Monday, October 27, 2008
I am back!
From a short but very much needed getaway with the other half.
Wow! After more than 2 months, I finally got 3 nights of uninterrupted sleep.
Sorry Ryan. Much as I love you, I've missed my sleep. Haha!
Back to the holiday.
We initially wanted to stay at Holiday Inn, but since it was fully booked, Planet Holiday it was then.
I like both places, so it was not a problem.
We didn't do much the first day. Shahreil wasn't feeling well the whole trip, so most of the time we were in the room. Him sleeping and me channel surfing.
Sounds boring huh? But NO!
I had a ball of a time surfing all the Indo channels. It was Peterpan galore!
TPI had 30 minutes of Ariel Special (WAH!!), SCTV had 1.5hr of Peterpan in Concert, and another talkshow at night which had Peterpan as their guest star! I nearly went crazy infront of the tv!
After so many months, I got to catch all their gossip shows again.
Hot stories of the moment:
a) Suzanna Sundal Bolong Family Feud over her will. (you didn't even know she passed away recently, right?)
b) Indra Bruggman & Betrand gay-ish pics (What a waste of 2 really super hot guys in the world, if the story is true! I'm here Indra! I am here! I will save you! I will save you!)
c) Some old man who married a 12 year old girl and already lining up a 7 and 9 year old girls to be his new wives. Bloody perv!
And I love their reality shows such as Playboy Kabel where girlfriends trap their miang boyfriends. They have pretty young things to ngurat their boyfriends and witness what happens. Paling best, the last part where the girlfriends come out to confront their cheating boyfriends. Most of the boyfriends got very aggresive when they realise that they've been trapped on national tv. Kengkadang kesian gak tengok dorang dimalukan macam tu. Then, there's Bedah Rumah that has never failed to make me cry. It's about home makeovers, just like Designer Guys and Debbie Travis.. but the difference here is that it's done to homes of totally poor and melarat families. Kesian betol tgk kehidupan dorang tau. Ada macam-macam lagi lah reality shows yang best-best. Malas nak citer suma.
We didn't go Mustika Ratu this time round. We decided to check out the hotel's spa. Not bad. The price is rather cheap also. But Mustika Ratu more puas somehow... Tapi takperlah.. as long as I get my body scrub, my body massage, my steam bath, my facial... Im happy..
Most importantly, I get to spend some quality time with the hubby. Time which we seldom have ever since the arrival of the little one. It felt good to be able to talk about other things other than milk, diapers, next doctor appointment dan perkara-perkara yang sewaktu dengannya. But I don't think we'll do something like this again anywhere in the near future. We missed the little boy too much to really enjoy ourselves. I just can't wait to bring him along for our next holiday!
Oklah.. I am super tired. Besok dah start keje. *sigh*
And I left my bag at Tampines. So, I can't upload any pics.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Happy 19th Birthday, Aini!
B'day girl with Mahathir & Suhaimi
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Dunmanites Beraya Lagi
Bakal pengantin. Haaa.. Ryan, ko peluk lah Mummy Yan tu puas-puas. Nanti dia dah ada baby sendiri, tak merasa lagi nak manja-manja dengan dia.
Susah dapat tau pic raya berdua-duaan macam ni sejak ada baby. Ni pun kelam kabut, tak sempat nak sembunyikan baby carrier and diaper bag. *sigh* Tapi boleh jerlah daripada tak ada langsung!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Happy 2nd Month, Ryan Iskandar.
I have a present for you.
Check it out!
Lots of Love,
Monday, October 13, 2008
Salam Lebaran 2008 with Shahreil's Gang
Initially, I was afraid that this year's raya outing with the guys will turn out not so awesome. Yelah..kalau anak aku nangis tak habis-habis camne nak enjoy kan? But fortunately, Ryan was rather well-behaved that day, minus the one screaming session on the way to Lin's house. To be honest, I really pitied the little one as his sleep was constantly disturbed during the many Raya outings. But like what Shahreil said, it's only during Raya .. So I guess it's ok huh? I'm not being a bad parent right?
ANd I was definitely glad that I went for the outing as I got to listen to the other moms' complains as well. So, I really am not alone. I thought it was just me. But apparently all of us have the same post natal blues. I feel so much better after that.
Raya outings usually make me realise how we've all grown. Dulu naik bas sewa ramai-ramai, bercouple-couple.. Lepas tu, naik motor and bertunang-tunang. But now naik kereta and most of us are married with kids in tow. Hahah.. Dah tua eh??
Salam Lebaran 2008 with the not-so-little darlings of Punggol
Ismaliah who is ITE now.
Khai (5N1)
Juliana (5N3)
My favourite bunch. The 5NAs.
a) tak hafal peribahasa
b) tak buat homework
c) tak bawak buku teks/file/kefahaman/karangan
d) masuk kelas cikgu busuk2 dengan baju PE
e) memekak tak habis2
f) berbual bila cikgu ajar
g) lupa format surat kiriman/dialog
Thursday, October 09, 2008
First Date
Feeling matair2.... Mentel juwel betullah! Dulu belum kahwin berangan dah kahwin. Ni dah kahwin berangan matair.
Walau apa pun.. I feel good!
Monday, October 06, 2008
What is SYAWAL?
Before I forget, SELAMAT HARI RAYA! I heard everyone saying that for the past 1 week. Being young and impressionable, I HAVE to say it too! Not that I know what is Hari Raya anyway. Nobody tells me. No one tells kids like me anything. They think we are just cute but dumb. *sigh*
SO... I did some observing. And here's what I think Hari Raya is all about.
First.. FORGIVENESS. I think everyone is supposed to say sorry for all their wrong doings. But what is puzzling me right now is this picture where abah and mak ngah said sorry to on another. You asked me why? DUH! They are like cats and dogs! They irritate each other every single day! And they were on each other's nerves right BEFORE and AFTER this photo was taken.
Second, i think it's about new clothes. Everyone said I looked really good in this baju made by my nyai. Thanks Nyai! And everyone else had new clothes on too.. And, I'd like to add that despite what she said, I think my ibu still looks so gorgeous in all her baju raya. She especially looked real hot in that red kebaya. Pheeewwwwiiiitttt!!
Third... I think Hari Raya also means cute little thing like me get passed around by people I've never ever seen in my life. (nevermind that it's been only 2 mths) Oh, no! THis lady here, I know. She's my Cik Mas. Ibu said I must be extra nice to her cos she's a potential nanny for me whenever my ibu and abah wants to go out on dates. In this photo, I'm trying my best to give her my puppy eyes look. I hope it's working!!!
Lastly! It;s about MONEYYYYYYYYY. Ka-ching!!! This photo explains it all...
*Yawn* All these thinking as made me sleepy. I go sleep okay!