It has been weeks of a hectic and whirldwind life for me (and Shahreil)
Sometimes, the both of us would plonked onto the sofa wondering, "Bila nak dapat relek ni?"
Nebermind, nebermind.. hopefully once all the raya preparations and all the crazy raya engaments have finallay died down, we'd have some air to breathe.
Life has been busy on all fronts for me.
Housematters. Woah! Mengemas memanjang ler! Tukang kemas satu, tukang serak ramai. Tu pinjam fav bebel words from my mum. Hehehhe..
It never ends, right? I sometimes wish I have a magic wand to zap all the crazy mess away or sometimes, I'd just sit and stare at the mess thinking that it's all just an illusion. ;-) It works, sometimes. But only sometimes.
Work has been very challenging too. Sometimes I really feel like giving up. Like its not worth my time and effort. Why should I care so much about them when they dont give two hoots about themselves? Yeah, and I miss my 5NAs. They were such angels!!! Now that I get the devils, baru tau rasa.
Love life? What love life? Hehehhe... Ok ok.... bedek ah. Shahreil and me have been trying to squeeze whatever little un-zombie-like time we have with each other for some quality time. Its very difficult for 2 exhausted and drained to the core individuals to be civil to each other, apa lagik nak loving2.

So, that's me up there (minus the very tight corset). I'm the juggler. Walking on a very tight rope of sanity. Holidays, please come soon. I need to clean up the house. I need to cook normal meals for my family. I need to idle. I need to put my feet up the sofa. I need to have some well-deserved sleep. I need the family holiday.
But that said. I can't deny that I'm pretty happy with my life. ;-)
Alhamdulillah, for everything.
Bangun di fajar subuh dengan hati seringan awan
Mensyukuri hari baru penuh sinar kecintaan
Istirahat di terik siang merenungkan puncak getaran cinta
Pulang di kala senja dengan syukur penuh di rongga dada
Kemudian terlena dengan doa bagi yang tercinta dalam sanubari
Dan sebuah nyanyian kesyukuran terpahat di bibir senyuman
Mensyukuri hari baru penuh sinar kecintaan
Istirahat di terik siang merenungkan puncak getaran cinta
Pulang di kala senja dengan syukur penuh di rongga dada
Kemudian terlena dengan doa bagi yang tercinta dalam sanubari
Dan sebuah nyanyian kesyukuran terpahat di bibir senyuman
-Khalil Gibran-
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