Saturday, June 28, 2008


This week alone I read 2 articles about maids being abused, and it is definitely infuriating, not to mention disgusting!

I really do not understand these employers who treat their maids worse than dogs.

Hell! I bet they treat their dogs better than this!

What's wrong with these people?!

I can never imagine doing such things to my maids.

You see them day in day out, aren't they like family to you?

They are the ones who make sure that there's nice food for you on the table when you come back from work/school.They are the ones who make ice cool drinks for you when the weather's supremely hot outside.They are the ones who'd rub your back to make you feel better when you are sick and puking all over.

Sure, they are paid to do such things, but I believe that if you treat them like one of the family, they'd come to do such things out of love, which is far better.

I remember learning how to cook simple dishes when I was in primary school because I was hanging around too much in the kitchen with Bibik (who ended up being happily married to my uncle) as she's the only one at home to keep me company. I remember lying on my bed chatting to Mbakyu Sri whenever she's ironing, I remember the Saturday mornings where my siblings and I scrambled to clean up the house while Mbakyu Yem frantically cooked as we had spent hours infront of the tv watching Chinese movies on SCTV and now had to make sure the house was all spick and span before Mum came home from work. I remember bringing Mbakyu Tuty to watch Jeepers Creepers 2, holding suprise birthday parties and many many more.

Sure, I've had my fair share of maids from hell as well.

One who got pregnant.

One who thinks she's a hottie and tried to seduce every single man that stepped foot into my house and had affairs with so many guys that she was confronted by so many women.

One who had this habit of going throuh my phonebook and calling every single guy in it to ask out on a date.

One who tried to bomohkan the family.

But, the rest are simply nice women who came all the way here leaving their loved ones behind to make a decent living for their family.


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