Friday, November 09, 2007

I fell in love with Hang Jebat at the tender age of 8, when I first read the book 'Hang Tuah'.
It was actually the very first non-kiddy book that I read. It was by accident really, as I had nothing to do so I ended up rummaging through my granddad's rather impressive book shelves. Maybe, it was the cheery yellow cover that caught my attention. I flipped through the book, read the first few lines and before I knew it I was so drawn into the story. I remember crying so hard by the time I reached the last page. From that very moment, Hang Jebat became my hero. And I grew up hating Hang Tuah. Everytime someone mentioned Hang Tuah as pahlawan Melayu terbilang, I'd roll my eyes.

Being a Malay Studies student in NUS sort of changed the way that I see things though. I realised that things are not so simple. Its not really black and white. So, I wont go into who's wrong and who's right.

But I always wonder how would things turn out if only Jebat wasn't killed that fateful day? What if Jebat and Tuah had worked together and rule Malacca?

Oh.. if only I have a time-machine.

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