Thursday, July 10, 2008

The last 2 weeks have been pretty hectic.
Oral exams. I do enjoy listening to the kids blabbering about stuffs, its the dropping everything at work immediately after school to rush to the exam venue that I hate.
Simply because, work when left like that will only pile and pile and pile.
So yup, I've got 2 weeks worth of marking to catch up on. Siapa nak tolong, angkat tangan!

To make things worse, Im now moving very sloooooooowly.
The little one inside me is growing and growing.
Apparently, he's already 2.5kg now.
Patutlah aku dah start jalan macam kura-kura tak makan sebulan.
It takes me forever to walk from Bukit Gombak MRT to block 532, you know.
Sabar jelah..lagik sebulan.

I really can't wait to have him in my arms.
But at the same time, I believe that I will miss having him in me.
(yelah tu... padahal madang komplen aja!)
I have been spending whatever free time I have staring at my stomach to watch him move.
It's really quite fascinating.

Im pretty nervous right now.
I feel like Im not prepared AT ALL.
Hopefully, once I've started my maternity leave..I will have time to do the necessary preparations.
Right now, every time I reach home from work, all I want to do is lie down.
PENAT tak leh handle ah.
It's like, I go on and on and on at work like a robot..
And once I stop, all the tiredness that I've accumulated throughout the day just hit me.

But it's Thursday.
One more day to survive before its the weekends.
Hope this weekend will be like last weekend.
Spent 2 days with Shahreil's buddies.
Laughter galore. I was laughing so hard, I seriously thought I was going into labour!

Enough babbling.
Kaki dah semut-semut..

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