Saturday, June 28, 2008


This week alone I read 2 articles about maids being abused, and it is definitely infuriating, not to mention disgusting!

I really do not understand these employers who treat their maids worse than dogs.

Hell! I bet they treat their dogs better than this!

What's wrong with these people?!

I can never imagine doing such things to my maids.

You see them day in day out, aren't they like family to you?

They are the ones who make sure that there's nice food for you on the table when you come back from work/school.They are the ones who make ice cool drinks for you when the weather's supremely hot outside.They are the ones who'd rub your back to make you feel better when you are sick and puking all over.

Sure, they are paid to do such things, but I believe that if you treat them like one of the family, they'd come to do such things out of love, which is far better.

I remember learning how to cook simple dishes when I was in primary school because I was hanging around too much in the kitchen with Bibik (who ended up being happily married to my uncle) as she's the only one at home to keep me company. I remember lying on my bed chatting to Mbakyu Sri whenever she's ironing, I remember the Saturday mornings where my siblings and I scrambled to clean up the house while Mbakyu Yem frantically cooked as we had spent hours infront of the tv watching Chinese movies on SCTV and now had to make sure the house was all spick and span before Mum came home from work. I remember bringing Mbakyu Tuty to watch Jeepers Creepers 2, holding suprise birthday parties and many many more.

Sure, I've had my fair share of maids from hell as well.

One who got pregnant.

One who thinks she's a hottie and tried to seduce every single man that stepped foot into my house and had affairs with so many guys that she was confronted by so many women.

One who had this habit of going throuh my phonebook and calling every single guy in it to ask out on a date.

One who tried to bomohkan the family.

But, the rest are simply nice women who came all the way here leaving their loved ones behind to make a decent living for their family.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So, I turned a year older yesterday.
28..Hmm.. I still feel 18 though. Age is just a number anyway.
Many thanks to all those who remembered my birthday.
I really feel so loved.
All the kiddos in school, darling cousins, families, friends..

The most special, is of course, from my other half.
My first birthday as a wife.
I got a new hp!
Yeah beby!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Let's Party

I was led to believe that I had organised a makan-makan session for the cousins on Sunday afternoon. I asked Ikin to sms the rest of the ladies and she said that almost all of our dearies will be able to make it.

When it was about time for me to get ready, Shahreil dengan manjanyer kata, "Yang..niari kita pakai baju sama colour nak?" Dalam hati berkata, dah tebiat agaknya budak ni.. Tapi kuikutkan sahaja. He asked me to wear blue, and I almost refused cos I do not have any more blue tops that can fit the bloated me. Nyaris-nyaris nak buat perangai, tapi tiba-tiba teringat ada lah baju biru yang terselit dalam almari.

So, there we were at my void-deck in blue.
Rupa-rupanyer ada udang di sebalik batu.
Kat koridor, we were blindfolded and led into the house.

Ada suprise rupanyer! Hahahah... My Birthday Party-cum-Baby Shower.

Apparently, the whole thing was planned like 2 months back by the girls.

Tipah tertipu lah ni.

Shahreil knew about the Birthday suprise, tapi dia disuprisekan dengan the Baby shower.

So, there we were, the Mum & Dad to be.

I was so thrilled by the fact that they had prepared everything imaginable.

Deco, food, prezzies, games etc.

And the best part, everyone wore blue! My favourite colour!

And they all were 'pregnant'! That was hilarious!

I even had this big-ass cake. Hahah. I love cakes!

Especially one that says.. HOT MAMA!

One of the games... Names for my baby boy.

I chose Aisyah's Putra Adryann Mifzal.

Shahreil preferred Fati's Adli Alfian.

All in all, I had a wonderful time.

Surrounded by my favouritest people. Feeling so loved by everyone, who apparently spent 1 week of sleepovers just to prepare everything. Tu part aku jeles. They had sleepovers and I wasn't there! Ini tidak adil!

But then again, thank you!

I love you all lot lot.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Lately, I've been missing Buru.
And I have no idea why.
Once my little R is big enough to travel, we'll balik kampung okies.
And Pak Mat gets to show off his brand new grandson.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Today is a gift

I finally baked Shahreil his apple crumble.
And I know sayang, it was NEVER about the crumble.
I'm not that dense.
So, yup.. after months of procrastinating..I finally did it!
And glad that he loved it.

Today was another wonderful day.
Wonderful is an understatement, even.
I began the day very early, making my way to the east side.
Once there, asked mbak yu to help buy us all the junk food that she can get her hands onto for our mini gathering.
While waiting for Nadia to arrive, me, Ikin n Diana gossipped..gossipped..gossipped.
When Nadia came, she joined in the session.
Gossip about what, you may wonder.
Anything and evrything worth bitching about.
Today it was Fasha Sandha and Citot and Fatima B.
And all the while, I was enjoying the siput sedut masak kicap that Mbak Yu cooked yesterday.
Heavenly, I tell you! When was the last time I had siput sedut?!
Lama oiiii...

ANyways, our dear Prebet Tiot (not for long thou, she finally tendered her resignation! YEAHHHH!) arrived shortly after that.
We watched Club Dredd, the perfect B Grade movie for us and ate and ate and ate.
(ice cream, koka noodle, coke, potato chips, lime drink)
And suprise suprise... daddy came home at about noon!
How nice is that?!
I miss my dad. I really really do.
It felt so good to see him at the door just now.

After the movie, we had a mesyuarat tergempar.
No need to mention what it was about here, thou.
I decided to try buat kuih lompang (or lengkong, according to Nadia!) while we we having the discussion. Not bad.. not bad..
I was quite unsure about it cos there very different versions of the recipe on the internet.
But the one I decided to choose turn out ok.

Mum came home soon after with mangosteen.
And I was actually thinking of eating mangosteen that very morning!
And to complete it all..our dear Luqman came over after maghrib!
Macam raya lah pulak kan... suma sepupu sepapat ku dtg!

So, it was a PERFECT day!

Monday, June 02, 2008

So, my school holiday officially starts today.
And what a way to start 2 weeks of nothingness.. a meet-up with 2 of my closest buddiest from tpjc! Faheema & Sahriana.
I remember Sahriana as the very first friend I made when I entered TPJC.
She was in her green TKG uniform and of course, who'd forget her very very looooonnng hair.
She was extremely friendly too, introducing me to anyone and everyone (since I was from YJC during the first 3 months and didnt know anyone there!)
Faheema was this curvaceous girl who walked like an itik serati. She looked quite aloof and I thought, "Eh eh..eksen nyer minah ni.."
Who would have guess that she was to become my lesbian partner for many years to come.

But, sadly..due to commitments, distance, and many other excuses.. we rarely get to meet each other.
We were therefore determined that this school holiday, we die die must meet!
Maka, terjadilah satu sesi berbual, mengumpat dan sebagainya selama 4 jam di IMM.

After 10 years, we are actually still the same giggly teenage girls that we were in 1997.