Saturday, March 17, 2007

Dah lama tak blog. Busy beb! EHHHhhhh... jangan ingat school holiday, cikgu dapat dok umah goyang kaki eh. I had 2 camps which officially took away my March hols. March holiday my foot!
Nasib baik NPCC camp tu kat resort.. terasa macam a paid holiday sikit. Thanks Benny.. selalu2 lah buat camp macam ni..

Tadik masa tgh mandi, baru terpikir something tau.. On this date, 8 months later.. I will be someone's wife already. Yati nak kahwin sey... biar btol... I'm still a kid!! Helllpppp!!

Dulu kan, selalu dengar orang bila tunang ni ada dugaan. Ramai gak yang tanya whether Im experiencing the same thing. Well, to me lah kan.. Shahreil n I ok jer.. gaduh biasalah.. benda2 sama gak gaduh.. 8 years and we still fight over the same silly things... Bila mau game dah? Tapi tu suma tak kisah, kita gaduh eksen jer.. I think the biggest dugaan for me is to witness men being huge jerks which totally cause me to lose faith in men and in marriages. Really ah. It has come to a point where I feel that buat apa kahwin, kalau last-last jadik macam ni. I know its unfair to Shahreil cos for the past 8 years he has never done anything to show that he's part of the keparats category, but still... I bet those women thought of their would-be hubbies as being Mr wonderful also kan? But look what happen now, 30 years later..those Mr Wonderfuls has turned out to be total jerks. Kalau ikutkan hati, aku ikat ni suma setan2 kat atas Twin Towers ah. Geramnyer aku!!!!!!

And kadang2 tgk the wives ni.. *sigh*. I do not know whether to think of their stance as a sign of weakness or strength. I get angry when I see the wives still being isteri2 soleha to these undeserving jerks. I thought, lemahnya perempuan sampai kena tindas habis-habisan dengan gondol2 ni. Tapi kadang2, I see it as strength.. even though they merana macam mana pun, they still have put on a brave front and layan hubby macam biasa in the hope that these gondols will realise their mistakes. We were talking about it just now (me, ikin and tiot).. and I thought, ini ke nasib orang perempuan? Will this be my fate as well? Scary huh? And when the time comes will I be as weak/strong (whichever way you see it) as the women before me?

1 comment:

Julie said...

Open, heart to heart communication is the best in anything and everything.. most of the time, men need to be told what and what not to do (macam budak-budak lah kan). If you're not happy with something, tell him.. and if you think you're not getting enough out of him - on whatever lah - help with the chores ke, hugs ke, compliments ke.. tell him that too. Women tend to expect their partner to play mind games and guess what we want/need.. but ah, I found out it doesn't work that way (at all). So don't hesitate to tell him what's on your mind.. no matter how petty it may seem.

Good communication is the key to a bliss and successful relationship. Percayalah cakap kakak :)