Thursday, May 17, 2007

I had a wonderful wonderful time slacking @ home yesterday.
Thanks to my dear dr choong? cheong? cheung?
Damn. After more than 10 years I still do not know how to spell his name.

It was wonderful because, I really needed the rest.
My body. My brain. My sanity.
And the fact that mum was on leave. Daddy too. And Tiot slept over.
Wow! Superb!
So, while everyone else was slogging at work.. we were at home, chit chatting happily.
Melingkar mcm ular sawa.
Watched dvds.
Munched on tidbits.
It felt like a holiday.
Too bad we couldnt psycho Tiot to take mc as well, so off she went to work @ 8pm.

Im super excited about tomorrow.
I'm always excited about 18 May.
Because 18 May means lots of love, fun and most importantly PREZZIES!! I love prezzies!!!

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