I had a rather suprisingly busy weekend. In a good way kind of busy, though. It's good actually because it took my mind off the fact that I'm still in Singapore and not spending my very short 1 week break in Buru. Ok fine! I'll stop talking about Buru. Some people might just get sick at the very mention of Buru. Heheh.. But can't help it, I'm addicted to that place. Ok..let's see how I spent my weekend. Saturday morning, woke up real early to go back to school and clear my desk. Yup, my desk is reaaallii neat and tidy now. So proud of it, and the fact that I only took 1 hour to clear everything. Then, me and Ikin went round and round Marina Square and Suntec for I dunno what also. Ikin, hates crowd and also window shopping. So, she's not the best person to be with when you want to do some window shopping. She complained and complaind and complained. But then, she's the perfect gossip partner. Hahahha..So that was fun. I fell in love with this gorgeous top from MANGO. It's beautiful and definitely look real good on me. Hahhahaha... But seriously, beautiful beautiful beautiful. It'll make me look boobilicious. Shahreil would so love it. :-P But, the thing is, it costs $99. Can you imagine that? $99! I'm not the kind of girl that will think nothing of throwing $99 on one top, no matter how beautiful it is. I mean..$99 i s wayyyy to much for a top, don't you think. I dunno..I might just grab the top the next time I set my eyes on it anyways..

At Suntec, me and Ikin trooped all around the building trying to find Secret Recipe. I had Oreo Cheesecake and Ikin her Choc Mud. Yummy..

After Maghrib, me and family, minus the big boss decided to head down to East Coast to visit my cousin's shop. It's gonna close down next week anyway. Had total fun there. Mum and the lil'kids left around 11.30pm. The babes (me, Ikin and Diyana) decided to hang around and accompany Lukman till closing time at 2. We talked and talked and talked. Most of it crap anyways. Dark secrets were spilt, but we promised that 'biar pecah di perut jangan pecah di mulut'. So..I won't mention anything here. Heheh.. AT 2am, we decided to continue our chat at Mc Donalds in Tampines. We ate and chatted till 4 am. Wahhh... bergadang seyy..
Today, Awie and Erra got married. Not THAT Awie and Erra. Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain. That took half of the afternoon away. After that, me and Shahreil went to TM to just eat and eat again. Now both of us are feeling fat. Hahahhaha..
So, to sum it up.. I had a good weekend!

1 comment:
i had a fun week.. esp the times spent with u
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