Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ermm.. I really have nothing to say.
I'm here because Shahreil asked me to write an entry.
Why? You see, I'm @ his house.. and I believe he just wants to keep me occupied for another 10 minutes so he can finish watching football. That cunning wolf!

I buka-ed @ his house again. Very last minute kind of thingy. I'm suprised that his mom actually cooked sambal sardin. My fav. ANd all tis while I thought sambal is like a banned dish in his house. I've always worried how Im supposed to survive in a house that doesnt have sambal when I get married to him next year. Rupanyer..HANYA SHAHREIL yang mengada2. Hahha.. And the sambal was nice too, macam sambal yang tok ne masak. Best.

Shahreil is beside me right now, vetting what Im typing. Who cares..I'll blog whatever I want to blog. Oit! Gi siap ah! I want to go shopping.

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