Friday, March 30, 2007

This has been like the busiest year ever for me (I think I say that EVERY year!)
But really.. I have like a thousand things that a million things to do every day.
Sometimes its so bad that, thinking about the tasks I have to complete causes me to have difficulty breathing. Teruk kan...?

Tapi tak apa, I will tackle one thing at a time.
Pelan pelan kayuh..

It's the weekends, and the things I am looking forward to:

a) Going JB: Well... not so much going there ..I dun like to go there. Its just the thought of meeting my cousins that seems good.

b) Good Friday: This is a pleasant suprise cos I didnt know Gd Friday is next week. And I've got a really good idea of what I want to do.. Make a guess peeps. Alaaaa....teka ah.. Cepat..Teka...
Jeng Jeng Jeng... NAK GO BURU!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH......
Tapi yang ni takleh happy sangat. Slalu happy2, tak jadik. So this time..rilek jer.

c) Abg Asim's Wedding: Ni pun kat Buru gak. Pegi ke tak eh? Apalah Abg Asim ni, salah pilih hari. Awat hang nikah hari jumaat/ sanding hari minggu? Bukankah hang ramai sodara kat Singapura? Tapi tak apalah abg Asim, selamat pengantin baru in advance. Kawin jugak abg sodara aku sorang ni.

Lagi 45 minit meeting. Punyalah malas nak pegi. Tapi apakan daya...

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