Tired as we were, we decided to make our way to Marina Square to purchase our long-long-time-want-to-buy-but-never-buy sofa bed. Andwe just needed to go out, asyik terperap jer dalam rumah, boleh sakit mental tau.

Ryan reminded us that it was drizzling outside and we should bring our.. opppsss...(salah!).. mak's umbrella.

And as usual, with all the interesting distractions only known to him, it took us much longer to go from Point A to Point B.
But once we were at the shopping malls and he managed to persuade us with his non-verbal (but very noisy) signals to let him roam freely, he was no different from Forrest Gump. Both the parents had a hard time catching up with him!

I believe that there is a paragraph in the Parents' Handbook that states that it is compulsory for them to pose with their kids in front of any cute cartoon posters/figurines/banners etc.. COs that's what we did.

Not that it was easy to make the main model stay put so that we could get a decent shot of him!

We also decided to splurge a little on the little tot at Toys R Us. And of cos, Shahreil menyusahkan the gift-wrapping girls by asking them to wrap the stuffs we bought for Ryan..

I've been wanting to buy this Thomas tent for sooooooo long. At last, I got it! I was much much more excited that Ryan was, for sure. As we (or rather, Shahreil) were busy putting up the tent, I remember fondly how I used to have so much fun in a tent of my own during my childhood. The difference is, mine was constructed out of cardboard boxes by daddy. Not as fanciful as the ones in the market of cos, but it came complete with doors, windows, tunnels and chimneys. And I had so much fun in it!

I'm getting sleepy now, so..I'll cut this entry short by just saying how much these two make me happy.

My Own Happy Family
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