Sunday, July 05, 2009


It had been a terrible 1st week back to work.
I guess the reason being, I didn't really get a proper recharge during the supposedly long break.
I ended up being more tired that ever. And it doesn't help that I immediately had to take on the yearly official duty. I used to love doing it, but no this time round. The timing's so off. What with the new house and all.

Talking about the new house, I am starting to think that maybe we'll finally settle down in 2010. Yup. At the rate we are going, I won't be suprised if we take that long to move in. It's EXCRUCIATINGLY slow. It's so frustrating. There's so many things to do, and we have so little time. Argh!

On a brighter note, my dear Adeq has given birth to a cute little princess. (not that I've seen the baby, but Im sure she's as cute as the momma!) I guess the godmothers will have to set a date to visit the little bundle of joy soon!

And how can I not talk about my handsome son? He's getting more and more cheeky each day. Just look at him sticking his tongue out! I feel like biting him all the time!

Oklah, nak tido. Nite!

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