Saturday, December 04, 2010
Updates on the Tummy
I'm already about ermmm.. 9 or 10 weeks pregnant. The tummy's starting to show and this is the period when people who still doesnt know about the pregnancy will comment,"Eh... kau dah gemuk eh.." And I can retort,"Im not fat, Im pregnant. Hah!" Anyways, even if Im fat, it's none of your bloody business! I simply hate people who comment on people's weight. Takde topik lain ke? Is that supposed to be a catalyst for conversation? Not a clever choice, I tell you.
Ok, back to the real topic...
The morning sickness is still not here and Im beginning to think that I am one of those lucky women who doesnt experience morning sickness at all. Yahhhoooooo!! But i do sometimes go Uwekkk... Uwekkk.. when I feel disgusted by something. I can't stand dirty stuffs or the thought of dirty stuffs.. I will feel like vomitting. Sometimes I when i enter my kitchen and there's dirty dishes in the sink, I will feel like vomitting. When I enter the toilet and it's not as clean as it's supposed to be, I'll feel like vomitting. And I don't like the smell of food too. If it smells a bit weird, I'll feel like vomitting. SO ngengada eh!
And I don't feel like eating real meals. I want to snack snack snack. That's why I asked Shahreil to stock up on fruits, so I can snack on them instead of all the unhealthy stuffs.
So, that's about it. People assume that I'd want a girl this time round. Truth be told, I don't mind AT ALL if it's a boy again. Weird, considering all my life I wanted a girl and when I was first told I'd have a boy (Ryan), I thought... "Ehhh... boringnya anak lelaki!" Was I wrong! Heheheh... He's my best buddy!! Though I wish he'd tone down on his kasarness sometimes.
Well, baby in the tummy.. see u in a few weeks time. Ibu loves you already, you know!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
New bed, no?
We are sure that initially he'd protest because he loves sleeping in between us, but sometimes I feel I'm kidding myself whenever I says that 'd want him out of my bed. Cos the fact is, I LOVE having him sleep beside me. Especially during nights that Shahreil sleeps late (like, ALL the time), it is very soothing to have that little tot snuggling right beside me. And usually, he'd hug me in the middle of the night or even sneak lovely kisses all over my face trying to see if he'd be able to wake me up.
Of course, sometimes I'd groan or get irritated whenever he kicks me or invade my space so much that 'd have to sleep at the very edge of the bed, but HEY.... this will all be over too soon. Soon.. he will not want to sleep anywhere near his parents when those dreadful teenage hormones kick in, so why are we such in a hurry to make him grow up? Let's just enjoy all those snuggling and hugging and kissing while we still can.
I love you lah, Ryan Iskandar.
Don't grow up too fast, can?
Monday, November 22, 2010
But it's absolutely boring because it's absolutely quiet here. Kailin's off for some course, Samsiah will only be here at 11 since she has a meeting and I guess most of the other teachers would rather come to school a little later so that they can sleep in. So here I am left with no kakis. Chet!
I'm not feeling to well right now. Not morning sickness. Weird, it's still not here yet. Hopefully it will stay like that all the way! I'm feeling a little bit feverish. In fact, my body system seems to be a bit down since errmmm.. Friday? No energy lah. Or maybe I had a bit too much fun over the weekend that Im just so exhausted. I am just sooooooooooo exhausted. Remind me not to sleep at 4am anymore because I am NOT Shahreil and I can't function properly the day after sleeping so late. I will go around with a heavy head and it sucks biggie timey! Urgh! I am the sleep early, wake up early type.
And to add to that, I think I havent been able to get a good sleep these few days. No matter how sleepy I am. It seems like I have a lot of things going on in my mind that I even do the thinking when Im sleeping. Horrible! What do I think about? The neverending housework, the crazy Im full but Im hungry feeling, the what-havent-I-done-but-I-MUST-do-at-work-tomorrow?, the love 'problems' of others (that i shouldnt give a damn about because I should just wait to say I FREAKING TOLD YOU SO!) ARGH!! I get so agitated everytime I think about this, I feel as though my head's gonna explode! I am so afraid what the future will be and whether ties will be severed (it is already rocky, though we pretend everything's fine and dandy). Argh! Whatever will be will be. I, once upon a time, never thought it would come to this. I thought we were as tight as those damn jars of strawberry jam that I seemed forever destined to have trouble opening up! Im wrong, Im wrong. Someone comes along and pooofff! All is gone. Sad. Sad. Sad.
See, my head's starting to throb again. I can never think or talk about it without my blood going up 10 notches higher.
Alright. Better stop. All this anger can is obviously not good for a pregnant lady.
Gonna jalan-jalan cari makan. Hopefully there's something nice at the stall opposite.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Cerita Ceriti
(dengan mengikut urutan)
A) ACK (MLM lah tu) dengan Aidid
B) Uncle Seekers (artis ke pakcik ni?) dengan cinta syhhh nya.
C) Nabil & kekasih gelapnya yang mungkin menjadikan Ariel & Luna Maya idola mereka
Aku dah tak sabar ni nak tahu apa kesudahan jalan cerita masing-masing. Semua macam menegakkan benang yang basah. (Haaa... korang tau tak apa makna peribahasa tu?) Bila aku ada mood, aku kasilah opinion aku tentang mende2 kat atas tu. But for now, we just look and see. Tapi, betullah... macam-macam perangai manusia ni ye...
Friday, November 12, 2010
And yeah, we both thought that the timing's perfect since Ryan is at the right age to have a new friend at home. He has been having our undivided love and attention for the past 2 years plus and now it's time for him to learn to share. And I believe strongly that my boy will be a great elder brother! Just last night he tried very hard to squeeze tiny balls of Playdoh into my bellybutton because he said that 'adik' is playing with playdoh. See! He loves the adik in my tummy already!
My dear gynae mentioned that we will just go through the whole process all over again. But somehow this time round, the feeling's rather different. I guess when I was pregnant the first time round, I only saw sunshine and daisies and balloons.. You know, the beautiful picture. Now, I know that with all the beautiful things, there will be the horrible weight gain, the swollen, elephant feet (that had me crying like a baby the last time!), the nausea which I am still waiting for, the backaches, the sleepless nights, the endless trips to the bathroom, the pain and vomitting in the delivery room. Fuh! Scary!
Not to mean that Im not glad to be pregnant, I am, of cos! It's just that I am more aware what I am in for.
Hopefully, this time round.. I will have less anxiety of expecting the unknown. I now know what to do when Im forever feeling hungry but I can't eat too much cos I will vomit (like now). I now know what Braxton Hicks feels like. I now know what to pack in my bag, I now know what to do before going to the hospital. I now know not to get too agitated by well-meaning relatives who sometimes interfere too much on how to bring up my kid, I know now not to get too depressed if my baby doesnt want to drink my milk, I know now that I can't possibly do everything myself and should ask for help. Yup! With knowledge and experience, it should be better. The challenge I believe is taking care of myself while taking care of a toddler and the house and work. But, Insyallah, I will manage, with the support and love of my darling husband.
9 months.
Pray for my baby's health and safety, you all!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Not in a Million Years
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just two nights back, I watched the Kardashians and I was deeply fascinated by all the drama that goes on in that family. That episode centred mostly on Kourtney & Scott's neverending problem. Here's a picture of them, if all you ever watch are CNA or Discovery Channel.

But, it's reality tv anyway.. and Im sure it's not 100% true. What? You think Im an idiot? Scott might be an angel in real life for all we know! BUT, that doesnt me such things don't happen in real life...
Take this couple for instance. Rita & Aidil, actress & footballer who got married secretly in Thailand. Last few weeks, news of their marriage on the rocks made headlines and most people's reactions.."Ermm.... kahwin lagi tak mintak restu mak bapak."

This one... Shidee, who married his ex-gf's daughter without blessings (duh!) from her family.

And apparently, there's a trend in Malaysia where teenage girls run away with their boyfriends from Lombok, Indonesia.

And this one, after coming back to her family a few years after marrying and staying in Lombok. Tau nangis.. Podah!

Thursday, September 02, 2010
Thank YOU
It is a much-needed affirmation that I AM doing the right thing by staying in this profession despite all the heartaches I have to go through.
And for those of you who knows, this year has been a rather challenging period for me, with those 4 princesses that make me want to give up almost every single day.
So, this sms made me realise, HEY! I am doing what I set out to do when I signed on those dotted lines almost 7 years ago.
Cikgu Hayati,
Today is the first of September, the original date for you and those other teachers.
But, u are different. Thinking back, if I didn't listen and look up to you when I was 14, I don't think I'll ever be what I am today, a junior chef, because I was too carried away with my "frens" those times. U took the time and effort to lecture me whenever u could, u stayed back after sch just so we could talk, we wrote journals and letters too.
I don't think normal teachers would do that (Im not saying that u r abnormal thou!
;-P. u r just different, I had so much respect for u, that's why i listened.Not
every1 can make a difference in sum1's life, but u did. U guided me thru a lot. Seeing you leave Punggol was very sad because u r the 1 who made me use my little, tiny brain for once to ask myself what I want in life. And by 14 I knew what I wanted. I'm 18 now and doing the happiest thing in life, cooking! And u must know that u r a part of it. I've never found any teacher as gd as u, no matter how much I look up to them. U can only have 1 best (sumthing) in life and u definitely fall in the teacher category.
Happy Teacher's Day! Its been 6 years since I knw u, am Im glad I did.
Nurin Ameer Halim.
Thanks, Nurin. You do not know how much that sms meant to me.
Words like this keeps my faith in what Im doing cos most of the times I wonder if it's worth my white hairs/wrinkles/tears/saliva/heart pains? Seeing you blossoming throughout the years has been nothing but a great joy. I am humbled to know that I am a small part of your journey in this life.
Thank YOU.
Friday, August 13, 2010
I didn't (and still don't) feel like doing anymore work, so I ended up reading my old blog entry just for the fun of it... and I came across an entry that made me smile..
Here's an excerpt from the said entry dated 12 May 2005:
heard the 6am chime...rushed out of the house...afraid that i'll miss the bus, which for some reason, has been arriving at 6.04 instead of 6.09.
so..i was rushing down the stairs..struggling to take out my ezlink and folding my umbrella at the same time..
once i reached the void deck..i saw this guy at the carpark.. took me a while to register who he was..
Heheheh... and my heart actually skipped a beat when it finally dawned on me that it was HIM. heheheh..
It was HIM at my void deck at 6am!
U noe, my horoscope yesterday said that I'd meet someone out of the blue or sumthing..someone i havent met for a long time..and i wouldnt know how to react.
And that was what exactly happened today with him.
I got a real good hug..
I can still feel the hug.
Its nice and warm.
He wanted to send me to school..but guess what happened?
his bike died on us..Hahahah..
That was funny somehow (not to him of course)
and so he sent me by bus.
my dream of him sending me off to school (by bus, that is) came true today. WOW!
Always imagined how love it'd be if he could be with me during my bus rides..
And it was lovely!
And finally, my dream of being with him on that bridge came true.
My bridge.
U know, its such a lovely sight on the bridge, but nobody ever stopped to actually enjoy the view..
But today, i got to share it with him.
Change that..FANTASTIC.
I feel so contented being with him there.. walking hand in hand.. enjoying the lovely morning sight.
He had a gift for me. Prata. Cooked by him. With love, of course.
And on the cover, he wrote,
"To Yati, 6 years today I lay my eyes on you. I fell in love.. From Shahreil"
Isnt that the sweetest thing u've ever heard before?!
Well, i dont care about you! It IS the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
I was grinning from ear to ear, eating that prata.
It was nice and crunchy.
Love it.
He fell in love when he laid his eyes on me 6 years ago.
heheheh. Do u know that?
I bet not. wasnt love at first sight for me..simply because..when i first saw him..i culdnt SEE him..
i wasnt wearin any contact lenses that day..hahahhaha
It was all very blur..
Until he came closer and i like what i saw..
Love you darling.
It was 6 years ago.
It was a special day.
Happy 6th Year First Date Anniversary.
Well... I feel better now.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
But this has been at the back of my mind for some time.
Have you ever felt as though you are living in the wrong era?
Cos I do, sometimes.
I wish Im living in that era where we still live in kampung houses. You know, like the one in Kekasih Kuseru.
Im too lazy to search for better pics, but this is quite near to what I had in mind.

Maybe, I'll get a house like that when I retire! Yeahhhh!!! (Shahreil will go ," Dream on!" ;-P)
And just look how comel those girls were... In their baju kurung/kebayas and tocang dua.. Hehehhe... KIUTTTT sangat! Ala ala wanita Melayu terakhir gitu...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Same old reasons.. No time, no energy and bla bla bla...
And things have been the same, so I have nothing much to talk about here.
The only differece, for those who have seen me, is that I have started wearing the tudung.
Yeah.. I didn't think that it would come this fast (or slow, for some of you. ;-P)
The reactions I received varied from:
a) "Wahhhh... so pretty."
b) "Ermmm.... you look different. But I prefer you without the headscarf"
c) "Eh? Yati? Is that YOU? Did you just come back from Mecca?"
d) Blank faces. (Want to ask but want to act as though nothing is different)
Well, all reactions/comments, I accept with an open heart. Those who said Alhamdulillah and I look sweet/cute/jambu (Yes ah!)... terima kasih. Those who thinks I look better without the headscarf, it's ok too.. cos I FEEL better with it. Those with the questions, I try to explain as best as I can. Those with blank faces, thank you for sparing me another round of Q n A.
As opposed to what people perceive as a sudden change, the desire to wear the hijab has been around for quite some time. The only people I confided in was Shahreil, who was extremely supportive of it and Ikin, because I needed someone to accompany me to buy tudungs! Heheh...
And nope, Shahreil didn't force me, nor could he have forced me because I strongly believe that the wearing of tudung should come from your own heart and not imposed on you by someone else. And for that, I'd like to thank my parents who gave us the freedom to choose for ourselves despite the fact that they were under a lot of pressure to pressure their daughters to wear the tudung. Thank you.
There are many reasons why I have decided to wear the tudung but I'd like to keep that to myself.
So, yeah.
This has been the best birthday present I have given myself so far.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Sibuk nyah!
Mana gua ada mood nak blog!
Ntah kenapa penat sangat, padahal periods not so packed macam last Semester. Tapi gua penaaaaattttt sangat. Dan malas betul nak melayan budak2 yang kuingatkan dah insaf setelah melihat markah pertengahan tahun mereka. Rupanya keinsafan tu datang sekejap jer.. Kalaulah aku ada power, aku kasi budak2 ni jadik macam Scrooge yang dalam Christmas Carol tu. Tgk masa depan, baru terkencit and nak berubah agaknyer. Penat tau. Dorang ingat kita2 ni enjoy ke marah2? Tiap2 hari nak kena marah orang... boring btol.
Yang aku boring2 ni ngan budak form class jer. Yang Malay classes aku suma best... Suma fun. Especially this week tema pasal pantun ngan Sec 1NA. Asyik berpantun jer. Budak2 enjoy, cikgu pun tumpang enjoy lah..
Ariel Peterpan kekasih hati
Rupanya dia playboy sejati
Mana hubbyku tak balik lagi
Nanti pintu aku kunci!
Selamat malam!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Ayah & Abahs
My ayah (on normal days)/my dad (on normal, step mat salleh days)/ my daddy (on manja-manja days) / my daaadyyyyyyy (on ada udang di sebalik mi days).
I have read Aini's post about ayah on her blog and I thought most of the things I wanted to say about him has been written there. So, I'll just add a bit here and there..
Ayah, despite being big-sized and scary looking.. is actually a softie inside. While mum was the disciplinarian, ayah was the one that did most of the pampering. He was the one we'd all run to when we got into trouble with ibu. He used to bring us (at least the first 3 lah eh..) out of the house to jalan2 when ibu was in a foul mood. And he'd be the one who'd give us the extra pocket money when ibu, being the thrifty one, said that what we had was enough. He would, at the dining table, pass us dollar notes quietly under the table while ibu was either busy reading the newspaper or preparing breakfast in the kitchen. All 6 of us had been thrown rolled up $5 notes across the dining table at some point of our schooling life. Heheh.. (Sorry ibu!)
Ayah was a terrific cook too! I remember on days that mum was still working shifts and we were left alone with dad at home, he'd cook us maggi mee that tasted so superbly delicious! And his nasi goreng, and mee goreng which was of coz.... full of campak-campak ingredients are hot favourites among my siblings! And sometimes, when he felt like cooking something extra special for his kids... he'd whip up his famous (among the 6 of us, at least!) Nasi Ayam! And ooohhh!! Wait a minute! His suji is MY personal favourite! Yummm!
Of coz, like all other dads, he's not one who says I LOVE YOU aloud. Paiseh maaaa... But like what Aini says in her blog, his actions are far louder than words. During exam periods, he'd come into my room and made sure that things are comfortable for me. He'd adjust the lights, he'd adjust the fan.. he'd even come in with a jug of cold milo or bandung or orange juice and some light snacks.
When I was younger, I was soooo proud of having him as my dad cos all my friends loved him. He'd crack jokes, he'd make them laugh and they all loved being around him.
And definitely has a heart of gold. He enjoys collecting stuffs and distributing them to the poor in Buru. He will spend hours infront of all the items at home, sorting them out.. then lug those heavy bags to Harbour Front, paid tax and then distribute them. We'd scold him sometimes cos at his age, and with his health problems.. he shouldn't be carrying all those stuffs around.. but he always tells us that he enjoys doing it. And he enjoys watching the eyes of those whom he helps light up with happiness.
And the sacrifices he made for all of us..
He works damn hard.. Waking up at 4.30am and leaving for work at 6am ever since he stopped driving. Working all the way til 5pm. And he used to teach those newbie cab drivers (ayah mengajar, that's what we used to call it) till like 9.30pm.. and reach home at 10 plus.. He was always the first to leave home and the last to come back. We are all glad he doesn't mengajar anymore.
When we eat out, he used to eat our leftovers because he was afraid that the bill would be too high. Even now, he still refuses to order anything for himself sometimes, afraid that we will be not able be to pay the bill!
Ayah... ayah...
I love you, ayah. Thank you for all the things that you have done for us.
Please stop smoking cos we want you to be healthy!

Friday, June 18, 2010
Oh abu..
I remember having a nightmare, one that involved men with really long hair in white robes... I woke up feeling terrified and the first thing I did was to shout.
" Ibuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"
Imagine my relief when ibu rushed to be by my side and put me back to sleep.
Now, I'm the one having to rush every single night to calm my crying son.
But instead of 'ibu'.. it's 'abu'. Oklah tu...
It's really nice to have someone need you the way that Ryan needs me.
Or the way he adores me, even though he shows it by geram-geraming me, by wrestling me, by giving me sloppery kisses all over my face... It feels wonderful.
I hope, when he's older.. one of his earliest memories will be of the happy times he had with me.
Oh.. how I love you so,
Ryan Iskandar Bin Shahreil

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Peterpan - Bintang Di Surga (Live)
I still love ogling at you, Ariel. But I don't think Shahreil will ever allow me to name our next son Nazril Irham after what happened. *sigh*
Monday, June 14, 2010
Johor Trip
Guess where I am right now...
In school! Yes..all the way till 5 pm (if they finish on time, which they rarely do..).
I'm still warming up my engines, so I shall blog for a bit before I start doing some work.
I've just got back from a short getaway.. JB. to be exact.
I hear some ewwwwws out there.... Hahha.. I know, I know.. It's not Japan or Hong Kong or Bali or Phuket or any of those normal holiday destinations, but hey! We only had 2 days, and it was really very last minute!
Shahreil told me yesterday that he had never dreamt about staying overnight in a JB hotel since we just live a mere 30 minutes away.. But it was definitely not a first for me or my family. About 10 years ago, we did the same thing. It was the most realistic holiday destination for the Mohamads cos, back then, my parents definitely didn't have the financial means to bring us to faraway places. Having 6 schooling kids wasn't easy, I guess. But we always had fun, no matter where we go. When daddy still had his car, we'd convoy with Pak Long's family to KL/Port Dickson/Melaka.. When my mum's siblings were still as tight.. we'd pack the whole huge clan in one huge bus and went to Gunung Ledang, and when daddy stopped driving after his heart attack, we'd happily board the coach to KL or ferry to Batam/Buru.. It was
I will not talk about the trip to JB though.. Pics will be uploaded in FB soon (if my lappy at home doesn't make it difficult for me to upload photos, that is).
Ohhhhh... only one thing I want to say about the trip. We went to an uncle's house in JB for the first time. And I can also say that I was totally crushed to see my little cousins (all 5 of them) living in that condition. What I feel towards their father is still blurry though cos I sometimes swing from pity (cos he has to work so hard), to anger (cos it was his own stupidity and lack of mathematical sense that led him to where he is now). I pity his eldest son the most cos I believe he is old enough to be affected by the constant uprooting (from Singapore to Buru to JB to Pesantren in Indon). WTH! Parents, please... for goodness sake.. remember that everything that you do, every decision that you make will affect your child! I know I still have a loooooong way to go, considering that Ryan is still a toddler ... but I will work very hard to ensure that I don't do anything stooooopid to ruin his future. Insyallah.
So, lesson learnt from the said uncle:
1) Have some mathematical sense
2) Live within your means
3) Don't be egoistic, listen to advice
4) Don't ever think that ALL kampung girls are better than city girls. HAH!
Ok, before I go off to do some work..
I just want to comment on the Ariel scandal.
All I can say is that, what do you expect of a hot, sexy as hell, lead singer of a well-known band?
Still waiting for the 30 other videos..
Sunday, May 30, 2010
All the hard work has paid off. And it's definitely not easy. Unlike us in Singapore, where education is served on a platter (and which many of my kids in school take for granted), it is not as simple for them.
Money is of course, the main hindrance to the pursuit of higher education. They could, like many others, gave up on their studies to work immediately after secondary school in order to help their parents put food on the table. They could also, like many others, not have dreams that go beyond living their lives as sailors.
But these 2 dared to dream further. And worked their asses off.
And it finally paid off.
Not without any bumps, of course. I remember the day, ayah rushed off to Pekan Baru where the 2 were studying after receiving a frantic call from Firman's desperate father. Both the boys had problems settling the school fees and also their rent. These 2 boys were in total despair and were too heartbroken at the thought of their dreams being dashed that they just went missing. Ayah found them in one of the mosques there as they had nowhere else to go.
After discussing with ibu, they agreed to sponsor Firman & Kamal's education. It's not much really. Just $50 per person per month. What's that to us here? But to them, it makes a whole world of difference.
And today, they are graduates.
I hope that they will be able to help their respective families lead better lives, cos I am a strong believer of education being the most powerful way out of the vicious cycle of poverty.
And to my 2 adik sedaras, I am damn proud of you, guys.
Once again, congratulations!

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Lagenda Budak Setan Official Trailer
I simply can't wait for this new movie, Lagenda Budak Setan.
Why? It's adapted from Ahadiat Akashah's novel and I know that most of you do not have an inkling who he is... but he is my fav Malay author.
I was introduced to his books many many many many years ago by my cousin, Fatiah. And I have never looked back since. Nothing extraordinary about his books, actually. No mind-blowing plots, twists and turns.. no flowery languages.. and that's what made his books stood out from the rest.
I think everyone knows how Malay novels tend to be so berbunga and all, thus, I was immediately attracted to his books which had the simplest, everyday, rilek language used. And being a teenager back then, all his cinta remaja plots were something I could relate to. I think I have read almost all (if not ALL) of his books.. and I have a few at home, sitting proudly on my bookshelf.
And this movie, I hope, does justice to Ahadiat's work. The casts seem promising enough. There's Lisa Surihani. I have never seen any of her movies before, but she is just so sweeeeeetttt... I want a menantu like her. Teehee.. There's Farid Kamil, who looks so sexy all sad and serious like that. I've never been a fan of his, but maybe this movie will change everything. There's the pretty Raja Farah. There's Que Haidhar. And of cos, my favourite Fazura... The most gorgeous/sweetest/cutest woman in Mollywood.
So, my fellow Ahadiat Akashah's fans... (read: Ikin, Fati, Nurul, Abg Khairil)... jom pegi tgk wayang!
Friday, May 21, 2010
It started at about midnight, and I went to the toilet, more than 6 times. And I vomitted a few times too. When I couldn't take it anymore, I knocked on my parents' door hoping that ibu, being the nurse, would know what to do.
She immediately marched me to CGH. That, was about 2am in the morning.
After all the check-ups, the jabs and whatever whatever... we reached home nearly 5am.
When I immediately went tobed to catch up on my sleep, both my parents got ready for work.
I remember also, in my drowsy state, thinking... "How in the world can they still be going to work after not getting any sleep?"
Now I know.
Ryan has been sick for the past few days. And 2 nights back, I barely got any sleep.
After sponging Ryan, I went to bed at about 11.45 pm. At 1.15am, I was awaken by Ryan's movements and was quite alarmed to feel his body heat against mine. Shahreil was in the midst of giving Ryan his meds.. and I decided to sponge the poor baby. By 2.15 am, his temp was not that terrifying and thus I ended up sponging him only every 15 mins or so, sleeping in a sitting position. Only by 4am, I was satisifed enough to go back to sleep and by 5.15am, I was up and ready to go to work.
But, no complains. And I realise that my parents did what they did more than 10 years ago without any complains too. And that's one incident that i actually remember. I am pretty sure there are many other incidents that I may be too young to know or remember.
The love that a parent has for their child, is simply amazing.
Thank you, ibu and ayah for all your sacrifices, big or small.
Thank you, Shahreil for being a wonderful and reliable partner.
And you, my one and only, get well soon!
* I dreamt of arwah Pak Long last night. He was wearing his usual dibai'e attire.. white baju kurung and kain pelikat. He was smiling and looked so happy. It was raining and we were walking towards the car. We shared an umbrella as it was drizzling and we chatted. I woke up, remembered reading somewhere that all good dreams are from Allah. I thanked Him for bestowing such a nice dream and went back to sleep smiling. I do miss you, Pak Long.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Aini and Amira are going to Buru TOMORROW.
And some of you are cruelly and evil-y grinning from ear to ear knowing that I am feeling totally, absolutely and horribly jealous. (YES! I'm talking about YOU, Ikin!)
I have not been to Buru for nearly 3 whole years!
The last was right after my wedding in 2007. And that is super long to me.
There are times when I don't think about that place at all.. or maybe I try not to think about it, if I'm being honest with myself. But there will be times when I just miss Buru (and Buru-ans) so freaking much it hurts.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Jom Makan!

Ni suma gara-gara baru balik dari KL ler. Macam biasa, hobi utama bila sampai Malaysia ni(selain daripada carik-carik artis) adalah makan, makan, makan.
Apa ke tidak, mana lagilah kita nak dapat tempat makan yang kebanyakannya ditanggung halal. Susah dapat, beb!
So, sejak hari tu.. aku asyik teringat-ingat makanan-makanan Melayu. Aku ni, kalau makanan mat saleh, tak berapa minat ler. Sebab tu dulu Nick Carter Backstreet Boys ajak kawin, aku tak nak. Siapa nak gi layan dia, dok kat Hollywood sana. Kalau dtg mood aku nak makan asam pedas, mana nak carik? ;-P
So, ni adalah senarai makanan-makanan feberet aku (tanpa mengikut sebarang urutan).. Enjoy!]

Aku mula suka lauk ni bila dulu masa sec school, aku rasa makcik aku (Cik Jah) masak. Dalam orang mengutuk yang dia tak pandai masak, aku rasa taucu dia memang kelas woo! Lebih lagi bila dia letak telur burung, meletup! And of course, kalau ada hirisan bawang and cili macam kat atas tu... Tak gerak aku dari meja makan.
Yang ni pun aku suka sgt, walaupun susah nak dapat orang hidangkan.. sebab macam tak berapa fofular. Aku ada gak beli sebotol, bila2 terasa tak tau apa nak makan, keluarkan cincalok ni... hiris jer cili and bawang.. Sedap hingga menjilat jari!

First time, makan asam pedas was in Tanjung Balai. I think I was about 5 or 6 years old. Ibu suapkan nasi ngan asam pedas campur ngan kuah sup sawi. Fuh! Sedapnyer... Macam boleh terasa sampai sekarang. Asam pedas ni bertambah-tambah kick kalau ada sayur asam r daun kesum (ni ibunyer style) and bendi ngan tomato banyak-banyak (style tokne). Kalau kat Tampines dulu, aku selalu tgk tv sambil hirup semangkuk asam pedas.
Aku tak berapa ingat sejak bila pandai makan petai ni. Tapi petai ni makan mentah gitu, tak suka sangat. Kalau dah buat sambal, lain citer. Seronok betul rasanya! Setakat ni kat rumah sendiri tak pernah masak petai. Bukan apa, laki aku tak feberet bau petai kan.... jadi, kesian dia. Ini aku bedal kat Tampines jer. Ayah kalau gi Buru selalu bawak balik petai berkoyan-koyan.. Lauk petai paling best pernah makan, kat restoran Madam Kwan, kat KLCC. Bayangkan, dalam restoran high class macam tu ada jual sambal petai. Hebat betul!

Sambal Hijau/ Sambal Lonteh:
Ni kira macam sambal belacan versi hijau jer. Aduiiiii... ni pun, aku kadang-kadang dok tv makan sambal jer. Lagi pedas, lagi best! Kalau ada ni, takde lauk lain pun tak kisah lah wei!

Pucuk Ubi Rebus:
Sifat ska makan sayur ni disemai dari kecik lagi.. oleh siapa lagi kalau bukan Puan Munahwarah Mokhtar. KEcik-kecik dia suka pakai line ni... "Makan sayur ni, nanti dah besar kulit cantik jer... Lawa. Ati nak lawa tak? Kalau nak.. makan ni..." HAhahha.. Dalam keterpaksaaan, aku makan lah. Tapi lama kelamaan, jadi kesukaan. Aku kalau takde sayur, rasa macam tak selera. Kalau adik-adik aku feberet ayam ke daging ke... aku feberet sayur.
Lemak Turi & Keledek
Inilah antara lauk yang ada kombinasi yang very syiok.. Turi tu kan pahit-pahit sikit tapi kalau kena ngan keledak yang lemak n manis, betul nyer padan! Tapi lauk turi ni pun jarang makan. Dulu lauk ni, ibu jer yang suka masak... jarang jugak aku nampak lauk ni kat mana-mana.
Seelum aku tulis apa-apa pasal ni aku nak jerit dulu,
Aku pernah tulis dulu dalam blog ni pasal tempoyak udang. Rasanya so the lemak tapi ada pahit-pahit durian sikit. Tapi sedappppppppppppppppppp......

Asam Rebus:
Kalau aku cakap pasal asam rebus, aku ingat satu orang je.. Tok Ne. Sebab Tok NE yang handal masak lauk ni. Asam rebus tok ne best sebab dia suka letak cauliflower, nenas, kacang panjang and jagung kecik-kecik tu. Kalau aku dtg rumah tok ne, mesti dia masakkan asam rebus, walaupun dalam keadaan tangan dia yang dah terketar-ketar tu. Untuk cucu kesayangan katakan.. kwang kwang kwang... Jangan jeles eh!
Jadi, itulah adi antara makanan-makanan kegemaran Nurhayati.
Kalau korang campak aku kat Australia ke, New Zealand ke... gerenti aku meraung sebab tak dapat cari makanan macam tu. Tapi kalau korang campak aku kat ceruk-ceruk kampung, mesti aku jadi orang paling happy dalam dunia sebab dapat makan makanan Melayu kampung.
Cuma nasib kurang baik, dapat partner yang lebih cenderung makan fillet, makan pasta, makan sandwich. Jadi, tak ada motivasi untuk masak makanan macam yang di atas tadi,, kerana masak untuk diri sendiri aja, sungguh tak ada semangat you!
Tapi, azam baru minggu ini... aku akan masak SATU lauk feveret setiap minggu untuk kepuasan, kenikmatan dan kebahagiaan diri sendiri.
Jemput makan........
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
April Update

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hadirlah Mustika - Spin
I couldn't believe my eyes when I received the news that Achik Spin passed away due to a car crash yesterday. And somehow, despite the fact that I did not know him personally nor was I a fanatic fan of his, I am deeply saddened.
I think that with his passing, it just reminded me of how short and unpredictable life is. We can be gone just like that. Pooff! And us, living in this hectic and crazy world might have been taking someone for granted, thinking that they will be around forever. Our parents, our spouse, our children our friends...
And I hate it when young lives are taken away just like that, leaving behind young children. Achik's child is around Ryan's age, if I'm not wrong. How sad..
Anyways, I grew up listening to his songs. At a time where I was a teenager and all cintan cintun songs were still so meaningful, Spin's songs were among the best, especially those with Siti Nordiana. And the song above remains one of my favourites. It's fast, it catchy and I loved asking Shahreil to sing it during our karaoke sessions.
That's all, folks. Treasure your loved ones as long as we still have the chance.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Over and out
Let's let out a loooong sigh now...
It was 2 whole hectic weeks! CRAZY!
I think everyone @ work were so stressed and tired and cranky that we ended up complaining about our kids and wanting to quit. On Thursday alone, I heard 3 of my friends saying that maybe this job isn't really what they wanted.
But it was really horrible, I tell you.
On top of the normal lessons (and I have to remind you that an hour's worth of lesson requires a few hours worth of preparation that includes planning/creating of ppt/designing of worksheets and printing), the usual disciplinary problems that we have to handle and our own class' stalls (even though it's supposed to be run by students, it's the teachers that ended up running around in circles) we each have some duty or another for the carnival. Horrible horrible horrible.
So many tasks and so little time. Every little break in between classes was spent preparing for the next lesson and by the time class ended at abt 3 or 4 pm, I'd be busy planning for my stalls and then for the show. Pecah kepala otak aku.
And then I'd have to rush home and it's work all over again at home. Urgh. I feel sick to the stomach thinking about that 2 weeks.
The only things I looked forward to were my son's smiles and hugs and my husband's scent. I dunno why but his scent has always been a calming element in my life.
And I guess I'm lucky to have such wonderful friends at work too.
I just want to shout:
Btw, my class made $735 from our drinks & choc fondue stall and my show made $1.5k.
Not bad. ;-)
We did our part for charity, kiddos!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Holiday update
That aside, I wanna tell you guys that we went Johor AGAIN! Woaahhhh! Syiok! Especially since it being a weekday, no jam, no crowds...
We went to that new (to us, at least) place called Aeon @ Bukit Indah. Nice... It's something like Vivo, minus the crowd, which was definitely a plus factor. And of course, we went crazy seeing all the halal restaurants! In the end we (me) decided to try out the Black Canyon restaurant hich serves a wide array of sumptious food. We were really spoilt for choice! And the hubs when crazy and bought like ermm.. 5 or 6 t-shirts at one go! Ewah ewah, now he can't complain that he has no t-shirts to wear!
And Ryan was one happy kid yesterday, since there were at least THREE playgrounds. 1 outdoor and 2 indoor. We decided to go to the indoor one with the bouncy castles. Had to pay 5RM, but what is that compared to the look on his face (absolute happiness!) He was running here and there undecided as to which slides/house/horse he wants to play with. And he objected when we brought him of that place. Kesiaaaannnn... Nanti ibu bawak gi playground k!
Well, it has been quite a nice break for me.
Short but nice.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Camp. Again.
Hello, Ryan! Ibu misses you. Wake abah up for milk tonight, ok? If he doesn't just nudge him a little harder.
Hello, sayang! Don't worry, I miss you too. Just don't bring Scarlett Jo. home tonight or I'll kick your ass.
I know I should be using this opportunity to catch up on some marking. But hey... Im still in that holiday mood lah dey. BUT, I've already spruced up my workstation. Fuh! Bersih!
Ok, that's it.
I wanna go hooommmmee!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Smooth sailing
Alhamdulillah, if they see me as one of the happiest, problem-free person, as I really am quite grateful of how my life has been so far (minus the occasional complains).
But I couldn't help feeling rather offended and a little pissed when they make it sound as though I have things served to me on a big, shiny silver platter, cos it really ain't so.
Education-wise.. Yup. My journey up the education system have been one simple way up. If you have seen the regular educational route that MOE has, the one that I keep showing to my students, you will see that mine is the shortest, direct-ess route. Primary-> Sec (Express)->JC (supposedly the cream of the crop)-> NUS-> Post-grad in Ed. But it's not as if I have a magic wand that zap everything into my brain. I study hard for all of my tests and exams. I was a kental student who LOVE homeworks and exams. Ridiculous? But thats the truth. And it's not as though I've never faced failure before. Few people knew that I failed my Year One in NUS, due to the fact that I'd rather meet Shahreil and go all around town than sit in the boring, incoherent Economics lecture. Lucky for me, I got to skip Year 2 and went straight to Year 3 as soon as I completed my Sociology module which I had replaced Econs with.
Career-wise.. Shahreil posed me this question a few weeks back when we were talking about jobs. "What is your dream job?" I didn't even hesitate to think when I gave him the answer. YES! As much as I'd sigh and complain and cry (which I do a lot!) about my job, it IS what I have always wanted to do. As a kid, I'd spend my afternoons stacking my exercise books and 'mark' them. I'd stand by the wall with a textbook in my hand, giving lessons to my imaginary students. For as long as I remember, I HAVE wanted to teach. So what, if I am one in the million who get to do what they want to do? I want a normal job. I want to do something I am interested in. I want to do something I know I am good at. I do not have unrealistic dreams of becoming a supermodel or well-known singer, world-known footballer or the head honcho of a MNC, which are of course, more difficult to achieve.
Relationship-wise... I am lucky to have married my teenage sweetheart. But hey, every girl needs to kiss many slimy frogs before one really turns into a handsome prince. I've had my fair share of slimy guys. I've been dumped. I've been deceived. I've had my heart broken into pieces. It's just that I kissed the right frog a little earlier than most of the girls out there, at 18 years old, to be exact. And it's not as if me and Shahreil have the most perfect relationship in the world-- no one does, anyway. We've broken up so many times that we didnt bother to keep track of it anymore. We've had our fair share of arguments, of outbursts, of name-callings of tears.
Financial-wise.. Just a week ago, I found out that a relative of mine wanted to borrow 8K from me. When told that I didn't have that much, she said, " Takkanlah... Along kan cikgu, banyak duit.." I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry at that point. Yes, I have a good-paying job. But I do have a lot of responsibilites too, you know. And it's not as if money fall from the sky for me. And if you do notice, I do not spend a lot (or at least, as much as I'd love to). I don't have new clothes every week, I do not have branded items, I do not go on faraway vacations, I do not have expensive bags or shoes.
People envy me for having the 'perfect' life. A good husband, a child, a house, a car, a job'. "She's so lucky, she has everything. Everything is so easy for her", so they say. Yes, I do. But look beyond that surface. Do you see me waking at 5.30 every morning and frantically preparing everything before carrying my nearly 12kg baby at 6.15am to his grandparents' house? Do you see me coughing and straining my throat in class, feet sore from hours of standing, heart and head hurt from all the discipline problems? Do you my heart aching for having to work and not look after my son? Do you see me putting down my bag at 6.30pm in the afternoon and immediately start cooking/feeding/laundry/vacuuming and sometimes falling asleep with my work clothes still on? Do you see me melting down and crying my eyes out and wiping my snot all over my husband's t-shirt when I feel like I couldn't take it anymore?
Of course you don't. So don't ever say that I have the easiest life.
Despite it being tough at times, I feel grateful for everything that I have. Thanks to Shahreil who have always been my rock, for being there to dispense valuable advice, whose cheerful disposition towards life never fail to rub off me a little. From him, I learn to compare myself not to those who are supposedly better-off. For it does nothing, but cause more bitterness and jealousy. I learn to compare myself to those who are in worse positions than me. When I am unhappy with my work, I have to think about those who have no jobs at all or those who have to hold 2 jobs to make ends meet. When I complain about housework, I have to be thankful that I even have a house! When I get cranky for having to wake up in the middle of the night to attend to my crying child, I should be happy that I still have my son with me, happy and healthy.
Now that it's off my chest, I feel better.
So to those who assume that I have the 'perfect' life, I definitely don't.
And when things gets tough, I have this poem that I pinned up at my work desk as a reminder to appreciate whatever I have. It never fails to make me feel better.
Setiap kerdip mataku Ya Allah
AKu bersyukur atas nikmat ini
Banyak orang melihat tetapi buta
Setiap tarik nafasku Ya Allah
Aku bersyukur atas nikmat ini
Banyak orang mencium tetapi tak mampu membau
Setiap apa yang kudengar Ya Allah
Aku bersyukur atas nikmat ini
Banyak orang mendengar tetapi tuli
Setiap apa yang kuucapkan Ya Allah
Aku bersyukur atas nikmat ini
BAnyak orang berucap tetapi bisu
Setiap degup dan detak jantungku Ya Allah
Aku bersyukur atas nikmat ini
Banyak orang hidup tetapi mati
Akhirnya Ya Allah
Jangan kau cabut rasa syukurku
Yang dapat membuatku tuli, buta, bisu dan mati.
Monday, February 01, 2010
I've been wanting to watch it ever since it was shown across the causeway, but didn't think it was going to be worth the trip.
For your info, I've a love-hate relationship with Malaysian horror movies. One one hand, I can't stop wishing that they's stop coming up with crappy, sub-standard horror movies that almost all the time managed to elicit cynical laughters when what they actually were hoping for were terrified screams. Think Jangan Pandang Belakang, the part where Pierre Andre asked,"Siapa tu..?" And the ghost replied in an almost pervetic/comedic voice.."Akulah" The movie sort of lost the audience right at that moment. Congkak was fine, but the ending part was anti-climatic and Jangan Tegur is not even worth commenting about.
The problem with these movies is that they have SO MUCH potential to scare the pants out of the audiences, especially local audiences who can relate to the local premise and flavour of the story. I mean, the thought of an old woman with the long, white hair, wrinkled face, sinister smile is way scarier than a dracula(for me, at least). And all of those stories mentioned above had all the necessary ingredients to be, ummm... "BOOOMZ" (for lack of a better word). The young couple with small kid, a dilapidated house somewhere in the kampung area and so on.. But the end products were always so disappointing.
Back to Santau.. It was a movie that I can actually like. Maybe the casts were better and more likeable (put Pierre Andre in, and it just spoils it for me). Esma Daniel has always been likeable, that new actress was very good, I feel. SO, it was ok. Minus some few parts, like, can you guys (DAVID TEO, if you read this somehow) NOT show the face of ghost which are NOT scary at all? They looked like masks which had been torn apart by a guy in his drunken fury. ANd please, stop it with the sound effects which was supposed to scare us, cos it doesnt work when it's there at EVERY scene.
That's my take on Santau. It's better than the rest but definitely not a match for my Kekasih Kuseru.
And talking about Santau, well.. I still can't figure out how black and ugly a human being's heart can be, how much evil a person is capable of. But at the same time, I hope I will never be the kind of person who blindly accepts KENA BUAT ORANG as a convenient explanation for a sickness/misfortune/accidents/diseases. For my family and I have been on the receiving end of this and I saw how silly it could get.
1) "Anak dia gemuk-gemuk eh?"
"Yelah... bapak dia kan ada ilmu hitam"
Eh stoopid fool....! Tarak otak ka? Mak aku pandai masak sebab tu kita gemuk-gemuk. Korang nak babat kita sikit? Amik ah...
2) " Anak dia pandai-pandai, masuk University bukan sebab apa.. sebab dorang kan bomoh"
Itulah pasal, orang dulu suruh belajar, korang lari... sebab tu jawapan semua macam orang tak berpendidikan. Buat malu kompeni jer.
3) "Eh eh... dia accident? "Mesti kena buat.
" Eh eh... dia gaduh laki bini?" Mesti kena buat.
"Eh eh... dia kena berenti keje?" Mesti kena buat.
Eh eh..... korang ni tak percaya dengan qada' & qadar ke? Kalau aku ada ilmu pun, nak buat korang apa ke hal? Tak ada hasil..
Well, melalut pulak aku ni eh. Mende ni macam dah tak ada lagi. Macam dah ok. Tapi kata orang putih, forgiven but not forgotten.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
There are a few more stuffs that I want to do before I feel as though I've totally cleaned the house, but I've got to get ready for my movie date with the 7 favouritest persons in my life. (Ryan is way up there that he's in another league altogether, ok!)
But, I decided to not sweat it too much. Must learn to let go of certain stuffs. Not too anal about stuffs cos I'll just get stressed and what do I get for that? More wrinkles.
And I SHOULD be getting ready by now cos my normal getting-ready time is 45mins-1hr. But ever since the boy entered my life, I can make do with 15 mins! Terrer eh? ;-)
ANd I figure, I should take this time to blog a little before I get caught up in the manic weekdays, as I usually do ever since the year started.
I had a wonderful time last night with Shahreil and friends last night.
I finally got my PRINTS wrapping paper for my record book @Citylink after 4 weeks of school term! I NEED to wrap my record book, so that I will feel more motivated to record my lessons for the week and dutifully submit it to my HOD every Monday morning. (ok! I lied, I always give it to her before I go home in the afternoon!)
Have I told you before that I LOVE PRINTS. I can stay there for hours just ogling and molesting those beautiful papers and books! I'd love it if for my birthday I get nothing but papers after papers after papers from PRINTS! (hint hint)
Both Shahreil and Shahrul said that it's ridiculous that I'm paying so much (it's just $4!) for a wrapping paper. But it was so pretty! And pretty makes me happy. And happy is good, right?
Then we decided that instead of wasting money on movie tixs, we'd just have some old-fashioned fun. Friends, junk food, dvds @ home. Halem, Hairul and Ros met us at the void deck and our horror-filled night started. We watched Skrip 7707, which was a pretty decent scary movie and then Fobia. And we exchanged some ghost stories while we had the toilet break in between. I was already dozing off on the sofa halfway through Fobia and when it ended at 3am, we went to send Shahrul home.
And now, we'd have another go at another Malay ghost story.
See you there, Ikin, Diyana, Aini, Mimi, Abg and Man.
Jangan lambat.
Nanti aku pulak yang naik hantu for I simply can't stand people who are not punctual.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
It gets harder everyday. But well, since life is pretty unpredictable and short (evident it the going-ons around the world), I'll try to just enjoy the ride no matter how bumpy it is.
But I do wish that:
1) I have more than 24hrs in a day to do everything that I need to do daily
2) a miracle energy pill that I can pop into my mouth and get the much needed energy level to keep up with everything that I have going on
Argh. Sometimes I don't even know if I'm doing things right.
The word cost-price keeps emerging in my head. It's one term from my JC-days econs lectures that I remember. Something like, you choose something but you have to let go of another thing.
And that's how it's been like in my life.. never-ending choices I have to make.
If I do not do that housework now, I will have a scary pile of housework to do on the weekends.
If I DO choose to do the housework, I will miss out on some family bonding time.
If I stay back to do work in school, I will be late in fetching Ryan.
If I fetch Ryan earlier, I'm way behind in marking/admin work.
If I enjoy myself on weekends and not bring work home, I will be unprepared for the coming week and that's like shortchanging my kids.
But if I do bring work home, it just means I practically work 24/7.
If I bring work home on a daily basis, I'm shortchanging my family.
If I DON'T bring them home, Im shortchanging my kids.
Bloody hell. I'm getting breathless just thinking about it.
I want to be a great mom, a great wife, a great teacher.
But it seems so hard!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Busy bee.. as always
It's ok. He can have his fun cos I will have mine tomorrow. Bollywood, here I come!!! Say shava shava! Say shava shava! Can't wait! Can't wait!
What a way to end my hectic week. You won't believe how exhausted I've been (or still am)! All the admin work, lesson prep, committee responsibilities, the slowly but very scarily piling up marking. And the fact that somehow my lessons end very late this year, as late as 3.45pm! Mak oiii!!! And please, for those of you who ever dare think that a cher's work ends as soon as he/she finishes lesson, I'd come lunging at you with my red pen! That is an irritating misconception! Yes, we have a choice to go home right after lessons (at specified official school timing given by the ones above, that is).. but we rarely are ABLE to do so. There are CCA duties, committee issues, meet students for all kinds of reasons (counselling/detention/nagging sessions/remedials/supplementary classes), admin work, all sorts of forms to collate for the form class, prepare tomorrow's lessons. print endless copies of worksheets, mark all those work we regret giving, call parents, meetings, workshops, powerpoints, and I can go on and on and on.. The point is, I'm grateful if I can go home by 4pm.
And once home, it's work all over again. Housework, of course. Something I usually enjoy doing, but not when I've been working for the past 10 hours or so. I try not to do much work while Ryan is awake cos that's the only quality time I get to spend with him. But for the past 1 week, I fall asleep while trying to put him to sleep only to wake up at midnight .. and poofff... there goes my plan to catch up on some housework.
I've been given so many responsibilities, sitting in so many committees, i/c of so many programmes that I don't know whether to jump up and down in excitement or crawl under my desk and hide till 2010 ends.
Nevetheless, I sense that 2010 will be a good year for me, career-wise. I hope. Never have given much thought about my career, i guess, since my initial ambition was to be housewife. Hehe.. But having Ryan made me want to be the best that I can be. And being at a new place has been very motivating in some ways. I was really jaded at the old place, I guess. So, all's good now.
Well... tomorrow IS Friday. And I just LOVE weekends! It's my let loose time with my son, with my hubby, with my siblings, with my parents, with our friends. Ooooohh.. I miss my ibu and ayah so much sometimes it hurts. I sometimes wish that i still their little daughter and live the life I used to have. All 8 of us in that chaotic but fun (sometimes stressful) house. But, I have my own little family now. Better enjoy it before it's MY turn to have my kids grow and live their own lives... NOoooooooooooo!!
K, better ply Ryan off the tv set.
Good night, peeps.
Hang on! One more day to weekend. (Argh! Just remembered that I AM working this Sat!)