Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I am in school.
I just realise that I spent longer and longer hours in school now.
Partly it's because of work.
But I believe a large part of it, is due to the fact that home does not provide me with any kind of solace anymore.
There used to be a time where I couldn't wait for the 2.30 bell. I'd quickly pack my stuffs and rush home. Home meant a good cold drink, a nicely prepared meal, a good well-deserved rest infront of the tv, a nice warm shower and maybe a short nap.
Home = Solace from the hectic life @ work

How things have changed.
I seek solace AT the workplace.
I drag my feet home.
Cos home means, worry whether there's food on the table, whether toilet is scrubbed, whether room is tidy... basically more work, more worries and more stress.

True, no maid means more money for the family.
But sometimes I ask myself, WHAT family?
Everyone is irritated at everyoe else that FAMILY cease to exist harmoniously.
I dont even feel like talking to anyone at home.
Hell.. I dont even feel like coming home.
Not that I want to shirk responsibility.
I just wish that responsibilities are shouldered equally.
Well, did try that before.
But some people simply do not understand the meaning of shared responsibility.
Or their idea of a shared responsibility is totally different from mine.
In the end, i gave up.
Why let people walk all over me?
But of course, those people are still blind why Im doing what im doing right now.
I dont give a damn.
I have enough spending power to have my lunch/dinner outside.
I have enough money to stay out as much as possible, as many nights as I feel like it.

Come to me when you start working and know the real meaning of EXHAUSTION and STRESS.

Go get your eyesight checked. You are just blinded by some kind of misplaced loyalty. If Im the type to make a big HOOHAA everytime I do a bit of work, I would have been a HOD by now. Im not the kind of person who trumpet all the things I do. You only know there's food on the bloody table. But do you the the time, money, effort I put in, preparing the food? Of course not, cos by the time you wake up, its midday. And I've already finished cooking, you blind moron!

I've let it out.

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