Saturday, March 15, 2008

It was a busy busy day for me.
Started way early in the morning when I had to drag myself out of bed at 530 am to go to school.
Keje keje keje... stress dah mula datang balik. Lucky for me, my babe was in school too, so I had someone to make me laugh with her silly selenge stories, as always.

Met my kids at Pizza Hut Compass.
Akhirnya, dapatlah aku belanja budak-budak itu yang bertungkus lumus rewang waktu aku kahwin dulu.
Lucky for me, they had students value meals. Dengan cikgu-cikgu sekali makan at student rate. Heheh.. Best kan????

Met Yan and Adik after maghrib to catch up on latest news & gossips.
Just like old times.
Tapi dah tua eh kita? time flies..

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