My ibu said that this is my first Ramadhan. Not that I know what she meant by Ramadhan anyway.. All I know is that all the big people cannot eat or drink from morning till night. Are they crazy?! I cannot NOT drink my milk THAT long. Even 3 hours also, I cannot
tahan. If my ibu try to make me starve like the big people, I know what to do. I will scream my lungs out. Hey! I may be small.. but don't
play play.. I can scream very well!

Ohh... This is how I look like after I drink my milk. I have all these different poses to fool my ibu into thinking that I am already fast asleep. You want to know why?

It is simply because, after every milk session, she will insist that I be burped. Aiyoh! Can't I just have some peace after my milk? Why must she make me sit upright and pat my back endlessly. Well.. who cares..? Most of the time I ignore her anyway. Sorry ibu! I love you to bits, but a boy must have his much needed sleep, right? To grow healthy? You said so yourself, so I guess it is true.

And yes, before I go off. Let me tell you people, that my ibu bathed me for the very first time yesterday! I'm proud of you ibu! I must confess however that you were not as professional as Nek Ju, but hey! I AM your firstborn anyway. And yes, I decided to be a good boy and not splash around too much in case you panicked and let me drown. Sorry about peeing staright at you thou! Yang itu, Ryan tak sengaja tau. I love you, ibu!
Ohh... jangan terperanjat eh. Itu bukan darah, itu air sepang. And gambar ni bukan gambar yang ibu saya mandikan. Ini gambar Nek Ju mandikan. Ok, Bye semua!
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