Friday, August 14, 2009


I know I haven't been updating this blog as religiously as before.
Life has been pretty busy for me. Wait a minute! Not busy, but HECTIC.
I feel as though I'm running here and there and everywhere all the time.
I know this is just temporary, and I can't wait for the day when everything's settled and I can finally sit back, relax and sip a cup of that aromatic tea that I've always loved. *aaaahhhhh* Just the thought of that sends me to a moment of that elusive blissful feeling.

Ryan's turning one in a few days time. I can't wait for the day to come because, first, it's a major milestone in his life. (*muahz* *muahz* *muahz* Ibu loves you, sayang!) and second, I can't wait for what seems like an 'alih bulan/tahun' syndrome to vanish into the thin air! Yup, it has been quite terrible these past few nights with him crying at night and wanting to sleep with my arms around him! We couldn't really pin point to what is causing Ryan to act up like that (rumah baru/panas/gatal2/banyak main/alih bulan/sakit/gangguan?). But I hope it's just an alih bulan thingy lah eh cos if I remember correctly, he almost always acts up a little at night when it's nearing 16th.

This year has been pretty sad, what with the deaths of so many people that i know (personally or otherwise)

It started with Pak Long. And I still get a sick feeling in my stomach whenever I see blue taxis because they always remind me of him and how I used to take a look at all the drivers in blue taxis hoping that it was him.

Michael Jackson tak yah cakap lah eh.

Then it was Yasmin Ahmad. I was terribly sad that such a gem like her is gone forever. I haven't had enough of her work. It feels like she has so much more to give.

And just yesterday, while I did my routine check on artismelayu for hot entertainment gossips, I was presented with the shocking news that Ustaz Asri of Rabbani died of heart attack. I am great fan of Ustaz Ari. It all started when I watched Erra & Yusri's wedding video, which showed them entering the wedding reception area accompanied by Ustaz Asri's reciting some doa as opposed to the usual kompang. It was sssoooooooo syahdu. I dreamt of him coming over and doing the same thing at MY wedding. Hehhehe... And it was such a coincidence that the night before, I searched for his CD which has him reciting the surahs, when Ryan was once again crying in the middle of the night. And I read his blog this morning and when I saw his entry that has his very young son's grinning photo, I nearly teared because that's another child who has just lost his dad.

All these just made me realise how short life is.
Let me leave with something I got off Ustaz Azri's blog:

"Aku adalah pengejar syurga akhirat, bagiku dunia ini adalah tempat mempersiapkan segala sesuatu untuk meraih syurga akhirat; aku yakin bahawa syurga akhirat tidak akan pernah dapat aku raih kecuali aku boleh menikmati syurga dunia terlebih dahulu. Maka rumah dan keluargaku adalah syurga dunia paling indah buatku. Tempat kerja syurga dunia harianku. Tetangga, masyarakat,dan bangsa adalah syurga duniaku yang lebih luas. Ke manapun dan sampai bila-bila pun syurgaku selalu bersamaku."

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