Thursday, January 06, 2005

Only Wed??? I'm tired.. you can see.. I've been very busy with work since school starts. But i'm ok, so far. Have to be ok since its only like the FIRST week of school! Still 9 weeks to go!

HAd a freaky incident in school yesterday. I was in this classroom waiting for my kids to come in..they were still in the assembly ground and the school was extra quiet for the day cos of the new and very tight discipline that the discipline comm is trying to implement. Neway, i was in the class all alone and when i came in, i thought to myself..shall i open the windows while waiting for the kids? But then, i decided NOT to cos i wanted to train the kids to open the windows themselves once they enter the class. So, i sat down and flipped thru the txtbk. Not more than a minute later, i looked up and guess wat! The windows are open! First, u have to know that i AM not the quick-to-freak-out-type when it comes to strange happenings like this. Cos most of the time i like to make myself feel better by giving scintific explanations for most things. SO i stared at the opened windows for a full half minute, raking my brain for one...but i cant find one.. It still gv me the creeps. I mean, no one walked past and it was dead quiet. I was like "thanks..but u really didnt hv to do dat" to whoever or whateve that opened the windows for me.. Of coz, i got the hell out of there and waited for my students outside of the class.

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StimGam said...
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