Today, we decided that Ryan should try the baby car seat. Basically because, being 5.45kg (and growing!), tangan ibu macam dah tak larat nak dukung all the way to Tampines. And he looked so cute in the seat! Macam dah besau ..

After leaving him (once again) with the eager Mak Ngah, Shahreil and I made our way to Marina Square for a little shopping expedition. Alright, we spent nearly 500 bucks withing less than 2 hours. But hey! That'd make up for the more than a month of non-shopping! I can't believe that we got sucked into buying cute-little-stuffs-for-our-baby disease. Everything cute, must buy! Started with these two bajus.. (and why are such little bajus so expensive?!)

Haaa... I love this one! I've been eyeing it even before Ryan was conceived! Now, no more peeing straight into my eyes!

Since, the budak manja suka didukung....I decided that I have to have this. I actually preferred the purple colour, tapi takut macam kedi pulak kan untuk anak lelakiku.

Adakah ini dinamakan takdir? Di mana ada gajah, di situ ada monyet. I guess its fated, Shahreil Gajah and Mr Mankey tidak dapat dipisahkan. Patutlah suamiku waktu honeymoon pun ngigaukan Mankey.
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