Funnyman Zaiwawi.

Being a teacher is fun, sometimes.
I especially love my NormalTech classes.
They are so adorable!
3NTs are like innocent babies, always in awe with whatever you teach them.
4NTs are really sweet sweet people beneath the tough exterior they potray.
They always make my days brighter.
And in like 10 minutes time, Punggol Idol will start.
A few of my boys are joining.
All the best to Hakim, Firdaus and Haziq!
Bakal-bakal peserta Singapore Idol/Anugerah.. Cewahhhhh!!!!
Im happy to see half of my form class is there to give Hakim support, after much persuasion on my part.
Sayang jugak korang ngan aku yer.. hehehhe..
Mari kita tgk siapa yang menang!!
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