Monday, February 23, 2009

I've been tagged!

Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you."
I've been tagged by a few people, so here goes...
1. I've always known that I will be a checher one day. I spent my childhood 'marking' books. But some of the things that I did thought of doing along the way were: jual sayur kat pasar (serious!), a rubber tapper (after watching a Malaysian documentary about rubber tapping.. heheh), a dancer, a marketing executive (cos it sounded terribly nice, but I didnt even know what it meant back then!), a make-up counter girl and a photocopying lady. Heheh...
2. I hate the sound of alarm clock. I will make it a point to wake up BEFORE the alarm ring so that I can switch it off before the alarm goes off!
3. I will switch on the water heater no matter how hot the day is. Back @ Tampines, whenever the siblings step into a steamy toilet they will know who was the last person bathing. ME.
4. I had a 2 year love affair with WACKER.... a SIGNBOARD! When I was working @ Punggol, my bus will pass by this industrial building which had this huge, bright WACKER sign. It was so bright against the 6.15am background. It started with me saying things like.." Hi...I'm off to school again.. What a dread.." It progressed to me ASKING him questions like, "I feel like shit today, what about you..?" Soon , I had REAL conversations with him, in my head of course. He was like a companion during those lonely and dreadful journeys to work. Giler kan? Shahreil even gave me a mini WACKER signboard a few years back. Heheheh...
5. I do not like people who are not punctual. It's disrespectful. Paling tak suka kalau tengok wayang, and you have to wait for people. Sorry eh.. I will leave your tickets outside. If you can't be bothered to be on time, I can't be bothered to wait for you either.
6. I'm the eldest but the shortest among my siblings.
8. People have bantal busuk, I have bantal gentel. What do I gentel? The button. And not just any button, ada specific shape ok. I've always said to Shahreil, I will love him extra, if for my birthday he'd gave me a pillow fully covered with the said buttons.
9. Of all the vices, I do not like people who drinks. Macam pointless kan?
10. Shahreil was officially my 5th boyfriend. There was Abang Chan, yang second I don't even remember his name, third was Suffandy and 4th was Fairuz.
11. The first kaset that I bought was Exist. Zaman Untukmu Ibu. Hehhe..
12. My first date was with Ferdauz to watch Dikir Barat competition at SRJC. I was 15 or 16 years old.
13. I am terrified of plane rides!!!!
14. I was Pelajar Terbaik every year when I was at madrasah. My favourite ustazah, Ustazah Suaibah!!
15. I love jagung!!! (Except popcorns.. yucks!)
16. I love earrings. Ever since I stay at Bukit Batok, I can see my collection growing steadily since there is finally a proper place for me to keep them and no more 'borrowing' of earrings or earring 'walking' off by themselves. Heheh...
17. I am a spa addict.
18. I read anything and everything. Books, magazines, blogs, newspapers and sometimes when I have nothing else to read, I'll read pamplets/brochures/labels. My dream is to have a library of my own when I get my own house. (Ikin, buku-buku aku yang tertinggal kat Tampines aku nak balik ehhhhh...)
19. I do not like last minute stuffs. I like to know exactly what I am going to do for the day. Im not like Shahreil who simply go with the flow.
20. I hate waking up later than 9am cos I will have a terrible headache the whole day. Only after marrying Shahreil I've learnt to wake up late since he'll ask me to go back to sleep. Kalau kat Tampines, mampos kena jerit.
21. I like going to the market. I enjoyed the time me and Ikin had to go marketing when we were maid-less. We make such good marketing partners.
22. The ONLY time I slept alone at night was when I was at Kota Tinggi Resort for my NPCC camp. Kalau tak, tak pernah.
23. I like people to play with my hands. My sisters are the best. Kalau Shahreil, he'd expect me to geli2 his back when he play with my hands. Mana ada syiok gitu?! Apa saje..
24. I want to adopt children, if I have the means.
25. I dream of building and running my own orphanage one day. Not here though.. Most probably in Indonesia/ Malaysia.
Itu saja... Malas lah nak tag2 orang. Siapa2 yang takde mende nak buat.. silalah eh..

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