Friday, March 19, 2010

Holiday update

I figure I should take a break from all the lesson planning that I've been doing for the past 2 hours or so. Pecah kepala otak aku. But I must admit I've always loved planning lessons, especially fun ones. If only I have all the time in the world during school term to do just that, but I really don't. So, Im glad that I have some time here to sit quietly and do it while babysitting my band kids.

That aside, I wanna tell you guys that we went Johor AGAIN! Woaahhhh! Syiok! Especially since it being a weekday, no jam, no crowds...

We went to that new (to us, at least) place called Aeon @ Bukit Indah. Nice... It's something like Vivo, minus the crowd, which was definitely a plus factor. And of course, we went crazy seeing all the halal restaurants! In the end we (me) decided to try out the Black Canyon restaurant hich serves a wide array of sumptious food. We were really spoilt for choice! And the hubs when crazy and bought like ermm.. 5 or 6 t-shirts at one go! Ewah ewah, now he can't complain that he has no t-shirts to wear!

And Ryan was one happy kid yesterday, since there were at least THREE playgrounds. 1 outdoor and 2 indoor. We decided to go to the indoor one with the bouncy castles. Had to pay 5RM, but what is that compared to the look on his face (absolute happiness!) He was running here and there undecided as to which slides/house/horse he wants to play with. And he objected when we brought him of that place. Kesiaaaannnn... Nanti ibu bawak gi playground k!

Well, it has been quite a nice break for me.
Short but nice.

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