The cupcakes from Perfect Frosting which was to be delivered to her workplace last2 kena hanter kat rumah sebab birthday girl tak kerja. Tengok tu! On leave tak bilang kita! Dah lah tu...dok rumah tak tau nak duduk diam2...dia masak macam nak kenduri!! ISHHHH!! Padahal kitorang dah buat reservations tau kat Seoul Garden to suprise her. Selamat ada ramai spy kat rumah... Mbak yu yang kejap2 eksen gi kedai just to kol Ikin and Aini yang kept smsing me to update stuffs.
Tapi oklah, the suprise went well I guess. Bolehlah tahan..
So, there we were at Seoul Garden. I was initially afraid it'd be difficult to concentrate on cooking with Ryan at my side. But it was suprisingly ok... Dah besar lah katakan eh... Oh..and of course, I had nannies who practically lined up to look after him.
The most beautiful 55 year old woman I've ever seen.

I was also happy that I finally got to bring daddy to eat at Seoul Garden. He deserves to enjoy good food bought by his kids after years of toiling for us. Do you know that till now, whenever we go out to eat, he will refuse to order anything and want to eat our leftovers cos he is afraid that it's going to be too expensive and we'd be unable to pay the bill?! Ayah..ayah...
I was also happy that I finally got to bring daddy to eat at Seoul Garden. He deserves to enjoy good food bought by his kids after years of toiling for us. Do you know that till now, whenever we go out to eat, he will refuse to order anything and want to eat our leftovers cos he is afraid that it's going to be too expensive and we'd be unable to pay the bill?! Ayah..ayah...
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