Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I am still struggling with the whole work-life balance thingy.
It gets harder everyday. But well, since life is pretty unpredictable and short (evident it the going-ons around the world), I'll try to just enjoy the ride no matter how bumpy it is.
But I do wish that:

1) I have more than 24hrs in a day to do everything that I need to do daily
2) a miracle energy pill that I can pop into my mouth and get the much needed energy level to keep up with everything that I have going on

Argh. Sometimes I don't even know if I'm doing things right.
The word cost-price keeps emerging in my head. It's one term from my JC-days econs lectures that I remember. Something like, you choose something but you have to let go of another thing.
And that's how it's been like in my life.. never-ending choices I have to make.
If I do not do that housework now, I will have a scary pile of housework to do on the weekends.
If I DO choose to do the housework, I will miss out on some family bonding time.
If I stay back to do work in school, I will be late in fetching Ryan.
If I fetch Ryan earlier, I'm way behind in marking/admin work.
If I enjoy myself on weekends and not bring work home, I will be unprepared for the coming week and that's like shortchanging my kids.
But if I do bring work home, it just means I practically work 24/7.
If I bring work home on a daily basis, I'm shortchanging my family.
If I DON'T bring them home, Im shortchanging my kids.

Bloody hell. I'm getting breathless just thinking about it.
I want to be a great mom, a great wife, a great teacher.
But it seems so hard!

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