Friday, November 12, 2010


I guess most of you must have heard/read on FB/seen my ass getting bigger... Yup, I am pregnant! He/She is still just 8.8 mm... And will come out, somewhere at the end of June. Great planning, huh? I get to spend my last (and heaviest and most probably, hardest month) at home... and then, it's a solid 4 months maternity...and then it's the school hols again. Teachers MUST time their pregnancies nicely, or else... we'll be back in school in the middle of a semester and it sucks big time coming into class and trying to implement your rules when the kids are already comfortable with whatever rules (or lack of!) that's already in the class.

And yeah, we both thought that the timing's perfect since Ryan is at the right age to have a new friend at home. He has been having our undivided love and attention for the past 2 years plus and now it's time for him to learn to share. And I believe strongly that my boy will be a great elder brother! Just last night he tried very hard to squeeze tiny balls of Playdoh into my bellybutton because he said that 'adik' is playing with playdoh. See! He loves the adik in my tummy already!

My dear gynae mentioned that we will just go through the whole process all over again. But somehow this time round, the feeling's rather different. I guess when I was pregnant the first time round, I only saw sunshine and daisies and balloons.. You know, the beautiful picture. Now, I know that with all the beautiful things, there will be the horrible weight gain, the swollen, elephant feet (that had me crying like a baby the last time!), the nausea which I am still waiting for, the backaches, the sleepless nights, the endless trips to the bathroom, the pain and vomitting in the delivery room. Fuh! Scary!

Not to mean that Im not glad to be pregnant, I am, of cos! It's just that I am more aware what I am in for.

Hopefully, this time round.. I will have less anxiety of expecting the unknown. I now know what to do when Im forever feeling hungry but I can't eat too much cos I will vomit (like now). I now know what Braxton Hicks feels like. I now know what to pack in my bag, I now know what to do before going to the hospital. I now know not to get too agitated by well-meaning relatives who sometimes interfere too much on how to bring up my kid, I know now not to get too depressed if my baby doesnt want to drink my milk, I know now that I can't possibly do everything myself and should ask for help. Yup! With knowledge and experience, it should be better. The challenge I believe is taking care of myself while taking care of a toddler and the house and work. But, Insyallah, I will manage, with the support and love of my darling husband.

9 months.
Pray for my baby's health and safety, you all!

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