Lagi sekali..
Walu sempit, sempat berposing
Oh..yang dok depan syiok ah..
A bit more kecoh.
The only downside was that we got a different van which was smaller and less exclusive than the previous one.
Sempit and panas! I willingly downgraded to the floor cos I couldnt stand being squashed.
But, fun lah.. kecoh nak mampos.
This morning, our friend from KL came over.
Biasalah, kalau member KL datang, kita dok bergosip. Hehehhe..
Selamat Hari Raya, Zaki.
Bulan 11 jumpa lagik eh.. jgn lupa baju pink.
Bad news..
Im not supposed to meet Shahreil anymore.
We can't even go jalan raya together!
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