter. But time doesnt seem to be on our side. I dunno. .
I am having so much fun being with my darling tonet. (The daddy doesnt like me calling him that) He's getting so clever by the day that it's amazing. He knows when we say lights, fan, clock/tick tock, pillow, button. Amazing kan? So big, so fast. Wow! Before I know it, he'll be having kids of his own.. Oh kay.. That's a bit tooooooo far!
That's all. Will continue blabbering tomorro!
Happy holidays! (to me, at least)
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