Monday, November 27, 2006

Batam trip was ok.
Little disappointments here and there due to a few unexpected stuffs, but I guess, I have to make the best out of everything.

Going for spa @ Mustika Ratu was a totally new experience for me.
I felt totally like a pampered princess, having someone to massage, scrub, and bathe (yes! bathe!), and towel-dry me.
I felt like a chicken.. dikukus, direbus and akhirnya dipanggang.
I felt like a victim, groped here and there.
I felt like a porn star, prancing around naked infront of strangers like its nobody's business.
But I came out of the place, 3 hours later feeling extremely refreshed.
And all these for onli $58.

Today's Monday..4 and half more days to the end of my OBTC.
And I hate to admit this, but I do enjoy my course.
I threw tantrums, had terrible mood swings, cried, and back to throwing tantrums before I started the course.
It felt super terrible because I was forced to be in something I thought wasnt suitable enough for me.
Im a dancing kind of girl...what in the world would I want to be in NPCC?
I felt trapped.
With much dread (and hatred for the person who forced me), i went for my course.
I ended up enjoying myself.
I made really good frens, did things that reminded me of my sec/jc days (kayaking, pitch tents, obstacle course, abseiling), did things that I never thought I would do(rock-climbing, flying fox, revolver shooting).

So, yeah..Shahreil can go on and say.."I told you.."
I am enjoying myself.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Housing estet yang baru2 ni pelik sikit eh?
Yelah, terlampau banyak palang2/tembok2 kat kolong blok.
I've sort of lost my way too many times @ Sengkang/Punggol.
Way to many times I've had to walk in circles just because my path from spot A to spot B is ridiculously blocked by a tembok. Stupid kan. (NOT me. The tembok that doesnt seem to have any business over there)
And of course, the too many temboks kadang2 quite menyeramkan cos we never know who might jump on us.

Enough about the tembok. Tak boleh komplen banyak2, nanti Shahreil ada lebih banyak alasan untuk tidak tidak beli rumah di Punggol.

Yesterday, was the penutup for jalan raya.
Me n my dunman frens.
Shahreil tak ikut. Boring tau. Now I know how Adik felt when her abang tak ikut all those years while the rest of us berkepit ngan partner masing2.
Tapi tak apa... I was busy playing mummy to anak2 Ryz n Ajai.
Penat gak beb melayan karenah budak2 tu.
Tahun ni ada 'member' baru. Boypren Yan. Biasalah, kalau dah orang baru..mesti kena sakat habis2 ngan Ryzal.

Lagik..dua jam, I can go home. Yippee...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Our first year beraya as Anangs.. Heheheh..
Hey, guess what I did today??
I went marketing.. with Shahreil!
Best tau.
He came to my house at 9am and off we go to pasar..
with Shahreil pushing the trolley.

Anyways, while chatting with Ikin and Mummy yesterday, Ikin suddenly said,
"In 1 year.. you'll be married, and we cant do this anymore.."
All the things Im used to in my life.
Sitting around after dinner talking non-stop with my sisters n mom.
Sleeping in my room.
Kissing Mahathir gd nite.
Tucking Amira to bed. This might sound weird, considering she's already 12 years old. But I've been doing that for nearly 12 years! I will cover her with a blanket. Kiss her on both cheeks and she'll do the same to me..hug her and say "Good Nite, mummy. Ok.. another weird thing, I call her mummy. Dunno why also. Even when Im off to camps or holidays, Amira will call me just to say good night. Gosh..Im so going to miss her.

Sometimes I feel its unfair that I am the one who has to get used to new things.
Change school, move to the west side, stay in his house bla..bla bla..
Why am I making all the sacrifices??? WHY ME?!!!

Im getting cold feet.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Congrats to my boy, who finally got promoted to Sec 3.
It felt really good to see both of them (the boy + the dad) smiling so proudly.
Most of the time when I see the father, I had nothing but bad news... skipping class, skipping lessons, late..bla bla.. Takpenah yang happy. It's not something that I enjoy doing, you know.

Shahreil says that I shouldnt care too much about them.
But I cant help it.
Especially for those in my form class.
For one whole year, Im like a mother to them.
Macam emak kucing jaga anak2 kucing dia.
I know everything about them.
Family, financial state of the family, emak siapa ada affair, bapak siapa baru kena buang keje, kakak siapa lari rumah...
Everything they do inside or outside school will come back to me.
I'm the nurse when they injure themselves during PE.
I'm the aunt aggie when they break up.
I'm the mak tiri when they cabut kelas..
So, obviously, after a while.. I really feel for them.
Rasa bangga teramat sangat masa nampak Ivan first time baca pledge atas stage, bila Zulaiha broke records during Sports Day, bila my darling Thai boy Memutti masuk finals Nike Joga, bila Berdine improved her 2nd semester results, bila other teachers come to me once in a while to praise my kids. Hahah.. Macam mak2 kan?
Semalam, masa jalan kat Plaza Sing, I saw Muhaimin workig @ Golden V. My heart was filled with pride when i saw my boy looking so smart and so adult. Hahah...

One of the perks bila jadik cikgu.
You get to see boys and girls turn into young adults.
And you know that you are part of that process.
And hope that somehow you did make a difference in their life. Big or small.