I have a big headache now.
Who will look after Ryan after we've moved?
Mak looking after Ryan has never been a long term arrangement. I've never agreed to that in the first place. I still believe that grandparents, given their age, should not be burdened with the hassle of babysitting their grandchildren. They should be enjoying their golden years, not face crying babies day in day out.
So, what other options do I have?
A) Maid:
Honestly speaking, I've never wanted a maid. Firstly, it's definitely not an easy thing to open up your home to a total stranger. And I've always wanted to do all the household chores myself. I want to be the queen of the kitchen. Or, in a less positive note, the slave of the house. But, faced with the reality that someone has got to look after Ryan, me and Shahreil have been talking about getting one. We are adamant though that we shall only get someone we both could trust, and who better fit the job if not for my dear Mbakyu. We've been scheming for months, wanting to poach her from my parents. Heheh... Al-maklum, her contract's ending this May. But sadly, her hubby wants her to go back permanently. Darn! I know that she will be able to look after Ryan well. And it's easier since I've known her for so many many years. But, darn! Next, I remembered Mbakyu Susi, who was Tok's maid. Disappointed again as Cik Mar said that she has just started work at Taiwan. Lambat setapak! New maids?!! Noooo... Seram!! Anak aku hilang, siapa nak jawab?
B) Infant Care Centres?
Haaaa... kesiannyer budak tonet tu, kecik2 dah nak kena gi sekolah..?? Haiyya.. And how much do I trust that the caregivers there can look after him well? I've lived near a childcare centre before and I've always been disgusted by some of the ways they handled the little tots. Tengking-tengking macam rimau. Terpekik terlolong macam perempuan gila. Eh, sudah!
C) Hantar rumah orang?
Someone that we can trust, of course. No strangers. I've read enough horror stories. But I have no relatives anywhere near Bukit Panjang. I have no relatives in the west, for goodness sake! Camne!!! CIk Niah!!!!!! Pindah Jelebu ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haaaaaaaaa.... I'm in such a dilemma!!
Camne??? Camne???!!
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