Sunday, March 30, 2008

Kungfu kicks.

I'm getting very excited about the baby, now that I can really see my tummy growing and feel little kicks here and there.
The first real kick happened on Wednesday while I was at the salon.
Woah! No longer felt like gas bubbles, but real kungfu kicks by my little one.

I can't wait to see you!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Im on mc today.
And as usual, its more about being mentally sick.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Well, it looks like I really really really really reaaaaaallllly am NOT going to Peterpan's show @ JB.
Shahreil has his reasons ( and good ones too, I must admit) .. but DAMN.

And, Shahreil has got me hooked onto this game on his phone.

And I'm bored.
Come back lah sayang.
Buat apalah kerja hari Saturday.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

It was a busy busy day for me.
Started way early in the morning when I had to drag myself out of bed at 530 am to go to school.
Keje keje keje... stress dah mula datang balik. Lucky for me, my babe was in school too, so I had someone to make me laugh with her silly selenge stories, as always.

Met my kids at Pizza Hut Compass.
Akhirnya, dapatlah aku belanja budak-budak itu yang bertungkus lumus rewang waktu aku kahwin dulu.
Lucky for me, they had students value meals. Dengan cikgu-cikgu sekali makan at student rate. Heheh.. Best kan????

Met Yan and Adik after maghrib to catch up on latest news & gossips.
Just like old times.
Tapi dah tua eh kita? time flies..

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm definitely a better person during holidays.
Not cranky. Shahreil will agree to that.
We just had a lovely day out today. Rasa macam tgh honeymoon pulak.

I don't think I can get to go to the Peterpan concert @ Johor.
Shahreil macam tak kasi jer.
There goes my chance of seducing Ariel.
Eh! Ingat perut aku dah boncit macam ni dah tak leh tackle Ariel per?!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Oh Ohh.. I think I'm allergic to work.
The moment I switched on the PC to get some work done (before the one week break ends), I got a terrible headache.
Oh ohh..
I'm convinced that I am meant to live the life of a tai tai.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

I've been spending the last 3 days thinking of ways to be rich.
Suma salah speaker-speaker tulah yang berjaya untuk bukan sahaja memotivasikan anak-anak muridku supaya mengejar impian mereka, tetapi menyebabkan guru-guru yang turut mendengar rasa seolah-olah mereka juga boleh buat perkara yang sama.
So, yeah..been memerah otak thinking of ways to reach my first million before I turn 100.
BUT... at the very end of the session today, I realised that maybe (maybe jer eh!).. money is not everything.
Knowing that somehow what I say or do meant something to someone made me feel like a million bucks.
Getting those hugs and thanks made me feel even richer.

How is it possible to feel so much love for people who are not even related to you, who irritate you half the time, who cause you so much stress, who, most probably, not even remember you in a few years time?
I still wonder.
But I really do love you guys.
Every single one of you, little devils.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

P.S I Love You

Ikin & Tiot dragged me to watch P.S I Love You last night.
I was really reluctant to catch that show as I'm not a huge fan of sad, romantic movies.
I hate crying in theatres, as Shahreil will always make fun of me.
Anyways, I remember picking up the book maybe last year, before the movie was made(I think), and putting it back on the shelf as I knew it'd be a sad sad novel.
So, I really can't believe that I went to watch the show!

And I've never cried that much watching a movie.
Ok, bedek ah.
But yesterday was bad... I cried THROUGHOUT. Bloody hell!
There were moments I thought I had totally used up all my tears, but then it came pouring again.
Ini suma salah korang ah! Aku dah kata jangan tengok...degil!

I love Gerard Butler. He's hot! Not as hot as when he was in 300...but still hot lah..

The couple in the movie actually reminds me of Shahreil & myself.
Shahreil is the fun loving, happy-go-lucky one.
And im the cranky bitch from hell.
That makes it worse.
I kept imagining, that's us.

I Love You, Sayang.
In case I do not say that phrase enough.
Or in case I do not have any more chance of saying that.
I just want to say.
I've loved you from the day we went kite flying @ Marina with your friends.
And will always love you.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Im Back!

Hey Hey!
Im back! Finally.

Shahreil's been pestering me to update this dusty old blog of mine.
So here I am.

I've been pretty messed up lately.
I'm just glad I'm finally done with the all the puking sessions.
Not very pleasant, I tell you.
I guess I've too many new things to adapt to, that it turned me into an emotional mess.
Im just lucky that i have Shahreil with me.
He has been so understanding these past few months.

I haven't talked much about being pregnant, have I?
Well, still don't feel like talking about it, actually.
Don't get me wrong. I'm totally looking forward to being a mummy.
I can't wait to go for scans to see the little one moving about in me.
I've even dreamt of the baby on so many occassions.
And I cant wait to see someone who looks like me & shahreil!
We'll know the gender next week. Tak sabarnyer!

Im going off in a few minutes time.
Will be meeting Ikin & Tiot for another movie date.
I miss girls only outings.
This will be good for me.