Sunday, March 08, 2009

Weekend Rush

As usual, my weekend was jam packed with so many activities.
The hubby and I were in a dilemma as to whether we should 'post' Ryan to the east on Friday.
As much as we neededhe break, we also couldn't bear to part with the handsome one. In fact, it just gets harder every week since he is getting cuter and cuter.
In the end, we agreed on sending him there, not wanting to risk the grandparents at Tampines coming all the way to BB to kidnap Ryan.
True enough, when we reached Tampines everyone there were in such low spirits as they thought Ryan wasn't coming after all.

Off we went to Kg Glam to meet the others.
Yg ni biasalah, talk crap over a cup of teh.

The next day, we met someone so very brilliant.
Yasmin Ahmad!

She was at the screening of Muallaf at Causeway Point.

I've always enjoyed Yasmin's movies. They are all so simple yet so meaningful. Her movies are usually so beautifully made and I am always so amazed by her intelligence. Just read her blog ( and you will know what I mean. I just don't understand why Malaysians are not that receptive to her films. She is such a gem!

Back to Muallaf... honestly, I didn't like it as much as Mukhsin. Not that there was anything wrong with the movie, but somehow Mukhsin was better. Maybe the subject matter in Mukhsin was lighter and closer to heart.. I just couldn't identify with the characters in Muallaf, though Sharifah Amani and her sister were so cute together and reminds me of Amira and myself.
Well, do watch Muallaf. And any other Yasmin Ahmad's movie. Tak rugilah...
The next day we went to Bottle Tree Village to celebrate Mak's birthday. Yang ke berapa? Well, I did ask Shahreil, but he doesn't know. Bertuah punya anak! Kalau Ryan tak tau umur aku brape, aku jotos kepala dia!
The place was pretty, though we didnt really get to jalan2 there cos we were rushing to fetch Ryan after that.

Now, I will present to you what we had last night.. Jangan jeles eh...
First up, the squid.. It looked good and taste even better. Rasa masam2 sikit, syiokkk.

Next up is the Hotplate Beancurd. Tengo tu, tak sama kan ngan yang biasa. DIa pakai tahu biasa jer... But it was suorisingly rather nice. I like the gravy.

Yang ini saya tak sentuh pun. I am ok with fish. It's just that I don't believe in eating a fish which I can clearly see its face like that. Macam sadistic kan!!!

Sayur my favourite. Kalau tak ada lauk lain, ada sayur aja pun best.

Apatah lagi kailan macam ni! Sedapnyer.. I think I liked this dish the best last night. I could actually smell the belacan + chilli when they place the dish in front of me.

The pineapple rice we had was also very nice. Ni tak sempat nak amik gambar orang dah senduk nasi dulu...

UDANG!!!!!! UDANG!!!! UDANG!!!!!! I am a sucker for udang, especially udang yang besar macam ni. Kalau udang kan, dengan kulit2 dia, ngan kepala2 dia aku bedal! And the udang yesterday was superbly delicious!

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... yang ni aku dah mengidam selama berminggu minggu, ever since I read Ida's and Ifah's blog. It was nice, of course.. the crab was so berisi. Not that I chose the crab myself. They did bring the live crab to the table, but I quickly looked away. Kalau dah ternampak the crab alive and kicking, I will never ever ever EVER eat it. Kan sadistic jugak tu! The dish was sedap but I'd prefer if it was a little spicy.

So, apa lagi? Pegi lah singgah kat Bottle Tree Village!

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