Initially, I was afraid that this year's raya outing with the guys will turn out not so awesome. Yelah..kalau anak aku nangis tak habis-habis camne nak enjoy kan? But fortunately, Ryan was rather well-behaved that day, minus the one screaming session on the way to Lin's house. To be honest, I really pitied the little one as his sleep was constantly disturbed during the many Raya outings. But like what Shahreil said, it's only during Raya .. So I guess it's ok huh? I'm not being a bad parent right?
ANd I was definitely glad that I went for the outing as I got to listen to the other moms' complains as well. So, I really am not alone. I thought it was just me. But apparently all of us have the same post natal blues. I feel so much better after that.
Raya outings usually make me realise how we've all grown. Dulu naik bas sewa ramai-ramai, bercouple-couple.. Lepas tu, naik motor and bertunang-tunang. But now naik kereta and most of us are married with kids in tow. Hahah.. Dah tua eh??
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