What a busy day.
Concert's over. *phew*
I love organising concert.
But it's super tiring and nerve-wrecking.
But it's over.And I'm really glad.
Thanks to all the frens at work who helped me one way or another.
Thanks to Shahreil who provided me with the support, encouragement and love throughout the 'ordeal'.
And a very very special thanks to all my kids who worked very hard to make the show a success. Most of them had to stay back on so many days for so many weeks to practice. And this in the midst of exams, puasa and subsequently hari raya. It was really heartwarming to see them so dedicated in what they were doing.. And you guys never fail to amaze me during shows... A truly talented bunch of peeps, I must say. Thanks guys!
Photos will be up once I get them.
For now, just enjoy the pics of the post-concert..
Oh.. I also added pics of my dear Aidil, Shazalee and Hafiz of 4NT who came over soon after I reached home. Old stories were exchanged, of how I shouted and banged the table when I first did relief for their class in Sec 1, of how monkey-ish Aidil was when he was in my Project Work Class in Sec 2. Geeky pictures of me in my sec sch days were laughed at. Basically, we had fun. And I am so going to miss them next year.
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