Saturday, March 08, 2008

I've been spending the last 3 days thinking of ways to be rich.
Suma salah speaker-speaker tulah yang berjaya untuk bukan sahaja memotivasikan anak-anak muridku supaya mengejar impian mereka, tetapi menyebabkan guru-guru yang turut mendengar rasa seolah-olah mereka juga boleh buat perkara yang sama.
So, yeah..been memerah otak thinking of ways to reach my first million before I turn 100.
BUT... at the very end of the session today, I realised that maybe (maybe jer eh!).. money is not everything.
Knowing that somehow what I say or do meant something to someone made me feel like a million bucks.
Getting those hugs and thanks made me feel even richer.

How is it possible to feel so much love for people who are not even related to you, who irritate you half the time, who cause you so much stress, who, most probably, not even remember you in a few years time?
I still wonder.
But I really do love you guys.
Every single one of you, little devils.

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