Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Okay, this is a totally random post.
But this has been at the back of my mind for some time.

Have you ever felt as though you are living in the wrong era?
Cos I do, sometimes.

I wish Im living in that era where we still live in kampung houses. You know, like the one in Kekasih Kuseru.

Im too lazy to search for better pics, but this is quite near to what I had in mind.

Best kan? Oh ok... most of you will go, " Apa saja..." But I've always wanted to stay in that kind of house. If I remember correctly, Tok Aji Buru's house used to be like that, before it got demolished to build a rumah batu. Yeah, everyone in Buru is competing to build rumah batu... which I don't understand why, cos the rumah batus in Buru always seem so small and cramped and stuffy as compared to the rumah papans.

Maybe, I'll get a house like that when I retire! Yeahhhh!!! (Shahreil will go ," Dream on!" ;-P)

And just look how comel those girls were... In their baju kurung/kebayas and tocang dua.. Hehehhe... KIUTTTT sangat! Ala ala wanita Melayu terakhir gitu...

Ok.. like I said, this is a random post.
Im going back to my work.

Monday, July 26, 2010


I notice that I have not been updating my blog as religiously as before.
Same old reasons.. No time, no energy and bla bla bla...
And things have been the same, so I have nothing much to talk about here.

The only differece, for those who have seen me, is that I have started wearing the tudung.
Yeah.. I didn't think that it would come this fast (or slow, for some of you. ;-P)
The reactions I received varied from:

a) "Wahhhh... so pretty."
b) "Ermmm.... you look different. But I prefer you without the headscarf"
c) "Eh? Yati? Is that YOU? Did you just come back from Mecca?"
d) Blank faces. (Want to ask but want to act as though nothing is different)

Well, all reactions/comments, I accept with an open heart. Those who said Alhamdulillah and I look sweet/cute/jambu (Yes ah!)... terima kasih. Those who thinks I look better without the headscarf, it's ok too.. cos I FEEL better with it. Those with the questions, I try to explain as best as I can. Those with blank faces, thank you for sparing me another round of Q n A.

As opposed to what people perceive as a sudden change, the desire to wear the hijab has been around for quite some time. The only people I confided in was Shahreil, who was extremely supportive of it and Ikin, because I needed someone to accompany me to buy tudungs! Heheh...
And nope, Shahreil didn't force me, nor could he have forced me because I strongly believe that the wearing of tudung should come from your own heart and not imposed on you by someone else. And for that, I'd like to thank my parents who gave us the freedom to choose for ourselves despite the fact that they were under a lot of pressure to pressure their daughters to wear the tudung. Thank you.

There are many reasons why I have decided to wear the tudung but I'd like to keep that to myself.

So, yeah.
This has been the best birthday present I have given myself so far.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sibuk nyah!

Bila badan keletihan, kepala kesakitan, fikiran kekusutan, hati kegeraman...
Mana gua ada mood nak blog!

Ntah kenapa penat sangat, padahal periods not so packed macam last Semester. Tapi gua penaaaaattttt sangat. Dan malas betul nak melayan budak2 yang kuingatkan dah insaf setelah melihat markah pertengahan tahun mereka. Rupanya keinsafan tu datang sekejap jer.. Kalaulah aku ada power, aku kasi budak2 ni jadik macam Scrooge yang dalam Christmas Carol tu. Tgk masa depan, baru terkencit and nak berubah agaknyer. Penat tau. Dorang ingat kita2 ni enjoy ke marah2? Tiap2 hari nak kena marah orang... boring btol.

Yang aku boring2 ni ngan budak form class jer. Yang Malay classes aku suma best... Suma fun. Especially this week tema pasal pantun ngan Sec 1NA. Asyik berpantun jer. Budak2 enjoy, cikgu pun tumpang enjoy lah..

Ariel Peterpan kekasih hati
Rupanya dia playboy sejati
Mana hubbyku tak balik lagi
Nanti pintu aku kunci!

Selamat malam!