The past 2 weeks have been a hell of a roller coaster ride... more downs than ups, that is.
It was the hardest 2 weeks of my working life... and my working life is not that simple to begin with.
I think, mainly because it's is afterall term 3.
and term 3 is the like the worst term..try asking other teachers.
things are like going so crazy at work.
everything piling up on top of you that you can barely breathe.
and speaking of breathe..last week, whenever i think about work, specifically about the MTL Week.. i couldnt breathe. Yup, it's THAT bad.
anyways..back to my horrible 2 weeks.
work was piling..meetings after meetings, and i still see no point for those..
i had to fight with other teachers for students' time after school.
i had to plan and plan and plan and plan for the MTL Week.
The MTL Week thingy was the worst.
The exhibition, the concert, the traditional games fair!
And I'm i/c of everything!
partly my fault, cos i didnt delegate the jobs to the rest of the ML teachers.
well, its just not me to ask others to do stuffs.. but now, i learn that i HAVE to delegate the tasks..if not, i'm the one having anxiety attacks during MTL Week.
but..all things being said..
i guess everything went well and i'm kind of proud ..and glad, of course, that i did it..
the exhibition went well...students were flocking the stalls..especially my tepak sireh and bunga rampai and all..
cos genius me purposely gv all ML students a compulsory quiz sheet that they had to fill in before the exhibition.hehehe..
but i think, those kids were truly interested in the stuffs at the end of it.
teachers came, even canteen vendors and school cleaners came to look at our xhibit and asked the students questions and were very happy when they got to take the bunga telur and bunga rampai foc.
you sld see the smiles on those wrinkled faces.
and this pakcik cleaner even recite a pantun for the kids..
and dear makcik maznah gv an impromptu 'talk' on sireh..
the concert..this was the one that was killing me!
a concert, is a big thing..unlike the exhibition
the worse that cld happen with an exhibition is that no one comes to visit..
and who actually cares.? nobody, really..
but a concert.. fuck that up and it'l be a fodder for gossip..
everyone impt will witness it..the P, VP, HODs, other teachers.
and i was going crazy..i mean, rehearsals were like shit..
and on the real day itself, my co-i/c was on mc.
so, i'm the one running the anything happens..its my ass..
i nearly broke down the day before the concert.
hell! i was exhausted.
but thankfully, everythin went smoothly on the actual day.
the P even said that it was splendid. (3 cheers for yati)
it's a gd feeling..
and today, the malay traditional games fair..
it was ok, considering the fact that it wasnt really planned out.
i had fun with the kids, competing in congkak and stuffs...
small but i guess a few kids learnt a few things..
i deserve this break!