I notice that I have not been updating my blog as religiously as before.
Same old reasons.. No time, no energy and bla bla bla...
And things have been the same, so I have nothing much to talk about here.
The only differece, for those who have seen me, is that I have started wearing the tudung.
Yeah.. I didn't think that it would come this fast (or slow, for some of you. ;-P)
The reactions I received varied from:
a) "Wahhhh... so pretty."
b) "Ermmm.... you look different. But I prefer you without the headscarf"
c) "Eh? Yati? Is that YOU? Did you just come back from Mecca?"
d) Blank faces. (Want to ask but want to act as though nothing is different)
Well, all reactions/comments, I accept with an open heart. Those who said Alhamdulillah and I look sweet/cute/jambu (Yes ah!)... terima kasih. Those who thinks I look better without the headscarf, it's ok too.. cos I FEEL better with it. Those with the questions, I try to explain as best as I can. Those with blank faces, thank you for sparing me another round of Q n A.
As opposed to what people perceive as a sudden change, the desire to wear the hijab has been around for quite some time. The only people I confided in was Shahreil, who was extremely supportive of it and Ikin, because I needed someone to accompany me to buy tudungs! Heheh...
And nope, Shahreil didn't force me, nor could he have forced me because I strongly believe that the wearing of tudung should come from your own heart and not imposed on you by someone else. And for that, I'd like to thank my parents who gave us the freedom to choose for ourselves despite the fact that they were under a lot of pressure to pressure their daughters to wear the tudung. Thank you.
There are many reasons why I have decided to wear the tudung but I'd like to keep that to myself.
So, yeah.
This has been the best birthday present I have given myself so far.