Monday, December 05, 2005

No Monday Blues for me!

Today, I'm really proud of myself.
Let's see the things that I've done in the past 2 hours or so.

1) Finally completed and submitted my work review.
I was supposed to submit it to my Reporting Officer last week, but I concluded that since he's going to be away in Taiwan, why bother? So, for the whole of last week, up to this morning, I had the EPMS in my head. The fact that I still have not submitted it prevented me from enjoying my holidays fully. But now that it's done, I feel way better. So, my dear Mr T, go through the EPMS and give me the work performance bonus that I totally deserve! ;-P

2) Cleaned up my desk at work.
I'm normally a neat person. My colleagues will normally come over to my desk and gush at how neat and cosy my work space is. But Term 4 had been one hectic period. Exams, activities, invigilations and bla bla bla.. that it was hard to actually make time to clean up my area. I ended up piling papers after papers after papers on my desk. It was totally messy. Today, I finally summoned enough courage and determination to actually go through the mess and discard all the useless items that I've accumulated for the past 1 year. And now, my desk is as clean as when I first came to this school. (3 cheers for yati!)

3) I went to gather ALL the textbooks that I need for next year. I will start planning my lessons today (hopefully) The best part about teaching is that I get to plan wonderful (to me that is) lessons for my kids. Hey, I do take pride in my lessons ok!

So, to sum it up. I've had a good day at work. Why does it seems that I enjoy being at work more when the kids and other teachers are not around? Hmm..

Lastly, whatever unhappiness I feel about the engagement, I keep telling myself, what the hell..the most important thing is that I'm going to marry my darling at the end of it. I'm not going to let those people ruin it!

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