But it was definitely a highly anticipated trip since its the first family holiday since I got hitched and of cos, it's Ryan's first ferry trip!! YEAHHHHH!!!! Ermmm..not that it makes much difference as he slept throughout the journey.
While the parents and Ikin went for spa @ Mustika Ratu the moment we arrived, the rest of us were like anak terbuang berligar-ligar at the Ferry Terminal since Megamall belum bukak lagik! LENGIT! We were of course, the first to arrive at Pizza Hut where we mencekik muntah kedarah. Murah lah wooooo!
Checked in at Holiday Inn and after that kita suma lepak!! Ngantuk sey! The room was fabulous, as usual. Malam, makan lagik. It was a compulsory CNY dinner. BBQ. SYIOK. Oh. Did I mentione that Ryan sat in the high chair during both makan sessions? SO besau!

Kata "Tok sayang dia ..." kan? Haaa... tolong jagalah ye.. Hehehehh!

Finally, a pic of us. Anak daras mamat. Oh.. ok. Not me. But it feels good to be with my sisters and feeling zaman2 single dulu. I do miss my sisters. And you too, Mahathir. I sometimes wish that it can be like old times. Just hanging out with them talking rubbish 24/7 and all the while munching of stuffs. Growing up is hard!!!
In all, I had a good trip. Though I can no longer ngurat all those mamat indons! *darn*
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