Before you roll your eyes and think, "Yati pe...what's new?"
I need to set the record staight. Yes. It was a shopping spree yesterday. BUT! Here comes the big but.. It wasn't me who gleefully torpedoed through the racks of Suntec and Marina, it was SHAHREIL BAKRI!
He had a hell of a good time spending his money, which I must say, deservedly
You see, I shop all the time. The mantra being, duit aku, aku punya suka lah. Hehehhe... No no. I think I am an ok shopper, I shop within my means and that's what is important, right?
No Kedai Emas Kampung Melayu people chasing after me.. (Opppss!! Siapa makan cili, dia terasa pedas ye!)
Oh, back to Shahreil.
I backed him up 100% when he said he wanted to shop because he rarely shops. Other than the online games, apa lagik hubby aku selalu beli? Nothing.
So, I'm all for him buying his shoes and clothes and stuffs. Cuma kalau barang -barang yang macam takde faedah, memanglah aku rasa macam nak cekik-cekik batang leher dia. (Think Star Wars helmet!)
And both of us (errm..actually just me) are expectatedly sucked into the whole every-little-cute-items-for-Ryan-also-die-die-must-buy disease. But, I was proud of myself since I only purchased one very cute Gap cap last night. Actually, after Shahreil had to ply the rest of the items back out of my hands. Teehee..
I did buy my a little something for myself though, which had me and the hubby laughing away at the end of the night.
What a wonderful weekend!
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