He thinks I didn't try hard enough. Nice.
Well, here are the things that I did during July-August, according to my blog archives.
a) Practice for Youth Day Performance. Stayed back till 7 pm for 5 days.
b) Mark Prelim Papers for 4NT(23 students), 4NA(23 students), 5NA(14 students).
c) House renovation. True, I wasnt the one doing the hacking and all, but it was a chaotic period at home.
d) ROMM registration
e) Mahathir's and Daddy's birthday celebrations
f) Bridal gown fitting
g) Oral exam (Prepare MY kids for exam, as well as being the invigilator for OTHER kids. 8 days of rushing to another school after work.
h) Mankey's birthday celebration
i) KL trip to purchase wedding stuffs.
j) Mother Tongue Week. i/c of Amaziong Race.
j) Photoshoot
Well, I was shaking my legs through the month of July and August.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I get jittery now and then whenever I think about the wedding.
As in really stop and think about it.
I guess, I'm just too caught up in the preparations that I forget how super important this is.
I am getting married! Married! Me? I do not know whether I should jump up and down in delight or shriek in horror. Hahah..
The getting married to Shahreil part is wonderful.
I mean, I'm really sure that he is THE ONE.
(well, after wasting nearly 9 years, he'd BETTER be THE ONE!)
But I guess, what scares me is the getting used to new things in life.
I hate that part.
Anyways, I didn't know that mom has been sacrificing her lunch hours at work to sew my cadar pengantin. Gosh! I love you mommy.
As in really stop and think about it.
I guess, I'm just too caught up in the preparations that I forget how super important this is.
I am getting married! Married! Me? I do not know whether I should jump up and down in delight or shriek in horror. Hahah..
The getting married to Shahreil part is wonderful.
I mean, I'm really sure that he is THE ONE.
(well, after wasting nearly 9 years, he'd BETTER be THE ONE!)
But I guess, what scares me is the getting used to new things in life.
I hate that part.
Anyways, I didn't know that mom has been sacrificing her lunch hours at work to sew my cadar pengantin. Gosh! I love you mommy.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I am so penat.
This time round, it's not caused by work.
It's caused by 2 short trips to JB.
Not that I'm complaining eh.
Highlights of the trip:
3 days of delicious kampung food! Fabulous! During the school trip to Kampung Sinar Baru on Friday, I got to eat pisang muda masak lemak, sup ayam cendawan, ayam masak rendang(i think), ulam-ulam such ah pucuk ubi, kacang boto, ulam raja dicicah dengan sambal asam/sambal kicap. SYIOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! And we were treated to cendawan goreng. Ya ampun, sedapnya!
Then on Saturday's trip with the family, we had seafood galore! Tak pernah aku merasa makan ketam and udang sebanyak itu. Almaklum, rumah Kak Lin yang kat Teluk Ramunia ni betol2 depan laut..senang aja nak dapat tu suma. So, we had ketam masak lemak and also Chilli Crab. Sunday, kita rebus udang, cicah ngan sambal asam. Sedap btol ah...
Walaupun saya sebenarnya ni tgh berdiet, tapi kalau masakan kampung, jangan harap dapat ditolak. Bedal jer..
b) Kampung lifestyle.
This is the first time we went to rumah the newly wedded couple at Teluk Ramunia. Jauh jugak beb. Rumah Kak Lin ni so very the big and cosy.. Best btol. Kampung dia pun bersih jer. Tapi duduk lama-lama kat kampung ni terpikiak jugak pasal Buru. Lebih best kot kat Buru, kenal ramai orang, nak pegi mana-mana bebas, taklah terperuk dalam rumah jer kan..
c) Blissful?
Tgk Kak Lin and Abg Khalid made me think, best gak kahwin nie eh. She looked so happy and blissful. Padahal dia lah paling liat nak kahwin dulu.. Hahha..
Klah, nak letak gambar, macam malas pulak.
This time round, it's not caused by work.
It's caused by 2 short trips to JB.
Not that I'm complaining eh.
Highlights of the trip:
3 days of delicious kampung food! Fabulous! During the school trip to Kampung Sinar Baru on Friday, I got to eat pisang muda masak lemak, sup ayam cendawan, ayam masak rendang(i think), ulam-ulam such ah pucuk ubi, kacang boto, ulam raja dicicah dengan sambal asam/sambal kicap. SYIOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! And we were treated to cendawan goreng. Ya ampun, sedapnya!
Then on Saturday's trip with the family, we had seafood galore! Tak pernah aku merasa makan ketam and udang sebanyak itu. Almaklum, rumah Kak Lin yang kat Teluk Ramunia ni betol2 depan laut..senang aja nak dapat tu suma. So, we had ketam masak lemak and also Chilli Crab. Sunday, kita rebus udang, cicah ngan sambal asam. Sedap btol ah...
Walaupun saya sebenarnya ni tgh berdiet, tapi kalau masakan kampung, jangan harap dapat ditolak. Bedal jer..
b) Kampung lifestyle.
This is the first time we went to rumah the newly wedded couple at Teluk Ramunia. Jauh jugak beb. Rumah Kak Lin ni so very the big and cosy.. Best btol. Kampung dia pun bersih jer. Tapi duduk lama-lama kat kampung ni terpikiak jugak pasal Buru. Lebih best kot kat Buru, kenal ramai orang, nak pegi mana-mana bebas, taklah terperuk dalam rumah jer kan..
c) Blissful?
Tgk Kak Lin and Abg Khalid made me think, best gak kahwin nie eh. She looked so happy and blissful. Padahal dia lah paling liat nak kahwin dulu.. Hahha..
Klah, nak letak gambar, macam malas pulak.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
What a kecohrable day.
I've got 4 different groups of students who came over to beraya at my house today.
Penat woooooo... But so the meriah!
First up was the 4NT guys: Shukri, Hafiz, Sharin, Khairi and their friend, Farouk.
Next, the 2T1 guys: Syahfarriz, Danial and Taufiq.
Then, the Sec 1Ts guys: Hakim, Iskandar, Amirul, Rasoul and Arif(??)
Lastly, the much awaited group: My beloved 4NAs. Nak kena list ke nama? Ok here goes:
Fauzi, Fauzi's gf(Hana), Khai, Ziela, Fadzli, Siti, Hakim, Idris, Zahid, Dzul, Fandi, Ismaliah, Shakila, Farhana, Ain, Muhaimin, Muhaimin's sedara, I think (Kasmani), Juliana. Hah! I got all their names!
Kecoh! Kecoh! Especially the last group. Siap ada impromptu performance lagik, by the superstars of Punggol, namely Hakim and Fauzi. Tak malu betul korang eh. Tapi sungguh-sungguh menghiburkan. Hope to see you ALL in Sec 5 next year!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Ok, so there's 44 pantang larang for bakal pengantins, like me.
I know cos I just googled it.
One of them is this:
PANTANG: Jangan keluar dengan pasangan selama 40 hari sebelum diijabkabul.
a) Untuk mengelak berlaku tohmahan masyarakat.
b) Selain itu, ia bertujuan untuk mengawal nafsu.
c) Ia juga untuk menimbulkan perasaan rindu dendam. Perasaan yang timbul akan membuatkan wajah pengantin lebih berseri.
For the record, I'm really a traditional girl at heart, who'd follow things like this. Hell, I've just eaten bunga ros satu kuntum and I intent to do it for 30 days as stated in one of the petua for pengantins. But the pantang about not meeting up is like freakingly torturing me. I don't think its suitable for modern days anyway. An aunt said that I shouldnt be going out, and so does that mean I can not go to work as well? Hah!
The reasons a, b and c is crappy anyway.
A) Crappy cos I've been going out with Shahreil for 8.5 years. If people wanna tohmah us, why take THIS long??
B) If both of us couldnt kawal nafsu, we'd have maybe 7 kids..or at least 1 kid who's 7 years old by now.
C) The third one.. well, it has the opposite effect on me, at least. The more I don't meet him, the more resentful I get and the more fights I feel like picking. I just have a way of channeling my missing-Shahreil feelings the wrong way. Like tonight. So, this pantang might have just ruined my realtionship. WTHell.
I know cos I just googled it.
One of them is this:
PANTANG: Jangan keluar dengan pasangan selama 40 hari sebelum diijabkabul.
a) Untuk mengelak berlaku tohmahan masyarakat.
b) Selain itu, ia bertujuan untuk mengawal nafsu.
c) Ia juga untuk menimbulkan perasaan rindu dendam. Perasaan yang timbul akan membuatkan wajah pengantin lebih berseri.
For the record, I'm really a traditional girl at heart, who'd follow things like this. Hell, I've just eaten bunga ros satu kuntum and I intent to do it for 30 days as stated in one of the petua for pengantins. But the pantang about not meeting up is like freakingly torturing me. I don't think its suitable for modern days anyway. An aunt said that I shouldnt be going out, and so does that mean I can not go to work as well? Hah!
The reasons a, b and c is crappy anyway.
A) Crappy cos I've been going out with Shahreil for 8.5 years. If people wanna tohmah us, why take THIS long??
B) If both of us couldnt kawal nafsu, we'd have maybe 7 kids..or at least 1 kid who's 7 years old by now.
C) The third one.. well, it has the opposite effect on me, at least. The more I don't meet him, the more resentful I get and the more fights I feel like picking. I just have a way of channeling my missing-Shahreil feelings the wrong way. Like tonight. So, this pantang might have just ruined my realtionship. WTHell.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
It's 5.30pm, and I'm already back from beraya with my sec sch friends.
Yup. It's unbelievable we are back this early.
Not suprising thou, since there's only 4 of us. YUP!
ONLY 4 of us!
Me, Adik, Yan & her fiance, Latif.
Sedih kan?!
For those out there who doesn't know, kita ni lima sekawan.
The 3 of us, plus Ajai & Malah.
Jalan raya biasanya kecoh lah.. Each with their other halfs, and in the case of Ajai, plus her kids.
Penah sekali kita beraya balik dah pukul satu pagi, maklumlah..banyak rumah nak pergi.
Tapi this year, mendak ah.
Not that it wasn't fun.
It was, of coz.
Meeting old frens are always fun.
But it wasn't complete this year.
Nak bergambar pun tak semangat sanagt.
But I still want all those pics Yan eh...
My wedding ALL must come ok.
Kalau tak datang, aku nangis...
Yup. It's unbelievable we are back this early.
Not suprising thou, since there's only 4 of us. YUP!
ONLY 4 of us!
Me, Adik, Yan & her fiance, Latif.
Sedih kan?!
For those out there who doesn't know, kita ni lima sekawan.
The 3 of us, plus Ajai & Malah.
Jalan raya biasanya kecoh lah.. Each with their other halfs, and in the case of Ajai, plus her kids.
Penah sekali kita beraya balik dah pukul satu pagi, maklumlah..banyak rumah nak pergi.
Tapi this year, mendak ah.
Not that it wasn't fun.
It was, of coz.
Meeting old frens are always fun.
But it wasn't complete this year.
Nak bergambar pun tak semangat sanagt.
But I still want all those pics Yan eh...
My wedding ALL must come ok.
Kalau tak datang, aku nangis...
Friday, October 19, 2007
What a busy day.
Concert's over. *phew*
I love organising concert.
But it's super tiring and nerve-wrecking.
But it's over.And I'm really glad.
Thanks to all the frens at work who helped me one way or another.
Thanks to Shahreil who provided me with the support, encouragement and love throughout the 'ordeal'.
And a very very special thanks to all my kids who worked very hard to make the show a success. Most of them had to stay back on so many days for so many weeks to practice. And this in the midst of exams, puasa and subsequently hari raya. It was really heartwarming to see them so dedicated in what they were doing.. And you guys never fail to amaze me during shows... A truly talented bunch of peeps, I must say. Thanks guys!
Photos will be up once I get them.
For now, just enjoy the pics of the post-concert..
Oh.. I also added pics of my dear Aidil, Shazalee and Hafiz of 4NT who came over soon after I reached home. Old stories were exchanged, of how I shouted and banged the table when I first did relief for their class in Sec 1, of how monkey-ish Aidil was when he was in my Project Work Class in Sec 2. Geeky pictures of me in my sec sch days were laughed at. Basically, we had fun. And I am so going to miss them next year.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007

Lagi sekali..
Walu sempit, sempat berposing
Oh..yang dok depan syiok ah..
A bit more kecoh.
The only downside was that we got a different van which was smaller and less exclusive than the previous one.
Sempit and panas! I willingly downgraded to the floor cos I couldnt stand being squashed.
But, fun lah.. kecoh nak mampos.
This morning, our friend from KL came over.
Biasalah, kalau member KL datang, kita dok bergosip. Hehehhe..
Selamat Hari Raya, Zaki.
Bulan 11 jumpa lagik eh.. jgn lupa baju pink.
Bad news..
Im not supposed to meet Shahreil anymore.
We can't even go jalan raya together!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Salam Lebaran
....and kissing..
Babies of the house
I've got 15 mins to blog before mummy starts shouting for all of us to get ready.
We are going out at 11 am tofay, and in a house with 7 ladies, getting ready will take hours and hours..
No wonder dad gets frustrated every raya, waiting for us. (sorry dad, you have 5 gorgeous princesses, what do you expect?)
So far, this year's raya has been the same. Same houses, same people we bumped into, same food.. Not that I'm complaining cos I love all those..
Well, I have go get reasdy for another day of eating, chatting and photo-taking..
So, you peeps just enjoy the pics yah..
(I miss you, Shahreil Bakri!)
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