Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Have a million things to do that at times like this, I feel as though 24 hours in a day is NOT enough.
I've got 2 piles of karangan, 1 kefahaman, 1 buku kerja to mark.
It's not that complaining cos to tell you the truth, I love marking.
I think, one of the reason I'm in this profession is because i've always wanted to mark books.

Neways, the thing I have to complete today(hopefully):
a) finish marking
b) print all sec 4 n 5 mid year papers.
c) prepare tomorro's lesson

Sounds simple, but trust me, it's not.
Looks like I'm staying back late again today.
But the boys are coming to my homeroom today, so I guess
they'll keep me entertained with their antics while I do my work.

And.. to my dearest, Happy 6 yrs 11 mths Anniversary.
Can't wait to see to today.
Love you lot lot.

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