Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Im Back!

Hey Hey!
Im back! Finally.

Shahreil's been pestering me to update this dusty old blog of mine.
So here I am.

I've been pretty messed up lately.
I'm just glad I'm finally done with the all the puking sessions.
Not very pleasant, I tell you.
I guess I've too many new things to adapt to, that it turned me into an emotional mess.
Im just lucky that i have Shahreil with me.
He has been so understanding these past few months.

I haven't talked much about being pregnant, have I?
Well, still don't feel like talking about it, actually.
Don't get me wrong. I'm totally looking forward to being a mummy.
I can't wait to go for scans to see the little one moving about in me.
I've even dreamt of the baby on so many occassions.
And I cant wait to see someone who looks like me & shahreil!
We'll know the gender next week. Tak sabarnyer!

Im going off in a few minutes time.
Will be meeting Ikin & Tiot for another movie date.
I miss girls only outings.
This will be good for me.

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