This entry will be filled with pics of my kids. So that, in 10.. 20 years.. I can still remember their names. So here begins.. PSS, Class of 08.
The golden couple. My favourite couple. When I was pregnant with Ryan, I always looked at Fadzli and thought, "Sejuknya perut emak dia dapat anak sebaik ni." He is the nicest, simplest, most hardworking, most dependable, most respectful, most diligent, most on the ball person. Nampak macam terlalu baik and senang kena buli, but he's one of the top NCC cadet in school. You should see him in his uniform, wah!!! SO smart. And thankfully, he has good taste in the choice of a girlfriend. Siti is the female version of Fadzli. A go-getter. I know I can always depend on her. And how she has blossomed into a lovely young lady! This two will most likely excel in life. Insyallah.
Farhana was my first batch of student when I was still doing my contract teaching. And Khai, I'd remember him as the guy who wears the huge, so-kental-that-makes-it-so-cool specs. And I expect to see him on tv someday doing his hip hoppie thingy that he does so well. Ziela, will save lots of life when she becomes a paramedic. And Idris, the very quiet guy who suprises me at times when he opens up and chat with me.
Mei Sheng, the artist in my class. All things art..pass to her! And lovely Joanna, my vice-chairman whom I always depend on to collect forms after forms after forms!
Fauzi is someone that I will remember for a very very very long time. He is the lightbulb. The walking dictionary. The funnyman. The jiwa seni man. Suma. I've survived organising many concerts with his help. And my class is a happier place when he is around. Hakim will be a star one day. I just know it. He is one of the most talented person I've ever seen!
Chong Hao was a huge headache to me when I first became their form teacher in 2007. Memekak tak abis2 & kuat menjawab to the point of being rude. After awhile, I realised that its just his way and he really didnt mean to be kong ajar. I had my own way to handle him and after a few months, I began to feel joy whenever we have the usual banter in class. Ding Jie is the future TCS 8 star. And Rachel, his girlfriend, will be his leading lady. The 2 Melissas suprised me by looking so super pretty that night! I was so stunned! Alex, is the quiet but intelligent boy. ANd Wei Jie.. Let's just say that if I'm ever stranded on an island, I'll know my chances for survival is high if I have him with me!

Looking at this pic made me realise that I didnt take any pics with my 4Normal Tech students. Argh!!
Looking at this pic made me realise that I didnt take any pics with my 4Normal Tech students. Argh!!
Forever late! Hahah! Same as Chong Hao, budak ni dulu tak sayang mulut. But after awhile, I realised that beneath all that, he is just a sweet sweet young man!

Melissas & Jie Qie getting their door gifts.
Melissas & Jie Qie getting their door gifts.
Every morning, I'd walk down the row and when I come near him, I'd automatically hold out my hand. Why? For him to give me his ear sticks! Every single morning I'd confiscate his ear sticks!
Kecik-kecik cili api. Inilah dia. Comel jer..

Aaron Loh
Well, he must be very happy that I wont be around to ask him to cut his fringe anymore!
Aaron Loh
Well, he must be very happy that I wont be around to ask him to cut his fringe anymore!
I won't say why, but whenver I feel disillusioned about this job, I'd think of Diana. Then, I will remember why I entered this profession in the first place. It is to make a difference in someone's life, be it big or small. And that I am capable of doing it. And I have done it and will keep doing it as long as I can.
My kecoh 5NA boys.
She has grown into a pretty young lady. Just look at how lovely she looked that night! Beauty with the brains!
She has grown into a pretty young lady. Just look at how lovely she looked that night! Beauty with the brains!
Every single time I look at her, I feel like smiling and giving her a hug. She makes you feel warm inside. She's such a sweet sweet sweet young lady. And she writes the best karangans too!!
Joanne, my very reliable vice-chairman for 2007.
Xiao Wei is the girl with the loud voice. When I say loud, i mean REAL LOUD. I've always tried to coax her into joining my Genghis Cheerleading team, tapi jgn harap lah! Anna, another reliable person. People like this make your life so much easier!
I remember running all over the hall, trying to make Wei Guang sit down quietly when he was in Sec 1. And that was years ago. SO, imagine my horror when I saw his name in the class list last year. After 2 years, my perception of him has changed drastically. He is truly a young man with a heart of gold!
My very own BFG! He is the sweetest, most naive young man! What a joy to have in class! Back in 2007, I was pleasantly suprised when he gamely volunteered to be part of the corganising committee for our Eat Together, Stay Together session in class. Susah payah dia siapkan kitorang makanan and he took great pains to ensure that everything, and I mean everything, is halal! Evry single morning, I looked forward to his cheerful greeting as I walked down the line.
Chatterbox Jia Hui who reveals her serious, sensivitive and sweet side of her whenever she confided in me. And Jue Pei, the prettiest in 5N2. I expect to see her on the runaway someday!
This, definitely is not the complete collection of my kids' pics. I'm sorry if yours is not up here.
Happy as I am to see them all so grown up and ready to embark on life's wonderful journey, I can't help but feel sad that they are leaving. How do you say goodbye to someone who has been a huge part of your life for two, three, four or even five YEARS ? How do you deal with the fact that you probably will never see the person that you talked to, laughed with, cried with, ever again? I guess I will have to deal with it. Cos it will happen every single year.
I may be the teacher, but every single one of you have taught me something about life.
I wish you all the best. You can never imagine the pride and love I felt for each one of you when I saw you looking the best last night. How my little boys and girls have grown!
You will all be missed so dearly.
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