My ayah (on normal days)/my dad (on normal, step mat salleh days)/ my daddy (on manja-manja days) / my daaadyyyyyyy (on ada udang di sebalik mi days).
I have read Aini's post about ayah on her blog and I thought most of the things I wanted to say about him has been written there. So, I'll just add a bit here and there..
Ayah, despite being big-sized and scary looking.. is actually a softie inside. While mum was the disciplinarian, ayah was the one that did most of the pampering. He was the one we'd all run to when we got into trouble with ibu. He used to bring us (at least the first 3 lah eh..) out of the house to jalan2 when ibu was in a foul mood. And he'd be the one who'd give us the extra pocket money when ibu, being the thrifty one, said that what we had was enough. He would, at the dining table, pass us dollar notes quietly under the table while ibu was either busy reading the newspaper or preparing breakfast in the kitchen. All 6 of us had been thrown rolled up $5 notes across the dining table at some point of our schooling life. Heheh.. (Sorry ibu!)
Ayah was a terrific cook too! I remember on days that mum was still working shifts and we were left alone with dad at home, he'd cook us maggi mee that tasted so superbly delicious! And his nasi goreng, and mee goreng which was of coz.... full of campak-campak ingredients are hot favourites among my siblings! And sometimes, when he felt like cooking something extra special for his kids... he'd whip up his famous (among the 6 of us, at least!) Nasi Ayam! And ooohhh!! Wait a minute! His suji is MY personal favourite! Yummm!
Of coz, like all other dads, he's not one who says I LOVE YOU aloud. Paiseh maaaa... But like what Aini says in her blog, his actions are far louder than words. During exam periods, he'd come into my room and made sure that things are comfortable for me. He'd adjust the lights, he'd adjust the fan.. he'd even come in with a jug of cold milo or bandung or orange juice and some light snacks.
When I was younger, I was soooo proud of having him as my dad cos all my friends loved him. He'd crack jokes, he'd make them laugh and they all loved being around him.
And definitely has a heart of gold. He enjoys collecting stuffs and distributing them to the poor in Buru. He will spend hours infront of all the items at home, sorting them out.. then lug those heavy bags to Harbour Front, paid tax and then distribute them. We'd scold him sometimes cos at his age, and with his health problems.. he shouldn't be carrying all those stuffs around.. but he always tells us that he enjoys doing it. And he enjoys watching the eyes of those whom he helps light up with happiness.
And the sacrifices he made for all of us..
He works damn hard.. Waking up at 4.30am and leaving for work at 6am ever since he stopped driving. Working all the way til 5pm. And he used to teach those newbie cab drivers (ayah mengajar, that's what we used to call it) till like 9.30pm.. and reach home at 10 plus.. He was always the first to leave home and the last to come back. We are all glad he doesn't mengajar anymore.
When we eat out, he used to eat our leftovers because he was afraid that the bill would be too high. Even now, he still refuses to order anything for himself sometimes, afraid that we will be not able be to pay the bill!
Ayah... ayah...
I love you, ayah. Thank you for all the things that you have done for us.
Please stop smoking cos we want you to be healthy!

We love you, Daaaaadyyyyyy!!!!
Happy Father's Day!
And of course, to my darling husband.. Happy Father's Day too!
Whenever I hear other women complain about their husbands, I am glad I have you!
You are definitely the best father my kids can ever have!
And to my daddy-in-law who is ever so kind and thoughtful, well, it's no suprise that you have such a wonderful son! Cos he has a wonderful role model to look up to!
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