Saturday, July 01, 2006

One week into work and my migrane is back.
I think its migrane..or what my dear dr cheung call stress-headache.
Yup, I'm stressed.
Only 1 week. 9 more weeks to go, Yati.
It's ok. Shahreil told me to tackle one task at a time.
So, I've already done the Youth Day concert rehearsal this morning. (Me n Geok Eng are i/รง of this AGAIN!)
I will prepare the ML Common Test THIS WEEKEND.
I will have to start thinking abt the TLLM booth for the EXCEL fest this Fri n Sat.
Then there's the SEc 2 camp..
And the N Level Oral..
And the Racial HArmony concert in 3 weeks time. (apa? muka aku ni muka concert ke??)
And of course, the I LOVE PUNGGOL Carnival + Speech Day on 8th August.

Stressed beb, tapi mcam exciting pun ada gak.
ANd the fact that I know all the other teachers are as busy and stressed up as I am.
I get to bitch about the workload with my teacher-frens on msn... and in the staff lounge.
And it makes me feel better.
A little sadistic, I know.

But I still want this headache to go away.
Its making me cranky everyday.
Its making me too sick to do anything except jump onto the bed.
I slept @ 8pm yesterday! Can you imagine.. 8!

In the meantime, I will enjoy my saturday.
Anyone want to go Batam tmr?? I miss my choconutz.

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