Ibu's house was full of people who were eager to show off their artistic talent last night. Glue, markers of many many colours, construction papers were all over the living room.

See how khusyuk Amira was, mencari ilham..

Yang ini sampai teronggeng-tonggeng....
What were we up to?
Farewell cards for our beloved maid.. Wastutuk a.k.a mbakyu a.k.a nek yu a.k.a kambing.
After 4 years with the family, it's high time that she went back to her own family to have kids of her own to fuss over.
I still am secretly hoping that she'll come back to look after Ryan, but I guess that'd be very selfish of me.
But hey! Look what we made her that night!
First up, the king & queen of the household:

Then, the junior king & queen of the household:

The little pampered prince who will definitely be missed by his Nek yu:

And in descending order, of course...
Ikin the Diva tak jadik.

Diyana the 'aborted' child.

Aini & Suhaimi (eh eh... nyibuk lah si budak ni. Gi main bola sana!)


Abang & Muharram

Bye Mbekkkkkkk.......
Jangan malas mandi!
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